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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. I don't know but I too hope he's doing good !! Have you tried PM, mail, facehuggerbook .. ?
  2. I can count and own: 1. Life is... (2001) 2. Another life... (2002) 3. Life is... Creation (2003) 4. Life is...: Dimensions (2005) Don't think there has been a fith release by YoYo Records, BNE or anyone else since the 'Dimensions' release in 2005. - Would be cool if I overlooked a release from 2004.. TI came over this VA series a few years back because Infected Mushroom released 'Lo Ra' on 'Life is... Creation'. It's a really good tune in the spirit'sih of 'Dancing With Kadafi', 'Streched' ... And I like it the most for different reasons. My second vote goes to the first 'Life is...' release. it's a beautiful selection of tracks. The least favoured one must be the fourth and last release, 'Dimensions'. It's a good quality CD, and the Violet Vision track 'Heaven Underground' is, well, heaven. Too bad the VA goes down from there, sad since it's track one. btw. The fourth track on the 'Life is...' by Mental Orange, is actually Shulman. And it's the track 'Elements' from his debut, 'Soundscapes And Modern Tales' Granted, they all got overload of IsraChill, but still I think it's a nice collection. Overall I think this series is really good and has a lot of different tunes of styles to offer within the ChillOut marked of psylandia. Are there others I've over look, know if the whole thing is canned with BNE's retirement?
  3. You look so happy in that pic!

    I'm jealous :(

  4. Nice pic, are you stoned? :D

  5. Whoo-Ho! Never did find her to be hot, at all. Urgh.. Personal taste though. Remember her from Ally McBeal heh Statistic say people can't really have one without the other and they compliment eachother like you mentioned. But people lean towards the second and final movie. I vote both.
  6. psytones

    Sci-Fi Movies

    The term Sci-fi doesn't nesseserelly translate to Unrealistic. It's Science Fiction, ergo might happen Has anyone seen Knowing with Nicolas Cage? I got to be honest and say I had low hopes for it after some burns like Next, but this film took me and gave me a very suprising twist Had some feel of N.Nightingale, but lacked the shit he tends to come with, or lack of , depending. Anyway, this Knowing film isn't bad. Oh, and the new version of The Day the Earth Stood Still with Keneau Reeves isn't that bad wither, better then War of the Worlds, which sucked.
  7. About the Deedrah change in Astral P's, Ten: Discogs: An Entirely Incorrect vote was cast on Astral Projection - Ten ::
  8. psytones

    Sci-Fi Movies

    Event Horizon From that list: The Matrix Alien / Aliens Blade Runner Terminator 1 & 2 The Abyss [Why would you put T1 & T2 together as an option but not the Aliens?] Commercial direction I guess, but at least I wouldn't have voted Armageddon no mather how comfortble it is as a Blockbuster flick no bad
  9. first wrote without the trivial word but decided in a split second to add it anyway in lack of a better suited word. Still, words of wisdom
  10. Agree, and you bring up important and valid points. If no one sue the person for doing such a thing, then I see absolutely no problemo in spreading the wealth
  11. I used to think that Astral Projection had a ,,rival" called Astral Project (or was it Astral Protection?). I used to think that Cosmo was a side project of Cosmosis, that Cosmo was the more psycore side of William. um .. Let's see where this goes.
  12. http://www.nataliedee.com/042507/pickle-delivery.jpg Ouch .. In total subjectivety and nostaligia .. Erez Cosmosis Or Cosmo
  13. Prometheus - Corridor of Mirrors One of the best rave anthem albums there in my opinion !! :clapping:
  14. haha lolz of the day .. *be it love have some fun :posford:
  15. i hav stoled yer pienews skeenz

  16. Oh sorry man, I could have been even more clear about the rules When you choose your pick, you just reply the name you like more. So like this. Alienated Buddha Then you put up your suggestion, and one, not all three options. Choose one .. Example: VA - Get Your Wonk On [2007] Vs. VA - Origin Stage 3 [2007] It shouldn't be so hard ^^
  17. Hi, the objective of this game is fairly simple. Post two artists, labels or releases, and the next poster will reply the artist etc he or she finds to be best. Oh, and he or she will also put up another Vs. for the next person who posts. Easy, no? And it would be nice if you knew both suggestions before making your vote/post. Ok then, I'll staRT : Alienated Buddha Vs. Psylent Buddhi [You can Download free music by both artists here and here] Go :: !
  18. Well I think I see both sides of the case. Say Mr. Shwiggswag, a person who is unknown to this music get's a CD from where ever called Astral Projection - Ten. He's never heard of them or the artists involved. He finds him self loving the track with Deedra, and decides to search it (by councidence he ends up on discogs to do this hehe). Now, since his physical product has the text/artist Deedra on it, for him it must be a pain to not find any information of this Deedra artist. Little did he know the artist name had an error and was supposed to spell Deedrah, not Deedra. But since discogs got the Did You Mean suggestion, I reckon it shouldn't hold a problem anymore .. So in that case it feels lame to have these errors like Astarl Projection present. anyway, don't really care that much, just felt like getting involved::
  19. Alienated Buddha - Full-on in Muskaria (Live act with Muskarians) banging stuff this :clapping:
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