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Everything posted by psytones

  1. So Red, what album is that? Looks cool, shot through a miniatyr car, because that alien is obviously a hand, right? np. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdXjQTFyTic
  2. psytones


    Anakoluth - Beyond Reach EP (Cronomi Records) 2009 (CRONOMI001EP) Roman Hunziker Aka. Anakoluth has since the year 2004 and before produced banging and soft nighttime progressive Goa-vibe PsyTrance with a lot of space and universal emotions intact. In late 2008 he released his critically acclaimed debut EP, Dwelling in the Void on Ektoplazm and has since worked hard to improve and manifest his own unique sound upon the lovers of old-skool progressive trance music. The Beyond Reach EP has been released on Cronomi Records and it’s defiantly ready to give you more of the beloved Anakoluth sound with a upgraded impression of inspiration. On his second EP, it's just not travelling in space atmospheres that count... After his landing on an alien planet on his debut EP's final track (see my review of it for understanding), we are introduced to more jungle grooves in space with infected melodies of play and fun. Join me as we enter Anakoluth's Beyond Reach. 1. Analemma (9:03) 2. Echolot (8:22) 3. Patterns In The Chaos (10:40) 4. Iapetus (8:47) 1. The intro track on the Beyond Reach EP starts out strange and eerie setting you in a mood that seems to be almost unique to Anakoluths space-brain creativity. Something special is about to happen, and a progressive Goa-trance bass kicks in with tribal drums coming and going followed by typical Anakoluth sounds which echoes into a less evident void then before. Spooky-like elements pass gently by the tracks side while it steady and confident builds in energy and story. Melodies are introduced in subtle manners and you can clearly recognize the feel of Anakoluth’s driving force. Driving powers and beautiful set-up’s is this EP’s trademark in journey and sound. - Analemma, what a strange name for a track. What is it you ask? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analemmae As the saying goes, we learn something new each day of our life. The tracks mood and curiosity in melodies and build defiantly manages to put a celestial smile on my face, that’s for sure. Analemma is a good opener to lure us into a strange and exiting journey by the old-skool proggy-like guy from Switzerland. 2. Again a haunting mood, more power to the bassline with some harder hitting sound effects and a stronger stomper feel is presented. The track is higher in tempo and it seems to have some mystery to its space/jungle vibe. It’s defiantly clear that Anakoluth is paying much more attention to the complexity and travelling sound images that are available in the pool of knowledge. Echolot contains the by now well known Anakoluth melody-work with space travel inside groovy jungle areas. Melodies are defiantly getting more intense, grabbing you by the ears and dragging you where ever the twister may lead you. 3. The few voice samples I’ve heard from Anakoluth’s work, I find myself enjoying a lot. Their used with careful precision and has some kind of philosophical theme going on, this one is no different. I think many of us have been lost in the illusion and delusion of finding patterns in chaos. There is something exiting about managing to follow a pattern inside chaos, it makes one feel complex and attentive to details + it may leave you a tad more insane then before. This track isn’t very chaotic pr say, but the sample is a thinker for sure as it’s repeated over and over in certain areas of the track. Patterns in the Chaos got a sound that arrives at 01:50 which reminds me very much of the sound used by Yudhisthira in their Matter Is a Myth track, but that’s fine, no problem. This track has a lot of floating elements guiding you through its story of patterns in the chaos; it feels very enchanting and strange with some sweet touches of dancing bliss here and there. Some of the floating leads give me a strong feeling of the old Psysex trance-lead magic and it’s just the drive I love and feel hypnotized by! After a breakdown on the 6:15 mark, we get a wilder melodic play with some infected vibes in its vivid imagination while the stomping progressive Goa-beat takes us to never ever land. This is all very cool, but since he’s being so much more complex then what I’m used to, I can’t help to feel that something is missing, something I can’t really put my finger on. Maybe on his third EP will I get the complete psytisfaction I’m craving? This track is absolutely respectfully great with spacey sounds, drum works and melodies to infect ones brain, though it wears me out a little. 4. Last on this EP we get a steadier track with heavy basslines ripping your speaker apart in the most spectacular way. Powerful grooves and echoing sounds makes Iapetus to be a very pleasant journey. ‘Heisann hoppsann falle-ralle-ra, på julekvelden da skal alle sammen være glad! Daggadagga....’ Nice work on the elemental details, so it deserves to be played loud on massive deep speakers with crystal clear feedback. The trademark sound which is getting more evident by Anakoluth, is truly something to respect. The deep grooves and the clear sounds that follow are a delight to experience. It’s very alluring. Again the typical melodies by Anakoluth appear to spice up the vibe. Effects are tightening and the journey is blasting without stressing. Again, the melodies used are getting infected and the power is steady yet pumping’ - Before it ends on its peak with a closing sample about something hundreds of miles an hour in a feeble gravitational field. Recommendation: The return of Anakoluth free EP’s is on the verge of twisting your mind. It’s crystal clear that Anakoluth has upgraded both his equipment and skill when it comes to music making. I loved the innocent feel of his debut EP, Dwelling in the Void, and I truly respect his evolution in his Beyond Reach EP. I think he sort of lost, yet gained some personal identity with this second EP which is released on Cronomi Records, based in Israel. It’s way better in complexity and for sure has loads more sounds to feast your ears and hands on then on his debut. Gone are the lonely space travels, and hello are the jungle energy with some space mood aka Anakoluth sounds. Personally, I would recommend that you download both his debut and this follow up EP and burn them on one CDr (both EP’s fit into one CD). Because when you experience them both after each other it is one massive journey from beginning to end, and I’m feeling very curious and exited about what will happen in Anakoluth’s third release.. A minor problem is that the individual stories (tracks) end too rapidly without building them down again – He uses such nice and patient time to build up the tracks, but for some reason he sort of builds to the climax, plays a little with the melodies only to let you hang there without finishing or landing the journey properly. Of course, it’s better to let us hang loose in light and bliss then darkness and paranoia, so kudos on that. But still I’m curious of why he’s decided to do it like this because his tracks, the way he builds them, could without ruining the trip add a couple of more minutes to evolve and land the story proper before letting it rest. This seems to be an issue with most of his tracks. I’m sure he has his reasons for it though. The artwork by Dekel Meir is cartoonish and funny, and the mastering by Colin OOOD is professional as usual. Anakoluth seems to have upgraded everything he stands for, this time you can take his Dwelling in the Void EP an multiple it many times. The tracks don’t hesitate to show off some newly learned skills, and the tribal beats of jungle space in progressive moods are evident and clear. It’s been just a couple of months since we last got a free EP by Anakoluth, and this time around he is back stronger, more complex and wilder in Goa-Trance emotions than ever before. Gone are the wide open spaces of empty yet beautiful travels through a gentle universe, but in welcome we got more jungle fever to adore. 8.3/10 Where to buy, download for free and other links: Anak's MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/romanakl Anak's Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Anakoluth Free Download: http://cronomi.com/?page_id=38 Free WAV Download (mirror): http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/anakoluth-beyond-reach-ep Cronomi Records: http://www.cronomi.com Cronomi discogs: http://www.discogs.com/label/Cronomi+Records Cronomi MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/cronomirec More Reviews: http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic
  3. wOt , you get paid for driving around putting up posters in cafe's, pub's etc? Thats wicked, man! 200 CD's in 6 month’s is pretty hefty, I had a life-period like you do now in 05/06, bought like 300 CD's, had a great job as well, well, the pay was good (account manager ). These days I'm out of work, going to get one soon I hope, in a bar or smth. And since I'm so broke I'm unable to spend money on records. Lucky for me I like to write few words about releases so I've been lucky enouygh to receive free music from varies record labels wanting to exchange their music for some promotional work (unbiased, of course!). I do miss the days when I bought like crazy though, those where super days, and I still today have CD's in my collection that I haven't properly listened to. So that’s nice, and you'll have the same luxus-problem when you decide to give the shopping spree a rest. You're buying a lot of fantastic albums, so I feel sort of jealous Much love towards you and your shopping dedication! Whoever said psylovers don't buy their music I don't meditate daily because of laziness, I guess. And I am so young that I got absolutely no rush in becoming enlightened. I can meditate all day long when I get old and saggy. + I love to actively meditate = dancing. And I learned in India that i/we(all meditate each day without calling it meditation. Though, I feel an urge to really shake my body with a good'ol kundalini Osho style meditation, hehe. - should mention I love taking walks, today I walked in cow fields and forests for 2 hours. I do this often enough. Feels like mediation to me!! jan-erik PS. why keep the discogs.com account on private, I would like to scroll through your collection!
  4. Hey JonCrow, arn't you like broke soon ? Have you made a discogs.com account for your collection? It's gotto be pretty big by now, how many cd's do you recon you own?
