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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. Terrordrome and Thunderdrome I used to have like a couple of months when I was 15 where I digged this music. Even bought a couple three releases. Where art they nøw? No idea.
  2. ^ *He just came in from the leftfield, suprising me with names I could relate to*
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1exEnODIEYU daGGADAGGA DA.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3IXhBjyPrg ? is this a psykovsky track?
  5. where did he get this track from, never heard of it.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9qZ9rlYkPM&feature=related
  7. Hi, tonight I stumbled over the magical track by Electric Universe called 'The Prayer'. I truly love it's full-power energy, but what really tickles my chakras is the sample used. The womans (Ana Silvera) voice in this track for me is extremly pleasent and magical. Here, take a listen if you haven't heard it before: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Thi2FXdFkfM Another one that get's my wonk totally on is the very famouse track by Psykovsky called Lastbus Madrus, here, take a listen: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_NJXWWN0j4 Powerful stuff, right. Another one that springs to mind is the Shiva Shidapu track Shiva Devotional which should be known by most hippies into Shiva-trance (I can't find it on youtube, sorry) Now I know the whole Goa-Trance sound was built on samples and moods like these, so my question might seem a tad vague or something since there must be like thousends of tracks with what I now ask of you to recommend me/us. Well, all I want is to gather a nice list of super suggestions from you good folks out there in the psyber world. So if you got some 'Shit you gotto listen to this unsane stuff' tracks, please don't hesitate to drop it on a post in this thread. much pea(e & l!ght to you all, Hare Om jan-erik baba baja Rama boombasta'mistafantasta
  8. Man, thats such an easy question it ain't even funny. Without even ever hearing the Sky Input album by Filteria, I would choose 'Everything Else'. Though I am not questioning it being a very powerful and awesome album. Hopefully I will get the opertunity to listen to it's magic soon enough. Dragonfly Records Vs. Flying Rhino Records
  9. *Hands Time_Trap a soft tissue with cute lambs as a motive to wipe his wet eyes*
  10. Circa means sort of, like approximately. Your not lazy enought to not make a topic though Oj, have you heard the Xamenist album which is free from Ektoplazm? Man, it's pretty good! Have you bothered checking the review section of this and other forums concerning the years your curious about? Man, are you stoned or something?
  11. Good fun review, man. I was expecting more words about the psychology surrounding the fact that IM are door-openers, but nice work either way I totally agree on the quoted part above. I was thinking about this, that when they released CV (Trance Side), it got such a bashing that the IM guys must have thought something in the line of; 'know what, fuck them and their superior judgmental ego, we're gonna make something utterly special and convert the world into weird electronic music and I don't care if the shanti hippie fuckers like it or not!!' .. And then Duvdev started to crash and sing about it. Or, that was already happening on Deeply Disturbed. (love you Duvdev, your human) I know IM has always been in the center of love and bash, like when CM was released, it was trashed as being mainstream and what-not. Personally I was one of those who found love in psytrance through IM's tracks, but unfortunally, and it shames to say, I was also one of those who hated CD-Trance Side and thought it was crap. Now, years later I have so much respect for the tracks on Trance Side. Almost all of them are loved masterpieces, really delightful psychedelic trance with a charming sound. Point is, I think maybe your spot-on. Haven't heard this album yet, but I got all of their previous albums, so this one will be bought as well, for sure! Now I'm gonna play the terrible but yet very enjoyable track with KoRn's vocalist, Jonathan Davis. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAwIpOnzN8M&feature=fvst IM-4-Evargh
  12. She's very beautiful, very classic. Hey, who is Simon dating these days?? This is, PsyNews afterall. PsyTabaloidNews
  13. hey Melaman, did you see the guy on page one who tried to do something similer? Your idea isn't bad at all, and sort of makes it interesting, Imo this thread works best in the plain way it's being played today,
  14. dl right now! As for the topic question, I'm not sure, I wish I had a good answer/suggestion to give, but I don't. e. I really like most of the tracks, but what makes this the best MIX evvargh? That I can't seem to smell. I gotto mention that while I was msn buddies with a guy calling him self Ishwara, he sent me some of his mixes (like a 'in respect' mix of Cosma's tracks), and that was a pure gold mix-set, man, that guy named Steve got skillz!!
