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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. I can defiently understand your blackening on Phonic Peace's usage of samples that has been used both here and there. But for me personally it's a good gathering, and I absolutlly adore the album. i didn't get the chance to listen to Androcell that much since it was only heard at a friends place. heh guess so, enjoy the music you have and the music you don't will find it's way to you through time.
  2. Are You Shpongled isn't as easy listening music like Entheogenic, and it has a bery distinctive vibe going on, maybe it's not yours So what about TotI? Though to this topic, I guess it's too up-beat at larger parts . I don't like Entheogenic (the music artist) much, something doesn't feel completly right for me, guess I don't like it's cheese and annoying India samples (listen to Cell - Phonic Peace, will nock your socks right off an lay you to bed), and haven't been that impressed with it's trick of magic. Ott's Yogurt mix is woaw btw!) Had a friend a few years back who loved Entheogenic, cooked aya and listened each day . crazy nutter, cool though, very Terrence McKenna smart and inspired Btw, heard Androcell? For some reason I've placed these two in the same room, but as I can remember, I quit like Androcell, trippy stuff with beauty Forgot to mention this in my list: http://www.discogs.com/Various-Twelve/release/79687
  3. I don't think it's IM's responsibility to make a music video with strong political messages or video footage .. I think a couple of IM tracks has been with a ,,political" statement or sublime action on that area. In their Vicious Delicious album, a part of it has this theme going on, think it's the fourth track that starts with bombs, (or the third?) and the following track has paparazzi type of camera blitz sounds taking pictures of the catastrophe which is the isra/pale conflict/war. I don't want to write to much about it but the Israeli people are very aware of their and the Palestinian situation and i think and hope most of these wish for peace. . I am sure in ways you or I can't always find/hear/see they, the Israeli artist (I presume it's a topic narrowed down to Isratrance?) have, if they do these tasks you wish for, their own way of doing it. And I agree, to listen to PsyTrance music filled with strong political stuff is just wrong, fine, call your track Free Tibet (Fuzzion also made a very nice PsyTech EP (also released on Chronika III), make it have a special psychedelic vibe that connects to a Tibetian energy or smth, this is Great!!. But I'm not very interested in being in a trip with Vegetable’s album Free Thinkers Are Dangoures cool and fat music overloaded with, yes, important messages but still wrong, samples. Or maybe the latest Xenomorphic album, haven't heard it. Rock and punk (as a good example) is a better base for these things imho. In Iran you got some cool enough Heavy Metal stuff going on underground, since it's very much like almost totally illegal You do have a Youtube clip of Dali btw where she speaks about the conflict: lol: she makes dunkadunk pietrance, right? I guess they should promote more peace instead of Pepsi at parties though . For me, i want my EDM to be something out of this world, and war isn't out of this world for me. Just as I don't want to listen to a South Park person screaming in agony that someone is raping him, i'm not very interested in being reminded that the world is a shitty place when listening to good EDM Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism on Psychedelics I agree on all your obvious words except your larger view on IM =P. And this Zig Zag Zen book reads interesting, seems it has some words that explains good the natural. bOm::
  4. Error 403 Hotlinking is forbidden Hotlinking is forbidden Guru Meditation: XID: 1609156114 Varnish
  5. Just went to check out Deedrah on Discogs, and I saw one of the name variaties was 'Deedra', so it made me think of this topic and how some pointed out that they use wrong names etc. So I went to the album the 'Deedra' error was listed and changed it to 'Deedrah'. So now the name variant of Deedra is gone It was the Astral Projection - Ten album. - Does it mean that on the physical album there is a writing error with Deedra instead of Deedrah and I just changed it, or may it have been a human error when added to Discogs. anyway, good night.
  6. Intersting. I thought Will-'O-The-Wisp would be the same as Will-'O-Wisp, apperently their not, unless I'm mssing smth .. hm, didn't know about this expression. Back on topic, this will never be heard by you folks, but it's worth a mentioning! SubGud - Xpander Ps. My avatar is taken from inside the sleeve of this CD np.
  7. I have no idea which is The best PsyChill album, but I have to agree on the quoted ones below: Cell - Phonic Peace I also love Shulaman's Soundscapes And Modern Tales quote name='fluffymushi' date='Jul 16 2009, 02:18 AM' post='939021' suddenly: trolls trolling trolls /quote ;D good words . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I'm suprised so few people mentioned Cell's Phonic Peace. The samples might have been used and reused by a lot of artists in different genres, but the way Cell has made this really makes me smile and feel good. I'm actually concidering it to be one of the best ChillOut albums of all time, impo. Also it should be mentioned that the Tsunami Benefit release from Organic Records is a Huge gathering of king/Queen ChillOut tracks. It's a beautiful release in all, but my words of praise is for the Chill CD. I guess I should also say that I like T.I.P. - Mystical Experience and V/A - Mystery of the Yeti, a lot Peace'n'Chill
  8. Empty Bottle, haha! Hows the jams on the guitar doing!(?) Yes, we've been Snickerized by Marz . np. :clapping:
  9. just a couple of images .. .. I'm in love with this collage, for those who own the album know how good the artwork is *psykovsky - debut* This one is very nice there is something very space about this alien classic wub, and again, for thos who own the album.. the layering work floats nicley .. Sorry, this has never worked for me, ever .. I always get this message: Sorry, dynamic pages in the tags are not allowed
  10. Bet non of you have heard this one, Starseed* - A Million Hz Away it's a soup cooked in 2005, but it tastes older with goa trance, proggy energy, space themes, anchent fluteplay, TIP samples and strange melodies. it's rather good
  11. I searched for words about the Kill Fucking Bill compilation, but found nada. Could it be no one has written a review about this mad fucker?
  12. I'm very glad I got it in my collection Sometimes it hits the spot
  13. The Shawshank Redemption though I enjoy both in their similerity and differences. Anyone seen Trucks? Shit thats a crappy movie!
  14. Great CD, only Ultimae album I own but damn does it create .rhink this belongs in the promo seaction, no?
  15. I'm armrmered down in the sofa so high right now. and this cd is so beautiful, all tracks tell their story and journey. 9/10
  16. psytones

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    ^I donno man, looks like a Coffee & Cigaretts movie or smth.. Just watched THX 1138, start was real trippy in a way, but it went all boring and I felt unpatience to watch it. 6/10
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