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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. National Geographic - The Hubble (Yawn reprise) but earlier today I was listening to this: :posford:
  2. lol another piece of music, man. To give an example, I bought the Total Eclipse album with the Om sign, unfortually the music on the disc was some generic full-on I didn't care much for. I did also bought the Earth Moving the Sun CD by MWNN, which was perfectlly it What music did I get today? nada
  3. @ Ormion & Exotic :: You can get loads of Goa/Psy CD's, but the ones availible in shops are defiently fakes and at times one album that promises one cd might contain something else .. Thats one nice list of albums Ormion!
  4. VA - Acid Transmission (Trishula Records) 2008 (TRISHCD015) 01. wi']['ch- Fractal Generator (7:05) 02. Zoolog- Contradictionary (6:39) 03. Purosurpo- Multi Range (8:49) 04. Arabali- Mars is Amazing (7:30) 05. Attoya vs. OIL- Escaping the Bubble (6:38) 06. Karash- Likeadelic (7:34) 07. OIL- Behemot (9:59) 08. Olien- Dynaversum (7:46) 09. Mind Distortion System- Looking at the Sky (7:52) 10. Psyfactor- Mythical (7:51) wi]['ch (T1) starts the journey good with playful sounds and funky basslines with unstable jumping kicks and some samples to make the noia creep out from the para. Most of the tracks got nice drives and deranged atmospheres covered in fuzzy a sound image which makes the Acid Transmissions compilation sound old, actually, the whole VA has this pre-2005 feel to it with a lot of stuff going on to melt and to be felt. The clue in music like this is the sound effects that are dropped all over and it has basslines that varies and plays a lot of tricks. The Danish act Zoolog (T2) brings some super Hottentotten beats that sort of wiggles your pants off while distortion starts to spin your frail mind apart. Zoolog is walking along the forest trail sending out radioactive vibes with quirky moods in an obscure swamp. Again, as most of the tracks here, it got some good variation in store for you, like raising and lowering the tempo, flabbering the effects while bending and trending your head around to catch all the visual goodies flying around. When it comes to the variation inside a track, no one does it more active then Purosurpo in Multi Range (T3) who truly pulls out a stellar start for open spaces inside your imagination. It’s sturdy and steady beats manages to pump the party to higher multi ranged grounds. Purosurpo is Jens who should be well known for most dark heads with his Derango and Hallucinogenic Horses projects. It has a lot of effects with trance and trip powers that when unsettling the beat flow, will grind your wide mouth to insane behaviors. Variation is the key, and chaotic is the door. OIL who is represented twice here (T5&7) has this touch that is quit interesting, dreamy, pleasant and absolutely cool where it works, but can get boring where it doesn’t. Escaping the Bubble, btw, has a very disturbed closing sample where a man from South Park is screaming out help calls because he is being mentally raped by Attoya and OIL, which isn’t my idea of a good sample as it could do harm to a person under the wrong circumstances. As the tracks run along, you realize how much the music represented goes together hand in hand, with samples and effects that connect the different tracks. Acid Transmissions has a good flow of selected tracks and they work in harmony, well, in their own type of harmony that is. You’ll love some tracks more than others for sure, but if you like this style of dark Psy-Trance music, you will probably dig them all. Personally I love the first three and the last three tracks the most, especially the Purosurpo (T3) and Olien (T8) tracks. The middle part of the compilation starting with Arabali is good, but lacks something extra to turn me on. Recommendation: I think this is a good compilation but it’s not on my favorite list. It has some very good moments like the strange and pleasant harmonics of Attoya Vs. OIL (T5) and the liquid drops in Karash’s contribution (T6), but unless it’s played on the right moment or state of mind, it gives me little but loads and loads of effects thrown with intergalactic manners, which kind of hurts when I’m not ready. If you like your music marinated in mud from the forest with heaps of variations and effects thrown at you in weightless conditions and hard as a nail in pain while sucking on a piece of moss, I say go for it, this will rock your world. It has a sound that sort of blends the Swedish deranged forest with the sound of San Francisco’s darker corners (think Mistress of Evil Records) and the disturbed and suppressed Russian moist cellar where freaks with huge eyes wander around. Overall the sound is fuzzy and strange, a little bit messy. It’s music covered in mud. Favorite tracks: 1(!), 2, 3(!!), 8(!), 9, 10. Where to buy and other links: Trishula Records: http://www.trishula-records.com Trishula MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/trishularecords Psyshop.com: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/trr/trr1cd015.html Saikosounds: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=7325 Wirikuta: http://www.wirikuta.at/web66/product_detai...owDetail=197989 Beatspace: http://www.beatspace.com/dettagli/dettaglio.asp?id=4096 Play.com: http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/5341969/Ac...on/Product.html More Reviews: http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic Isratrance.com: http://www.isratrance.com/cd-reviews/acid-...sion-d1069.html
  5. My bad, your right, it's an Alex Grey painting
  6. gosh Crowman, thats a very nice list of albums you got there
  7. still very entertaining with a special sort of vibe going on. You won't find much Classical Mushroom music around since its pretty special.
  8. Indepth - ΣerØ Sumº (Spiral Trax) 2009 (SPT1CD027) 01. Retired Porn Star (7:27) 02. The Crack (7:40) 03. Sum = Zero (8:26) 04. Ginaton (7:24) 05. Shun (8:15) 06. Headway (7:44) 07. Itaitaiko- Future is Uncertain [indepth remix] (7:22) 08. Everyone I Know has Paws (7:30) 09. Last Night on Earth (5:54) 10. Null (11:10) The trend these days in clubs around the globe seem to be strongly directed towards minimal techno with its playful acid feel and minimal sound approach. In my home town it's very hard to go out clubbing without encountering the sounds of minimal techno blasting from the speakers with tokkitokk sounds following the kicks, hi-hats and bassline. Indepth has created something very faithful to the minimal techno sound in his Zero Sum. The album has some nice trip factors scattered around, as well as more sublime stuff going on without turning all maximum. Its drive and posture all looks and feels like your average minimal techno and after listening to his art with deeper bass and clearer speakers I've realized how much work he's put into it with crisp sounds that near a surgeons precession without the clinical approach, and a bassline that compliments the minimal techno kick with pleasure and surprises. Zero Sum contains some surprises at times, adding traces of trance, progressive house and hallucinogenic distortions. The production is crisp with vinyl effects to create that extra electric feeling on your pumped up body and gives you groovy themes to make the dance floor turn blissful while grinding teeth. In some tracks like the The Crack (T2) and Sum = Zero (T3) Indepth pushes, or lifts the music to put the clubbers head on the edge of a mental crack, and it tends to become irritating and annoying when listening. When it comes to the Gintaton (T4) he adds nice breaks and sneaks in melodies. He also adds some melodies with extra cuteness on Everyone I Know has Paws (T8), while at the same time stepping slightly away from the straightforward minimal techno feel and injecting us with some friendly emotions. The only track originally made by another artist is the 7th track by Itaitaiko, better known as Kukan Dub Lagan. This track has a super cool sample going 'Ohm', 'Bom. Recommendation: Spiral Trax records who for the summer season of 2009 is focusing on more techno influences in their releases give us an interesting album from Indepth, but for me personally it's not interesting enough. It has all the tricks needed to turn on the party goers, plus Indepth adds some minor variations here and there like trance themes, dirty electro pads and bassline changes. But as a whole it starts out boring, turns interesting while again changing back to become something boring and with time, forgettable(?). This is one of Spiral Trax's debut release on this field since they reopened their office in June 2007, and we can expect more music like this. I just hope they keep raising the bar. I have never heard the earlier work by Indepth, but the word around the block said that throughout the years, Shahar has experimented with different styles from progressive, breaks to techno, and it has all been with a pinch of psychedelics and a hefty dose of clubby influences in mind. Key words: techno, minimal with acid and electro. Favorite tracks:1, 3, 6, 8, 10. Indepth Interview: http://www.isratrance.com/interviews/indepth-i75.html Where to buy and other links: The Indepth Page: http://www.indepth1.com His MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/depthsof Indepth Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Indepth Spiral Trax: http://www.spiraltrax.com Spiral MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/spiraltrax Spiral Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/label/Spiral+Trax Psyshop.com: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/spt/spt1cd027.html Saikosounds: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=7937 Beatspace: http://www.beatspace.com/dettagli/dettaglio.asp?id=4986 beatport: https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content...mp;a486-index=3 More Reviews: http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic Original review on Isratrance.com: http://www.isratrance.com/cd-reviews/indep...-sum-d1062.html
  9. This was my first ever attempt so you'll have to excuse me if you find it/them dull and not very good http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseact...p;bID=501209050 or http://www.isratrance.com/interviews/bluetech-i74.html It turned out ok but maybe a bit boring in my opinion. Not many clever questions, just generic and nice It sort of crached with the first are you psychedelic question lol rolleyes I also did this one together with Shahar on Isratrance (sorry LLB heh) Interview with Indepth *Shahar Isra is not Shahar Indepth, fyi. I got one more waiting for answers with Xerox which I'm looking forward of recieving =) I will post it here when I get it. .peace
  10. The Power of the Dark side, Shiva Shidapou is the name. the track rock, what a climax hehe :posford: A wood chuch would chuck all the wood a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood Which track/album is that from?
  11. psytones