  15. It's just you, because if I had the money to spend like JonCrow, I would buy sooo many old and new cd's! Omg
  16. Hey Mars, did you get a chance to read this thread and think about the suggestion?
  17. Gorump Peyya I guess. Loke Vs. Krussedull (Both from Yggdrasil Records)
  18. Yellow? No, they’re too soft and neve really tastes jummy, I prefer the Hardangervidda apples, trust me, their really good! I have no idea where I would be without psychedelic pie, but I think maybe I would have had more focus on ,,real2 life, that I would have gone further in the business world, wife and kids, car and dog. I defiantly know trance music would have been a point and haha thing, I guess Metal music would have been a much larger part of my musical life as when I hit pie in the face, I was enhancing my knowledge of that scene. Maybe like the old saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, ergo I would have been more stable and (excuse me for my lack of better term) ,,healthy". - My conciouness has always been expanded, so pie only enhanced this with special effects on. I know one thing though, and it took me some years of pie'ing before it kicked in. I would not have been spiritual curious without pie. Agnostic and humanist without the yalla spiritual confusing stuff that I'm not sure is so good when taken too far. Pie just added some spice to my life i think, and to be honest, I wouldn't want to be without pie in my life. Even if I could have been more successful in A4-life without it, which I will never know. What I do regret though is my ability to have such a non-complacently nature (not sure of the term, but I never get around to do stuff I know I need and want). If I had only kept going on my music production when I was 16, If only I had jumped on the Dj practice thing when I fell in love with this pie-dunkadunk mosakk and etc etc and so many etc's, I could have been where ever and whatever I wanted to be, damn lack of complacently hehe. Donno if pie is to blame for that though :: I just turned 29 years not long ago, and though I've experienced much so far and properlly lived more then many, I am not even near my visions of what I'd like to do. I'm falling behind, and prsonally, it sucks. Better pick it up UP!! an apple, without pie I would have been a mixed colour apple, defo. was thinking about my life cources this morning and had to add to this post that Trip-Hop and beats would have taken a much more serious part of my music life. pie sort of kept me from diving into this because there was and is something about pie that attracts me much more even though my objective brain tells me its better. taste is taste non the less smoke
  19. I think maybe I would have been an apple. Not sure though ..
  20. I'm a fan of MC hip-hopping, gotto love the sound of RZA (Liquid Sword), the old naughty music by Wu Tang is unmissible (remember all of thos Wu Tang Hoodies people used to wear? hehe. I'm very much oin love with Ninja Tunes, though a lot of their stuff ain't hip hop pr say, but more experimental and trip-hop stuff. I have very little knowledge of names of groups, MC's n'stuff, but I know I love a good MC who speaks about truth, about real issues in sosiaty and their ,,hood". Cypress Hill is pure love, first time I smoked a waterbong, guess what music was playing Jedi Mind can be a bit to brutal at times, he sure hates some people.. But he's got a plenty of good shit, thats for sure. Bughs'thugs'n'harmony has some of the flowiest rhymes ever, very smooth and pleasent. Eminem, I never really liked, and still don't like. Snoop Dog, well, never was a huge fan of his newer outputs, it all went horribly bling along the way. He's still one of the greatest, don't get me wrong. After a night on shrooms at a friend I went out walking alone (still shrooming hard), and eventually managed to catch a cab. Best thing evvargh. This cab was soo awesome, the driver was a gangster, had his car styled and jammin' hehe. He was playingsome old snoop dogg, and my god, Snoop at that time, conciouss or not, made some very trippy music. It's prop made for heavy smojking sessions, but it worked wonders on my trip. The bassline, the rhymes. sweet stuff' never as a fan of rap like DMX though. wraph wraph
  21. psytones

    The Room

    OK LOL MAN, iM GIVING IT UP ANd.. ups caps. its terrible, watch over half and only lol i've had was from the red dress lady screaming at the pudding because of druqs. Im unsure if its a joke or not (subliminal jokster producer). it made me think of twin peaks, cube, days of our life and an urge to watch Soth Park. Gonna check out the youtube clips above Ormion, have you seen miss cast away?
