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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. Hi man, nice to see you. Hope all is as well as well can be and that you're still enjoying some psychedelic moods with less chemicals! *I gave the guy who started this thread your msn-mail, hope you didn't mind me giving off that information. Holy Cow and Holy Shit may result in Holy Mushrooms
  2. you're bald... :) Ever tried Rogaine? hehe

  3. psytones

    District 9

    no stress amigo! and I'm eager to watch it my self soon, should be availible in better Q soon I hope.
  4. *am listening now. Well Oopie-man, first of all I was Reeaally high when I wrote that, but still I'm very much in love with CPC's deep style, personal taste for sure but you know the old saying; 'Taste is like the ass, it's split and usally it stinks' hehrhe . I'm digging the track my Melicious!! Crazy stuff hehe. And Oope, you can piss on my taste as much as it pleases, it takes a lot of piss to piss me off ,) haha this is some funny music, never heard their music before, just seen you guys mention them here and there. piis oUt
  5. psytones

    District 9

    hehe ok, but still man, patience for a better Torrent, thats all ,)
  6. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vBxN2pjjZI&feature=PlayList&p=BCAF05C3A7D7BD85&index=10&playnext=11&playnext_from=PL best!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YRvwNUBGDE&feature=PlayList&p=BCAF05C3A7D7BD85&index=0&playnext=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoRPmjcpu1k&feature=PlayList&p=8C86E74C39E4FC20&index=1&playnext=2&playnext_from=PL wipeout ost is classix
  8. I hear bat's too, take the test RTPman
  9. My result from this test, which I quit liked. I got to admit though, I was a tad nervous about the result and wanted to do get a high score! Thank you for taking our hearing check. Your result suggests that your hearing is within the normal range. Wonder if anyone aces it. I know I missed a couple of digits, at least.
  10. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB7rLPDjHSI&feature=PlayList&p=4086BA0889DF2CFB&index=15&playnext=2&playnext_from=PL :o OMG my ears are getting the best aural treatment ever inside my Sennheiser HD-25 on this track (CPC is not letting me down on expectations, that you can 'as they say' put in the safe) Man, music like this on huge speakers moving your whole body and aura :: swingswOng
  11. I had problems accepting it and MM's change or downgrade in musicality, but it grew on me, big time (especially since the rest from now is crashing as hard as he is from years and years of narcotic abuse). And now I concider Holy Wood to be one of the best releases. 8,5/10 We're still kicking, but it's a much much weaker kick then before, and it fails in so many tracks it's not even funny when your a MM fan. 6/10 Not to use the word sell-out, but this is clear indication of loss in inspiration, creativty and ideas. The rest that follows is beh and sadness 5/10 3/10 :huh: what crap is this, looks like a bad 90's Pump Up the Jam cover with a crashed and in fallen AntiChrist SuperStar He's totally lost his magic, this is pukible and if he's being ironic or something ,,smart" it's not funny and I'm no longer falling for it and I bid you good bye http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgKe7l2tMsg&feature=PlayList&p=6329613CC8A222FC&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=17
  12. Since I only discovered MM's music when Mechanical Animals was released, I never got around to listen and digg the Marilyn Manson & The Spooky Kids stuff, and I got a couple three releases from that epoke, even a DVD. MM didn't really get in to their shoes production wise before trent Reznor became a mentor of sort. POAAF is for me a solid rock'n'roll album with great tunes and attitude. 8/10 Marilyn Manson said he was scared of psychedelics and didn't have a very shanti time while doing them. If you got 4-5 minutes, please watch this music video, just wait out the commercial, I can't find this video on Youtube whcih sucks, because it's a Great fucking music video, funny and all! Marilyn Manson - Dope Hat An EP released with remixes of tracks from the POAAF album. It became a huge sucess because of the Sweet Dreams version, and put MM on the map to stay and eventually, fade. MM wrote that he's had some psychedelic experiences, and you can hear that some of the mixes are sluggish and trippy in a dark and sick way. I tried it on LSA once and the two'three first ones are pretty effective in it's own way. It's not a great album but it contain it's golden tracks for sure. The intro is used by Deedrah in his Wizard demo track. The album has two more covers that I like besides Sweet Dreams, and that's -I Put a Spell On You- & -Rock 'n' Roll Nigge'- 7/10 In my opinion, a perfect album with no bad tracks, pure ace! This is where the teamwork of MM and Trent shines 10/10 Snort and rock, greeaaatt memories from this one! 9/10 I love it, it's fun it's show it's cool and it feels like a perfectly well done live album. Flaws live albums usually suffer from is not present on this one. Like MM or not, it's a great live album with a killer bonus track from Celebrity Death Match 9/10 Listen to his dream for a good lol: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYT_qbhzIhs ..
  13. psytones