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0bTaJDoNxQ really bad, and bloody kOrny. Sort fo funny, but too bad to love. http://www.discogs.com/viewimages?artist=Nina+Hagen Next: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPxdc0ThMdw
  6. yeah, nice save-room music. Here's some more Resident Evil theme's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW3vKLgoLJE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk1plU5eNKE&feature=PlayList&p=059C77070F317A61&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=43
  7. wow, at first I thought that this was some super nice DUB music, then it just wooooaaaawed me. killah
  8. WHAT! nO wUb?? i GUESS YOU GOT A POINT, BUT MY PROBLEM IS SEEING YOUR DESTINED POENCTURE. ups, caps lock. c yes, I'm like drunk.
  9. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=XowXoBCU8Bs&feature=player_embedded#t=178 Terranoize used this in their Brainiac track.
  10. Gotto love these cosmic coincidences that appear around Thanks for the link dXc, will check it out later!!
  11. Stop reading and start experiencing !! Sorry, maybe I am the one who should start reading and stop experiencing =P
  12. oh shaizhe thats a nutter, hm. I think, even though I love the Derango album, that I will have to go with Electrypnose Dimension 5 X Ra
  13. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT6NO0HgcKE Not bad at all, maybe a bit hasty, like itss in a rush or something. But it's good, could have used more of the mantra sample though. 7.4/10 hehe Just wanted to say that this is great, I asked for some reco's and got some pretty interesting ones thsat I've never heard before. thanks!
  14. Excuse'moa, did you listen through the whole track? It really isn't that much better then your average DarkKilllargh track, at least imo smile*
  15. Anakoluth - Dwelling In the Void EP (Ektoplazm Records) 2008 (EKTEP03WAV) Anakoluth is a talented and sensitive person from the mountains of Zurich, Switzerland. He started his journey of music production when he was only 15 and fell in love with the psychedelic tones of trance music in 1998. For many, Anak should be well known outside his musical project Anakoluth as a friendly and warm moderator on one of the world’s largest PsyTrance forums, Isratrance.com. Here he has spent year’s geeking when he’s been in need of creative inspiration and has helped peers find their way through a massive portal of information. In 2004 he got his very first official release on the fairly unknown compilation, Enginewitty released by Cosmic Conspiracy Records based in New Zealand. After this he managed to release a couple of single tracks on VA’s while building a dedicated fan base around the world. In the year of 2008, he decided to release a carefully chosen number of space travel tracks on this very EP released for free for all to download and listen on Ektoplazm.com (here you can choose all medias like mp3, WAV and FLAC to download, free of charge + It's possible to buy the release on a physical medium) 1. In A Nutshell (9:20) 132 BPM 2. Achilles’ Heel (9:04) 130 BPM 3. Feinter Les Paupières (9:01) 137 BPM 4. Delphic Haze (9:33) 134 BPM 1. In a Nutshell starts out eerie with some indications of universal travel in sadness. The beat goes progressive and the mood floats into space mode. The affects echoes in delight with enough voids for them to unfold their crystal crisp sound and image. It’s really nice to be inside this wide open space where the smallest of sounds have enough space and patience to float around and pass you. It slowly builds with more elements being added, never going maximum, only cruising in chilled paprika with a couple of clever samples of the King of infinite space. 2. Some minor hints of summer breeze, or the breeze left by a powerful comet as it has journeyed on into the universal infinity. Calm and... Sorry, my player shuffled to a Solar Fields track, and the track name was by my surprise ‘Breeze’. Ok, back to the king of infinite space, Anakoluth. Dwelling in the Void’s 2nd track, Achilles’ Heel continues the deep and firm bassline indicating together with the open space effects that this EP’s major sound force is subtile and carefully chosen soundscapes of crystal imagination. It’s a calm and sort of creepy track because of the unknown feel of what’s about to happen. It works itself up in slow progressions, taking its precise time to build and add detailed yet minor layers of wisdom to come. Some melodies of sort are added to the travel and it for sure manages to surprise with its melody play and overall skeptical and exiting emotion. 3. The fake eyelashes has an almost irritating string-thing going on, but it holds its ground as the tempo is raised and the aggression in the progression is raised to a new lever for the Dwelling in the Void EP. This track feels more like a stomper and for sure follows the Anakoluth recipe of patience and growth in perfect arrangements. Effects are nibbling and a new element of tribal drums is introduced with a warm and welcoming smile. More space-like sounds make sure we’re not forgetting we’re still in a space like place of travel and comfort. Everything feels so subtle and careful, and then Anakoluth put’s his keyboard to good use with a melodic piece that swings over the tribal drums to perfect its image into something mystical and almost angel-like with sharp weapons of defense to the feel of disco and glam before it with a drastic stop, ends. 4. Last track Delphic Haze is still in a progressive psychedelic trance