  22. Xenomorph is like the granfather of horror-trance or something. And sure it's suited better for darkness
  23. psytones

    The Room

    Oh, forgot to mention. I DL it, watch it with three friends. Question came up, is this soft porn or smth? After 15-20 minutes I was told to turn it off and find something more entertaining.. Sooo, still haven't seen the whole packagae, and have doubt about when the nect opertunity will arise, because I have doubts it being worth watching again. :
  24. Well, I'm getting there aswell :S

    Trying Rogaine atm.

  25. Fragletrollet is the creative and strangely imaginative product of Magnus Støren Wedén who was born in the beautiful and fairytale-like country of Norway in the everlasting year of 88. From where and when his soul descended before entering its human Earth host, is fairly unknown. From my few meetings in person with Magnus, I’d like to confirm that he’s an intelligent, young and extremely talented person with what seems to be a very bright and exiting future in clear sight. His energy and big heart has on this album taken him towards Trollish’n dark-like playful psychedelic trance realms with a special touch of storytelling, mushy-carnival and shamanistic charismatic altitudes. Finally, years after he first started tweaking sounds for fun and love, we are getting the opportunity to listen to his tracks wrapped inside a beautiful piece of wonderful artwork by Egnogra which stinks enchanted and powerful forest trance with entheogenic confusion, and the overall sound-package is mastered by the legendary Tim Schuldt. Fragletrollet has nit-picked, adjusted and fine-tuned his tracks over the years while juggling other projects like the Unknown Cause material which in a higher sense reflects his own musical soul more correctly, and the end result is what you know have the delightful privilege of owning. As far as I know, Fragletrollet had trouble getting a record label with balls and visions enough to release his full-length album. By chance and destiny, a respected record label called Shaman Film Records / Media was interested and willing to release his album of special non-generic sounds to the world. The result is utterly exiting, different/interesting and in total connection with what PsyTrance is all about, playground of spirits. Fragletrollet - Playground of Spirit (Shaman Film Records / Media) 2009 (SHAMFCD011) 1. Unknown Cause - Human Alien (9:45) 2. Fragletrollet - Alien Human (10:33) 3. Fragletrollet - The Forest Spirit (10:17) 4. Fragletrollet - Beauty of Duality (9:16) 5. Fragletrollet - Reptilian Regime (8:14) 6. Fragletrollet - Manik 11 (Knights of the Awakening) (18:15) 7. Fragletrollet - Playground of Spirit (7:30) Some strange words about the tracks: 1. The introduction track is by Unknown Cause, which is Fragletrollet’s more mature and musically balanced side-project starts off calmly with Magnus hymning in dialog with a didgeridoo whose wind blows over a landscape of light and power. Some tender moods and crystallizing sprinkles are setting the vision up as we are being guided through a path of swaying beats and ancient stories of a Human Alien in modern yet classic settings. The details are well balanced with floating elements suitable to its message, and the atmosphere weird’s before the tribal groove kicks off as we embrace a world of possibilities. This is a slow progressive alien swamp-like track with a walk of a comfortable and reutilizing 115 beats per minute, which feels good and relaxing before entering the weird and crazed spirit of Fragletrollet’s debut album. 2. The transmission flows beautifully to the next track, beats picks up in tempo, the bassline is tightly packed to create an extra strange and stomping effect - The choruses used before the 1 minute mark sort of reminds me of the ‘Animatrix OST with Junkie XL - Beauty Never Fades (edit)’ track. This is defiantly a pleasant stomper track wrapped in Progressive Goadelic for the troll’ish feat of weird stuff about to happen. It’s nice to hear that the sounds got good attention to details covered in effects and mood. The Alien Human is taking form while building patiently, dialogs between voices and sounds are in harmony. The overall walk is pretty nice and the progression is like being and expecting something exiting and curious to happen. The instrumentals play in good melodic fantasies, sort of feels like I’m in some crystallized green castle with a strong defense ready to protect, or if necessary, attack - it defiantly got a fairytale mood to it with interesting harmonics swaying and tumbling chamfering effects inside. The floating spaces with three dimensional layers are building around without being noticed as the castle piano takes you on a soft ride. The synthesizers are getting a sharper edge now, someone is slicing bread and it needs a sharp blade. Melodies used feels very deep and as the end nears, it morphs back to its predecessor with a different overlap heading towards the third track where the authentic and unique Fragletrollet sound kicks in. 3. The samples used in this third track on Fragletrollet’s