    District 9

    how can you do that with your self, it's a shame, man Honestly though, I can't bare to watch those crappy versions. patience 2 watch when arriving in good picture/sound qality. tsk tsk antic, tsk
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soH8LQdsiac&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLk5xaX9K1Q&feature=channel
  15. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKjnBHfbEgg&feature=channel
  16. What about Nothing Comes Easy ?? That take-off lift is just bliss in my book :: AAAaahhhAaahh aahhhhh!! (or smth)
  17. oh, that’s been happening to me too it seems, much more often then I'd like. For me the whole audio thing is key for enjoying music in trips, visuals are great too!! But same as you, these days it seems rarly the music turns inside out like it used to. And I guess my fine-tuned ears catch most stuff pumping out of the speakers now then back then, and my imagination hears the secrets. Oh well, better keep the memory strong at least, don't got any plans of changing my psychedelic view sooner.. It would be kool to experience the thrill of my first tripping years again, when everything felt more :o. Last real good audio trip experience was while listening to Boards of Canadas new album. And since it's wise to retain oneself from tripping too much, like keeping it to a couple of times a year, it's hard to get around listening to all potential trip-boosters in ones collection. Take away the heavier psychedelic substances, I really enjoy being drunk and ready for after party, then become stoned out of my wits on odd moments, my sensitivity to music raise a couple of points on nights like those. I once believed that I would enjoy hard twisted psychedelic trance music until I would leave this world as a old grandfather. I hope I’m right, but who knows, maybe one day this music will hit my throat in a bad way and it will become history to my personal taste. Naa, won’t happen!
  18. Oh-hoy! Great track Laserflip, never heard that one before! sure there is, there's a lot of tracks and atrists out there who enjoy emotional landscapes in their sound. Both subtile and obvious A few recommendations would be the new CPC album, the album released by Deja Vu, Zolod. One of the reason I love Psykovsky is his (and other people who manages to do the same) way of including sweet and almost hidden melodies in his production making the journey thick layered and emotional while disturbed. The YggdraSounds II compilation surprised the pants off me with their very clever and intellectual way of making melodies in a wide arrangement, I had to be in a very special smoking after out partying and drinking mood to figure this ,,secret" out, but that’s what makes good music special, when it got abilities to surprise you when you thought you got it all figured out. And I totally agree about the random effects thrown in, even though in most cases their not as random as your grandmother might believe, it get's tiring and boring too damn fast. Maybe if I was a teenager it would impress me a million times more then it does today, without mentioning any examples of this style. Some years ago when this style was more unknown, it was exiting and something new to this style. Now you can pick up almost any compilation of forest/darkpsy and they all do it, donno why though, so much more interesting music could have been made with these peoples cubase/fruityloops skills. A lot of these sounds out there roaming in the descries of forest flavors, killer fuck your ego up real good horror moods and dark psychedelia tend to sound more like Ketamin trippy then psychedelic trippy, imo.
  19. pff life is psychedelic. For sure your not bs'ing Abasio, but the fact remains that some producers, some tracks, some albums are more compatible with the effect of a hallucinogentic and psychedelic druq. I shouldn't have to argue my point forward, it should be understood and agreed apun. Music that mimics the shroom effect, music that interacts with it's behavier, music that reveals hidden mysteries, melodies, just what ever it can offer. Music made with a fun purpuse. To be a producer of psychedelic music comes great responebileties, think about it, someone may trip to your sounds and dive deep inside. Give them something special, extraordinary and devine. Don't bum them, give them fun!!
  20. I used to think it was impossible to have ,,bad" trips on anything, now, unfortunatly, I know better .. I tend to still think like this and I think I will keep my ignorant view a little bit longer .
  21. Truth be told, this album sin't bad at all, as popsy goes. It beats Unfold by miles and miles, though still I miss their Signs of Communications album..
  22. These are some of the first encunters I had: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7qXDxiCNn8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_NJXWWN0j4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lzFHBJ1SXA well, I ment Geona from Acid Mutants VA, couldn't youtube it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4Y-TRE_Mzw
  23. :: what status you blabbering about? What is this, Fcaehuggerbook?

  24. wooow, this was the first time I heard that psykovsky track :o oh my god what a journey :D
  25. stop guessing and start knowing, this is Your thread allah damn it! I like your poll and descriptions, but it needs more editing and options before it feels complete'ish. ..o_O. I was thinking and confirming yeterday while listening to CPC that I really enjoy this sort of "darkpsy", it's the feel that made me fall in love with the genre when it was created by tripped out Russian mafiosases. I mean, the style of the new CPC album is fucking fantastic, very sexy, naughty and extremly cool. The Psykovsky debut album needs no words, it's just pure orgasm to my ears. The Zolod album is really light and floaty, trippy stuff. Zen VA's are a total grr Joker VA. I have no idea what box I'm talking about though. Russian Psy? Psychedelic Mafia Crew? PsyCore? DarkPsy? ' And besides darkpsy, I love psytrance/goatrance thats dark without being so god damn obvious killer dark. Subtile darkness or smth. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTHmhdaebPQ http://www.discogs.com/Infinity-Project-Overwind-Incandescence/master/9745 DarkGoa, DarkProgressive, Darkwhatever - psychedelic Ghreg On Earth, Industrial dunkadunk, it's pretty dark. I like darkness when it has something wub like colours, emotions, space, deepness - intelligence: ,, I'll vote all. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=062RHYXZ3Yc
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