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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. So guys, heard the new remixes for the 'Smashing the Opponent' Single? Go to http://www.beatport.com and search 'Infected Mushroom' and take a listen. It's lol but I find some of them to sound interesting, at least! Infected Mushroom Feat. Jonathan Davis - Smashing the Opponent 1. Timo Maas (Mutant Dub Mix) :: Sounds soft and nice, don't get to hear the main theme of the original track but what I hear sounds deep enough. 2. XI (FullOn Remix) :: Sounds cool enough in the dunkadunk FullOfPower remix sense that I think we've gotten used to by now. 3. Adam White (Pefecto Remix) :: Sounds like the theme from Orange Theme or something like that, guess it's a good dream-trance remix. 4. Robert Vadney (Vicious Remix) :: Some rock'n'metal remix, not sure what to say .. Rock on bleep'n'peep twats? Sounds terrible. 5. J.Views (Remix) :: Well we all know and respect the man from Violet Vision. As with the 'Cities of the Future' and 'Deeply Disturbed', he (they gave) gives us the most interesting twist on a IM track. Donno how much I like it, but still .. ::Mind you the Official Music video is being launched soon, and Paul Oakenfold is a part of it ..
  2. Hi, I just thought it would be nice to gather some tracks that's been remixed by people inside the so called ,,PsyScene". Right now I'm listening to Sabretooth - Cruise Control which uses samples of Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal. It's super cool and does have a sense of cruising control, the way the sample has been used with the pumping beat makes the track fly! Here goes: Sabretooth - Cruise Control http://www.discogs.com/Sabretooth-Sabretoo...release/1691070 Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal (Sirius Isness rmx) Michael Jackson - Billy Jean (Minilogue rmx) Bubbles By Yotopia. It got samples from Thriller http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/flr/flr1cd116.html The two latter suggestions are not released as far as I know. So, got any drops?
  3. Entheogenic. I think a lot of the tracks I've heard contains too much jalla samples of Indian singings in a fashion not for me, and the synthlines irritates me. I do like the album with remixes a lot though. .
  4. well then I honestly cant see your problem with fast BPM :posford:
  5. without a single doubt of mind and soul, this is very beautiful ambient music from the stars.
  6. MJ got addicted to pain killers after his Pepsi commercial accident. Mj might have had skin trouble like you explain Orm, but still he did change his apperance A LOT, way beyond his skin troubles being a fair excuse. fact is he was addicet to the possibilety to change his looks, to look like his female heroes. MJ used to play with the media, had a superior control, eventually he lost that control and became a bleeding victom of their cruel hands. MJ's rehersal with dancers
  7. no no no no. no. You do this all the time in Psynews as well. If I ask what bla bla and where did you bla that, you reply, here, look at this link. And I push the link and vollá, you lead me to a specific part of a page, not the top like all others do. Yo magik je..:: U not cher this wit U.S. ?
  8. Ditto and I'm actually basing my interest on merely nothing. I love the artwork of this album, something very smooth about its structure. I owe zero CPC tracks, and the only music I can recall listening to that was made by CPC was some samples of his Uber Der Angst album, some of those tracks sounded very promising. I meant to buy it but never came to it. Ok, I downloaded his CPC Da Friends album, didn't love it. I listened to a few samples of ‘Double Bubble’, found it to be interesting. If I would have had money back then and now, I would buy his albums, maybe not the 'Da Friends' one, but defiantly his other releases. There is something about CPC that I can feel, but not pin-point in words. Maybe I've hyped him so much in my skull I've created a determination about his style to be extremely powerful and psychedelic. All of this because of one track I heard a sample of, of his 'Uber' album. And now, I want this album, have no idea about his music, but I know I want it. Strange. Word about the review … Come on, I'm not keen on passing to much critique, but this is a very poor attempt and smells like simple and pure promo. No words worth digesting. Write a new one, but thanks for putting it out in the light.
  9. Look up… Don’t look up on the ceiling silly, scroll up on your screen and you should see some examples -_^
  10. Whats the matter Bwhale, did you wake up with a dick in your mouth?
  11. a-ha, i see. It was after all his source of income, and I guess I remember some words about him having to give up the total control to chear with Sony. nOOb question? I've been here since many years and trust me, this is a Rotwang thing.
  12. I dont know their debut but I got the Misted album and except for the hectic tempo (that can be a little to runny at times), this album is very different in sound structure. And besides, its nice to have a couple of albums on the marked that are obvious in story/conceptual .I agree that there has been some very exited words about it and I lean a little towards thinking it can suffer a over hypement, but I think the price is it will reveal more and more over time, i think even in some years I'll come to that stage in awe. maybe. For people who like to buy albums the whole effort in making a beautiful package with booklet + etc in digipackaging. it is very solid, quality. But of course that might not be important in its essence of talking music but its for sure appreciated! puff anyway, i like it, very happy to own it
  13. adjective: calculated approximately question I ask, because I haven't managed to get a total view of it yet, does it work? I'm imaginating there is a lot of details in there and it would be very dissepointing to hear it isn't estimated .. grey techno colourful psytrance
  14. Well maybe your right, it might have turned out to be a total fiasco with weak dancing and singing because of health. All 50 shows where full booked, so no fiasco there though. So imagine that the he would have given it his all and preformed beautifully, for sure it would be better for him/fans to have a last shine in the spotlight up on stage, even if it would be 10 shows .. . IM(andmanyothers)O wonder what will happen to the Beatles licenses now that MJ is done . ?