Playground of Spirit have been taken from a Japanese anima named Mononoke Hime. I had the honor of watching this movie together with FragleMagnus many months ago, and besides being a fantastic animation movie about forest Gods and Demons, it was clear that Fragletrollet was in deep love and admiration with this films total story and energy, so was I. The Forest Spirit is a disturbed and special track with a hefty kick and bassline that are kicking and running in great maneuvers while the fighting madness begins (which became the stamp of Fragletrollet’s sound through the years, delightful madness inside fairytales). Siren-like spooks are entering the story, squelchy effects and different type of sounds steps in to play their twinkled tune. It suits well; each sound has its direction and feel, their own life patterns. Floating energy balls fly around while animals in the forest run and jump around in confusion of where to go because these demons coming seem fluky and swellheaded. The tension is increasing and the sirens are blowing while fighters of light hacks their swords in defense of flaming arrows. A mighty wild boar appears! - Huge as a destructive meteor, angry as a ticked off lemming. These tales are creations of the fear in one self to be concurred only by facing its own demonstration. “Maybe we took a wrong turn somewhere; this is a place of Gods and Demons”. The warlike situation exudes and powerful fighters attack each other in mental creations of good and evil. - Hard leads bashing your sanity, forcing their way inside your mind. Fragletrollet eventually revisits the battlefield with some warm sounds that grabs your hand to give you a hug and lead you through the rest of his demonizing place by adding pleasant sounds to lay your soul and mind on. Towards a fortune teller he leads you, she tells you about which paths to walk. Still the quarrel in the Spirit forest is going strong, warfare still hungry for dementation and despair. Hold on and enjoy the ride! 4. A wider and stronger feel now of angry angel wings. The sounds shimmers around as they float and a hard bassline with trasklende sounds trash the place up ripping down posers and propaganda pushers. It’s got a fat walk, really thumping heavy with ambience around and a lot for the ears and eyes to feast on. It builds up to a head-groove marked with effects making their points sweetly sting. Monks pray for their own hope, beats play rough and creates power-bar take-offs. Swirling space-creatures slugger around, tickling your ears while duality fights for its voice to be. Melody played along the story being told is lightly spinning around before being intruded by a heavy kick-break that brings orchestral peace. Storyteller’s music, film-score, excitement are flying high as hawks. The action is on, the mouse is being chased by the cat, or is the mouse chasing the cat? It crashes and smashes like a Tom & Jerry cartoon. Destruction is the key. 5. This is the Reptile Regime, heavy strings in swing creates the entry at the gate. Knocking as the heart pumps, bass hits and kick drives the heartbeat away throwing out glass splintering effects on the floor, be careful where you step now, no return. Flow is powerful and the glass splinters are escalating while a reptile like soundproof flicker around. Heavy blast... Stones are falling, swords are drawn, excitement and drama are rising to levels of lizards riding on rhinos plundering human villages, creating terror and destruction on their path to their screwed view of world order, returning to their castle as the ports are being raised...Dreaming and hoping "violins". O’ reflect the darkness and horror these reptiles have created with their regime. Sad but true. Are there any political intentions inside? 6. Now this is one of the best moods I’ve ever heard in an intro before! It reveals forever haunting and emotional stuff. Again, but as always with a variation, enters the ragging bassline we love from Fragletrollet, and holy guacamole sings a tune. An insect that flies follows the lead. A Psychedelic cow in the sky blasts an inspirational ChillOut impact up to the moon. Now the melodies and leads make strange faces and tearing appearances. Quirky sounds follow by. Layers are working in their own special harmony. Samples speak and ringing circulates while the intro mood creeps back and background noises do their thing, looks like another world. And whoppa’, the horse rides us into more rhythmic trance, inducing stomps performed by an invisible and truthful Shaman. Story flow takes turns and weird directions with more Psy with a Cow in the Sky inspiration. Indians are joiking along the nature trail, dances being replied by Indian flutes and mumbling tribal woman while piano-like rolls weird’s up the madness. Something I don't like much about these types of trippy factors of madness. The key choices feel very awkward and make me feel lost and sort of irritated until (luckily) Fragle picks up the tempo and groove with some exiting tricks, never getting stuck in nonsense. Some funky kicks bring your head back on a shake. Love the prayers, the flute play and weird melodies in glass-shapes when they with no worries and stress manage to roll gently yet loud out of retarded madness, which is the case of many of the tracks. 