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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. Oh shit have you guys seen the new video with Jonathan Davis on hand cam? guest appperance by oakenfold
  2. Ozmali - Forest Fusion (!!) Skyloops - Insane (sort of .) Various - Yggdrasounds II (Yggdrasil Records) (!)+(!)
  3. psytones

    Recent ratings

    Half Baked. Saw it as a teen because it was supposed to be the best smoker movie evargh, didn't love it. Watch it again today while mary jane'eing. it kinda sucks. 3.5/10
  4. thats three words and two something else. :drama: alienated buddha hi RaveHippy, please go to these two links and DL free music :
  5. great list, man! i dont have any of those and they all reak awesome i havent got new mosakk but i got to say, play.com has grown on the dunkadunk marked. you'll even get acid transmission from trishula there now. never found any psydunk a few years back, except infected mushroom.
  6. this cd is truly specially chilled and trippy, people should check it out, you can get it for less then a dollar with a few mouse clicks absolutely beautiful stuff for a session of smoke or whatever =) compare too? mystery of the yeti meets fires of ork meets infinity project meets elysium meets tribal acid psygoatrance. the album got build, chill tribal space spacetribal entheogens shamanic stuff .. .. its unique and varied in style and vibe.
  7. well he's taking a nosedive with style, at least Trent was only involved on ACSS as far as I can remember. After many years I got to say that Holy Wood, ain't that bad eighter. The rest I donno but the last one heart shaped glasses or what ever with two euro dance and club remixes. pff.. art or mock or what the fuck, it sucked. he was a genious for his role and music, but the druqs burned him.. brain meltdown. pling oh, hes got a new album out, ... ouch, tacky albm title
  8. ^ at first I was like, 'damn thats a odd and good review, then I noticed the spam .. too bad, it could have been a great one.
  9. i dont know i just imagined something that really sparkles up the trips colours and feel. i havent heard the samples and I own his Funraiser album and i like its power, for me hes like deedrah of ,,darj psy" or smth. He knows crystal clubbing.
  10. no high fives ..o_O-? would love to read some more words about this release. is it candypsy or what?
  11. this topic failed quickly by people . but it served it's purpuse
  12. so to say, my entire discogs collection from the storage place :D been over a year since I last saw them ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  13. http://www.psyshop.com/cgi-bin/zoom.cgi?ze...en1cd005.html:; fucking awesome album !
  14. snort jogging shoes and listen to Mechanical Animals .. its good
  15. psytones

    Recent ratings

    I Love You, Man :: 8,7
  16. ^ OhMyGod !! Your quit the detective, man! Good work And I'm suprised it's just a image taken from another place placed together with some other girls. For the record, she's mine, I wanna do her most.
  17. ^Hog me over, it might be sort of cute ( ) and funny ( heh ). But good, nah.
  18. :angry: Have you heard his old albums like, Portrait Of An American Family and AntiChrist SuperStar????? Hey maybe it's not Sepeltura, Dimmu Borgir or Red Harvest .. and besides, what Metal are we talking about, black metal, Death Metal, GrindCore, Trash Metal, Speed Core, White Metal, Chick Metal. Traditional Metal, hair Metal, Progressive Metal, Soft Metal, Doom Metal, Rap Core, Folk Metal, Gothic Metal, Industrial Metal, Nu Metal, Power Metal or maybe Funk Metal? Marilyn Manson FTW!! On present days I do enjoy a cup of Tool, KoRn, Clawfinger, Deftones, Fear Factory, White Zombie, Slipknot, Seigmen, Faith No More + etc. Never was into the heavier more death metal stuff that plays on theater and horror. Though many of their lyrics are funny and in their own way, poetic.
  19. I got this years ago .. Not that I regret buying it as much as I'm not sure what it's powers are. I guess I bought it because it's Deedrah with some people, and it was released on Twisted + it was on a special offer in psyshop.
  20. Since noone mentioned Marilyn Manson, I'll name Marilyn Manson .
  21. Brag: I got these many years ago, still works as if I bought them yesterday. I see though that today you are able to buy the new and improved version of it which is lighter (Mine are light as a feather, so these are light as air). I have doubt the sound on the new lighter model is bettre, but who knows .. Only remark would be that after a few hours of playing with them on, my ears tend to hurt alittle.
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