    Recent ratings

    I love animals and have had one and a half dog in my lifespan. I got to break it to you guys, it sucks cheap catfood. Really. ()
  12. I don't know if this type of topic has been posted before, so you'll have to excuse me if I'm OLD'ing. Here's a topic inspired by a topic read in psymusic.co.uk: Anyway, samples may play important roles to some people at some moments in space and time. So one off the top of my head right now would be: .. the Attoya vs. OIL- Escaping the Bubble track on VA - Acid Transmission: 'their raping me!!! aaarrrrrhhhhhh their raping me!!!' - Mr gerison(?) from south park funny but still alittle freaked if right moment right person bring em' samples :clapping:
  13. Psykovsky because it's IAM, ITM & at times has this unique power to give you mad IDM's
  14. psytones

    Recent ratings

    Donnie darko 9/10
  15. all i got to say is Kepp Up the Good Work people!! I've always been a fan of your idea to bring decient to good music to the peoplefor a small amount of money! And the magazine makes brilliant reading material for the can, which is a compliment the Children Of Jah release was a really nice.release. so good thanks! =)
  16. psytones

    Ishq - Orchid

    be careful of else you'll end up like the melted people in that guys signatur agreed though, it's so nice to chill with this music floating out of the speakers while watching thecload fomation roll over the sky on a fine day
  17. Infected Mushroom & Yahel - Electro Panic For some reason I have started to apreciate this track only now in years after hearing it for the first time. It ain't bad, the sound is big. same with CV - Trance Side, it's really underappreciated imho. a lot more people (both goa and full-on fans) would and will like it when giving it a real chance on good earphones
  18. sort of shamefull of both groups. us and duvdev. but as long as we see it with a spoon of lol, its puff to quote someone i agree with:
  19. a mazzive track from massive attack from the mezzamasari album with a beatle thingy on.
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