mood with effects that compared to the former tracks feels less spacey and more like moving towards a destined planet of unknown mysticism. The arrangement of sounds is packed tighter, but not too tight to lose its Dwelling identity. A more ragged synth piece is introduced to compliment the feel of bursting through an alien atmosphere to settle down on a newly discovered planet of hope and dreams. Great stuff, though the landing could have been felt more complete instead of just fading into nothing and ending with you craving for more imagination. Recommendation: Anakoluth’s debut EP on Ektoplazm.com is something very special, it’s not overly complex at all, yet it’s fine-tuned with the smartest and most comfortable details effecting around in playful maneuvers which takes some intelligence to pull through. The overall feeling throughout this space landscape is about deep minimalistic space journeys with some melodic parts here and there. The old-skool progressive feel is perfectly intact with a special charming touch revived by Anakoluth’s space-brain. I’ve enjoyed this EP on a couple of occasions and one of the better experiences I’ve had with it on the stereo was while taking a longer car drive up to the wide mountains of Norwegian Troll landscapes where mushrooms these days (Late-summer, start of autumn) grow like rays of sunshine imitating newly baked buns of moonshine. I would also like to tip my hat to the mesmerizing artwork by Alexander Synaptic, it really shines and reflects the musical content with perfection! This EP escalates and evolves in the gentlest manner, building nicely from the first to the last, telling a story of a journey experienced in ones mental imagination. The total sound is suited best at night for this is night-time spacegressive music with a deep soul and a nifty firm walk that plays along a trail of less is more with cold space-like hypnotic beats pushing it all forward in floating sceneries. 8.2/10 Where to buy, download for free and other links: Anak's MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/romanakl Anak's Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Anakoluth Free Download: http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/anakoluth-dwelling-in-the-void-ep Ektoplazm: http://www.ektoplazm.com More Space Reviews: http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic
  16. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAje7PnxPOI hm, not bad, not bad at all. This one is defiently Fat, it's got some power struggles worth checking out, and damn, the samplesused, very ..subtile. Good one, the track it self is brilliant, really digging it! 9,5/10
  17. Hi Droso, I guess what you're looking for is Neuro-Insected-Forest trance. That Inzect track is a great one indeed, very playful, neurotic and shponghy with lotz of inzects crawling, jumping and flying around without being in your face and too chaotic. I guess Sanaton Records and maybe some stuff from Yggdrasil Records should do the trick for you, but in all honesty, except that I know I've heard more similer tracks like this, I can't think of any good specific suggestions at the moment. Thanks for the headz-up anyway! j-e
  18. MTV MTv Mtv mtv emtv emtyvy Empty TV. Well, I'm already tierd of this music It was my little sister of the age of 16 who made me like these tracks since she was blasting it from her room (I was home visiting my fam when I wrote this topic). The track you're suggesting is very nice though, and again I'm tempted to say, it's actually decient ElectronicaPop This song though, reminds me a lot of Air, but thats where I gues the over-all inspiration comes from, air, daft unkt. Mind you though!! This electronica style thing wasn't only born in France, it also came from Tellè in Norway, Bergen in the 90's. So that so!! http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBiRcAmmJVY&feature=fvw still very charming and special this tune. Røyksopp means Smoke Mushrooms, though to smoke magic mushrooms is a no no in my book of laws. Smoke mushroom, let me find a image of this shroom. It's good as food, and if you step on it when it's old, smoke comes out of it. It is white inside when it's good to eat. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAbQYY1boec love her voice, the chick from The Knife.
  19. ditto x 2 minus the @ work = thanks!
  20. lol =) .. Is it .. the Sharas? Yeah, the abilty to to put off till another day or time is like a superhero gift or something. =P *puff*
  21. Hola no-nonsense, thanks a lot for the suggestions on this lovely late summer morning. Arn't the colours super magical and shroomy at these times of the year? . Never heard any of those tracks before, so I'm making breakfast (break fast .. ?) while moving my feet to these sounds. Right now I'm listening to the piece, and it's driving, fat for sure, and the mantra is known I think, or at least I feel I've heard it before. It's above Ok but lacks something extra, for me at least. Shiva get's a strong 8 out of 10. Putting on Sri Hari, my eggs are frying, this sounds old skool .. Hare Krishna, no damn it, I am Hare Shiva if any hare at all! (people in India asked me a lot if I where Krishna because of my hair - besides, my hair was initially inspired by Indians from South-America). It's soft and cute, but really not my cup of hare-trance. 6 out of 10. Thanks man, really appreciate the suggestions! Keep em' komming pEople, FAT mantra / prayer tracks with that extra whoo'
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