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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. I urge this thread to be locked and put in a blender for its extravagant usage of racism and lol's
  2. B-Boys Fly-Girls put your hands in the air, eh eh eh' Ooh yeah like you just don't care!! Happy Birthday Snickers, may the nuts be gentle to you :posford:
  3. .. and Radi is Traveller. Hm, the plot thickens
  4. Someone mentioned Phutureprimitive ? His album is so good it bleeds
  5. Psykovsky's Debut came after the year 2000, but it's a timeless piece of musical art so it doesn't really matter when it was released.
  6. pm We have to hook up and talk about how superior Greek people are and dream about eating gyros Matt will also join, of course!
  7. I defiently forgot to prais the intelligence in this album as I should have, I'll write a review for the first YggdraSounds and shange that, because it's deserved, for sure! I have heard the album from further away, hhe, if you can say that, and there are some secrets in it when it comes to melodies being spread wide that took me by suprise here one stoned night. And Sawfly, this might not be as powerful and real forest music like Sanaton, but it is fucking real moss music, which stinks more forest then anything lol
  8. I don't know, but I think maybe some of you guys are totally forgetting the albums power of being somewhat a sick rave anthem from the 90's covered in psychedelics and a 21st century wrapping. Just listen to 'The Logic Of The Polyphonic', it's so hard candy with a special healthy touch that it rips my teeth open only to repair them to the better afterwards. I'm totally in love with this piece of candy raving with style album, and I can't understand your doubts. this album is quality.
  9. Yeah, when my sister ordred the tickets, 31st was the only availible date. Jee! Det hadde vært Moskva Marit fett det Matt. Men synd vi ikke kan henge på afterparty i sammen da .. Vi har ikke bestilt biletter (fly, hotell) enda, så jeg kan jo gi en lyd når jeg vet mer:) Om du har tips på dette så gi gjerne en lyd på pm! My first ever time to see Shpongle! :posford:
  10. OhMyBuddhainsideAllah, this music totally rock! It's hard hitting intense Goa trance music. Just the way we like it :posford:
  11. those days seem so far away. *fart
  12. So .. I'm going with my sister on the 31st of October. :posford: Looks like all of you are going on the 30. Oct?
  13. haha ja mann, thats the one. They just struck me as being so alike I had to ask since I wasn't sure which artist (i thought Ott) and song it was.
  14. I'm super sure I've heard this before, is it a Ott track or something?
  15. Some unreleased tracks by Yamabikaya - Sent to me by one of the former members :D :posford:
  16. Cool VA Tatsu, looks damn sweet. I forgot to mention it, but I was hoping for artist album suggestions and not compilations. My bad for not making that clear. Thanks anyway
  17. This thread is the same as mine only with a different approach and a top 10 lure? Cool enough, let's see what these threads will spawn!
  18. Hi psychedelic mind and body trippers out there in psynews’land. After reading the So why exactly is it that IFO hasn't been re-released? thread, I got real curious about what people think is the most essential albums out there which is at most parts hard or impossible to get, or just damn expensive to buy off second hand (like on Discogs or Ebay). So I'm not talking about essential albums like Hallucinogen - Twisted (easy to buy) or Sandman - Whichcraft (has been re-issued by Avatar). I'm talking about albums like Pleiadians - I.F.O. and Blue Planet Corporation - Blue Planet. Well, my knowledge of which is hardest to find and which goes for the highest price isn't good, so that’s why I ask you in curiousity; 'What’s your list of unmissable psychedelic gems?' e. Oh, and I'm trying to ask for artist albums, not compilations. But if you have to mention a VA then GOAhead. LuBu, if you’re out there, this should be your time to shine! :clapping: Some words: Maybe the album your thinking about suggesting is availible on a re-issue/release? Maybe the album your thinking of is availible on mp3 but not on a hard copy like CD? Maybe the album your thinking ...
  19. I knew it would bring me joy to have patience and love No longer am I in that box :posford: :posford:
  20. Out of curiousity, could you name some examples if it's in your memory? Do you mean stuff like Intact Instinct and Yamabikaya, or .. ? (maybe even releases from TATSU Recordings??) On a hefty dose of lucid old psygressive and minimal psy should have revealed a lot of wow's to you, but of course, taste, vibe, feel and that will deternen that, i guess. I guess with a combined taste of Full-On and Progressive, your chai is the newer sounds like Ace Ventura and Iboga n'stuff? They combine those loves of yours, no? At least thats what I feel about Ace Ventura. Hey, have you heard this one -> Frost-RAVEN - Star Muse? e. oh shaize, I just found another thread about this release. Could you moderate and fuse them Tatsu? http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?sh...;hl=frost-raven thanks
  21. Ok, I get that and it seems fun to put your taste and np stuff out there to people to see and connect. But does that mean that you good folks (you, insajn etc) are paying to use last? is scrobbling and networking so important you are willing to pay for it? :smile:
  22. Well I'm listening to it closer now with headphones and it's nicer then what I thought yesterday. If you like in da rasta this will please you I think. It's the same but more complex in details. Slightly new turn but still Kukan. But still imho the debut is simpler, not nearly as well produced, but it shines much more in charm and smile. This is mastered by the same who mastered Radiodread (reggae remixes of Radiohead, like Dub Side of the Moon). seems like thats the case. And you'll find the CD on the psyshops. I got the CD. I just added it to discogs since it was missing.
  23. can I just make a comment about the statements that I read from people about; 'when I'm not into the genre, ie. R'n'B it will all sound the same to me' This might sound like bragging or smth not so nice, but I just wanted to state that no matter music genre, quality or what ever, I am perfectly able to hear all variations and sound and feelings. Be it jazz, rap, hip-hop, soul, fink or dunk. I am not able to not hear everything in a track. And I blame psy for this super human power of mine I've always loved sounds and tones since I was little, but when I got introduced to the psychedelic experience and the psytrance sounds around my ear got a massive tune up, I became much more avare of the details in e piece of music. I know I'm writing like a crow now and maybe for some it will be hard to understand or swallow what I mean, but I suspect some of you will understand perfectly what I mean. yo
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