  15. The Dangerous album was about 10 years a head of it's time. hm, Off The Wall, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous .. Talking about him self in warnings? hr hr r... sorry, couldn't help it. It would be nice if he could have his final months on the stage, 2 Bad he didn't get to realize that last wish of his, and of his fans, because he kind of knew the way things would end.
  16. So far for me in 2009: MossTrance: VA - YggdraSounds II A very strong and mature release with hidden suprises and an impressive sound. Charming FullOn: La Mila - Search Your Dream Just good and positiv FullOn music to be played at dusk. FullOn Club-Techno with AcidPunk: Sabretooth - Sabretooth 2 wrote a pretty shitty review of it, but it managed to impress me a little after more listens and another mind set. Nothing great, but for sure nothing bad. Brown Acid in flickering Darkness: Arsenic - Arithmetix Looking for something special, you found it! read my review! EventyrPsy: PoF - Chaos Opera This can hit you as grey techno psytrance FullOn trance, and it is, but dive inside and you'll find so many colours you won't even believe it. And to have the original CD with cover and booklet and all feels really solid. It has a 100% solid feel to it, like TimeCode Recs really invested to make this shit stick.
  17. Reason why I made this thread was to get an overall idea of what you people label as being Experimental Psychedelic Trance. And it's clear we're all on the same page. Music released on Ie. Psy-Harmonics can really twist your knob and releases like VA - Not My Cup of Tea from Demon Tea Records really mushrooms the trip for you. I've always loved this side of psytrance since it was the experimental and crazy stuff that first touched my heart with releases like Yamabikaya - The Arrival (Japanese PSY) and Rip Van Hippy - Waking Up Is Hard To Do!. I did ask a question regarding it's origin, and got some good answers in this thread Call it Freestyle, Experimental, Fantasy, OddTrance, Oozie or Suomi. Thing is, it's special music. defiantly, so for me the Oozie and Suomi style is what we can be put in the Experimental box. Though, there are a lot of styles and artists out there experimenting!! It came recommended some time ago but never heard more talk about it and I can't find it on any CD-shops. But it has appealing aspects about it, donno what it is since I never heard the actual music. Yes, and yes! Though, never did hear the new M.E.E.O. release, but since it's from that label, it have to break the formula It's nice to see labels like Odd-Harmonic and Demon Tea still kicking hard. And I should mention that a release from Mr. Rogers tries to follow this crazy sound and does so with style, but not as stylish as many others. My friend, I've watched that movie (both parts) more than 10 times now. I can't do much in this world but to spam this, I can ^^ dude that great1 Thanks, I'll try to find it and have a watch edit: I've tried to find it in the places I know where to look, but nothing .. Do you know a place to watch, or do I have to buy it? Maybe PM me, or if more people want, post it here :fear: I found it for sale on Play.com, but there the title has a minor difference from your Amazon title Man, when I first heard Infected Mushrooms music in the year 2000 I thought to myself, This is some fucked up great out of this world Experimental music Don't got sound to listen now but thanks for the heads up, will have a listen soon! Btw. Want to be my MySpace friend? http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic
  18. thanks for the detective work LLB! man, looking at the catalog of Spiral Trax makes me realize (again and again and agai ..) how many albums there is out there I should have and listen ::
  19. know what, I've tried to reply to this thread many times now and each time I abort and say to my self it's impossible .. 1. Infected Mushroom - The Gathering / Classical Mushroom 2. Psykovsky - Debut / Da Budet (?) Sandman - Whichcraft / Psycho Toones (got it on LP, still haven't heard it) 3. Yamabikaya - The Arrival 9. Shivasidpao - The Album 6. Tandu - Multimoods Alienated Buddha - Inpsyde 5. Psysex - Expressions of Rage / Hardcore Blastoff Koxbox - Dragon Tales (Don't own it on original, yet) 4. Hallucinogen - Twisted / The Lone Deranger Juno Reactor - Transmissions (Don't own it on original, yet) 8. Astral Projection - Another World (Only CD I have from them) 7. Nystagmus - The Immaculate Perception Derango - Tumult 10. Deja Vu Fabrique - Fabrique its impossible
  20. + 1 !! I really dig it's colours and charm. Makes me smile music like this I was one of the people who bought this release on Avatar, and happy happy I am to have it.
  21. A more vivid discussion aboiut MJ Moonwalk FTW !! respect!
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