7. Things sounds epically advanced with blabbering effects and exiting moods that rises into a drum-rolled bassline out of this stomping world. Playground of Spirits feels cool while pumping. Subtle and obvious melodies are building their layer while the whirling spiral tightens and runs in near fright - feeling loose and breezy of colorful imagination. Snickering spirits play with the tension giving it nerve and posture as the twinkles and leads form breathtaking environments. It really makes the mouth mope and eyes roll in excitement and harmony in the wicked and controlled chaotic variation which is the title track of an epic and adventures album. The effects used really creates some hallucinogenic moments, and the sample work with sunny melodies levitated by a strong walk feels divine as angels hum their chores above and inside the light with delicious break'beats, before the night gets swallowed by the flash of day. And so the beautiful story ends. Recommendation: Fragletrollet’s debut album ‘Playground of Spirit’ is about fairytales in the dark and imaginative places of one’s mind. He has set out to give the viewers and listeners a wicked ride of multiple emotions fighting for their stand and it can at times become intense and a little bit frightening with so much drama going on. This music is defiantly carnival with a special unique and soft touch by a sensitive and humble person wanting people to have some fun in their mad state of being, even though if this fun is sometimes in a land of despair. Special music is the word as Fragletrollet leads your hand through his personal journey. It’s about giving loads of impression, obscure melodies when the insanity peaks and beautiful scenery when it builds or/and lands. In my strong belief there is nothing wrong for a producer or DJ to bring their attentive viewers a ride down in their darkest corner of mind and fantasy, as long as the person leading them got the intelligence and compassion to bring them safely back up again to divine comfort and smiles. Fragletrollet for me does this perfectly by opening up the album with a couple of tracks that prepares one for the strong ride to follow in a chilled-out and patient manner. Then he will totally crush and grind you inside his stories of demons, Gods, pixies, warriors and heroes only to lead you safe and wise out to steady grounds. There is something about Fragletrollet’s magical guts that pleases the ones who desire a special adventure and don’t mind the feeling of at times being in a motion picture with a magical movie-score with repetitive rhythms. The sounds, effects and moods scattered and portrayed are more than willing to morph and change in everlasting dramatically sceneries to high flying harmonics with heavy bulldozing and grind making basslines that sets an deep impression. So if you like it imaginative with almost no boundaries of making something unique and exciting, I would with the strongest beat of my heart recommend you to check these sounds out in their wholeness, because the stories told are defiantly worth checking out for that extra odd experience. The style used is hard to define, if not impossible. But if I had to give it a try I would box it in Epic-Freestyle-Fairytale-Psytrance with loads of turns and twists to excite and surprise. Be aware, the sounds are near lethal; they will hit your brain in unsane manners and make you go gaga with sweet madness. For some his tunes and stories might become challenging because the mood is special, where he brings you can become unsettling, but try to be guided by his hand, watch his scenes and become entertained, because he will lead you back to safety when followed. I promise. If you are among those who know this album and enjoyed the whole package but preferred the two first tracks and the last one which contains less madness and more steadiness, I’d suggest you keep an eye and ear open for Magnus’ project Unknown Cause, which will bring you more of the desired factors of perfected tranced and chilled psychedelia. Key-words: Epic, Special, PsyTrance, Experimental, Forest flavors, delightful and madness in drama. where to buy and other links: Fragle: http://www.fragletrollet.com FragleSpace: http://www.myspace.com/fragletrollet FragleDiscogs: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Fragletrollet Shaman Film: http://www.shamanfilms.net Psyshop: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/sam/sam1cd011.html Saikosounds: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display_release.asp?id=8082 Wirikuta: http://www.wirikuta.at/web66/product_detail.jsp;jsessionid=DPAHMOIBPFMC?showDetail=225705 Play.com: http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/10771881/Playground-Of-Spirit/Product.html Beatspace: http://www.beatspace.com/dettagli/dettaglio.asp?id=5054 More f***ed up reviews: http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic
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