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Everything posted by psytones

  1. This album has a hard cutting Techno edge to it and inside these hard techno layers you will find a multiverse of events. there is a lot of details in the sounds that are hard to notice and appreciate unless you dive inside the music. this is authentic fairytale Psytrance with techno and glitch tendencies ready to exite and smash your head in. Brutal in it's beauty. lol thanks man. But I wouldn't hold my breath in finding anything genius in it It could use a major editing job, and the chapter sections isn't in sync with the music's chapters because I wrote it fast while listening to the music and then made chapters as I read it. The karate mooves on the queen, it's actually written while the dogs are blocking the path. Oh well. *thanks for taking a written notice though! (I'm very pleased about the title)
  2. Well since I only own H.U.V.A. Network - Distances, and Solar Fields - Earthshine (on a burned CD) I am not the one to judge. I have however heard a lot of their music through dedicated friends in varies situations and I must say their releases are top notch with a lot of Magic qualities. Sometimes the most boring music turnes out to have the deepest magic of them all. I learned that many years ago. I voted the second alternative.
  3. yeah, I'm enjoying it very much thank you It has a lot of key changes which I like when it flows! About GeoMagnetic.TV, ATMA - Beyond Good & Evil is pretty awesome, right!?
  4. ^ And this is why I am hoping So much Google is one of the 'good' guys.
  5. Frost-RAVEN is an artist from the US, or SF to be more precise.
  6. Well it was a Coin Club. We had a great time with insane music, then the cops came. The cops didn't enter the Club but was just outside. They then notified the Media that there was a drug party at Coin, so at least 4 News Stations with camera and reporters. We went out and they followed us everywhere. We also had a ,,celeb" from Bollywood so the Media was ecstatic with their camera and mic. It felt like a movie being chased by cameras and her, the star lol covered in a jacked to not get recognized. At a point after making sure we had lost them I got a camera and a microphone in my face with the following question: Do you Do DRUQS?!?. I made a speech about cigarettes and how unhealthy they where and recommended everyone to to quit the fags and start smoking beedies instead. They got tired of my bla bla and said 'let him go' and we found the others (including Highko),... dibbedidoo. thats it. Fjesbok
  7. No, at most times they contain a lot of truth. Excuse me, but we could all today be driving around in "environmentally friendly" cars if the development and research hadn't been forced to an halt. Your comment makes absolutely no sense Bwhale, more ignorant then anything else.
  8. I shaked Highko's hand in India, Delhi after a party while running away from the Media (4-5-6 News Channels chasing us).
  9. lol all of those Alex Jones films are funny. So much crazy stuff Hey basman, maybe its to pop for you. Have you seen this? Power of Nightmare
  10. Have you seen Loose Change yet?
  11. .. try to think potential solution, not problem. It pisses me off that the Electric car development was canned and forced to fail because of finical interests from the oil industry. If it wasn't for the boundaries of financial gain and modern day slavery we could have achieved so much more. I'm to tired to rant about stuff now but I think you feel the same in most senses.
  12. First of all I think a Venus type of society would be much better and would serve as a good next level in evolution. So I don't care if this is the agenda, but hidden? nope. Its quit obvious. Its as clear as day that we over-all wold we live in today isn't a good one. So much more could be done but we are stuck in a comfort zone that isnt as comfortable as we'd like to believe. And sure, it might not be such a person behind the curtain as they try to make it at times than more of a natural escalation of the chase for profit. its out of control and about to implode. Like the Mayans crop.
  13. Chemtrails: http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&view...r=1qygpcgurkovy I have no idea about what it really is, but a strange phenomenal it is! - Is it Alien reptiles cooling down our planet to invade? - Is it nanobots to invade us sent by the people behind the curtain to access full and total control of our lives? - Is it planes flying in such a high altitude the trails doesn't go away after 1 minute like Normal plane trails? - Is it a chemical for our own good to protect us against UV-radiation, maybe a star has exploded in our direction (gamma or wtf that thing was caslled).? * Why does a chemtrail stay for so long only to expand into a large thin carpet covering the whole blue sky. And one rarly comes alone as they fly in criss cross so that the next day or night the whole sky is covered.
  14. Did you watch the second and most important one Lemmi? Addendum And what started it all for me was this about 9/11. Loose Change The Religious part came from this The Great Year The instructional part in Zeitgeist about Religion isn't important and tend to throw some people off the whole point of Zeitgeist. But its a nice short look at Religions connections. .
  15. No, Did Rape St. Pepper I can't believe Mr. Hanky would allow such stuff to be glued to his music. I guess its a nice way to roll in extra cach and get some recognician in other scenes outside the narrowminded psy one. But still,, come on .. Actually, I really like the way this is made. Makes me feel a little drugged lol I like the effect it gives. I think it's beautiful He wan't more of what, Crack, Heroin?? :blink: Good because I'm more then willing to drill for oil in the chicka to the left. Then we have no more open vacancies at HOMmega-bordell PsyGressiveFullIsraelOn today.
  16. wow sounds nize! Did IM play or was it a forest party where they spun IM's music etc?
  17. ^ Ok I don't know why you felt this had to be said, but Ok!! *it's important to take everything with a pinch of salt, form your own ideas, investigate if possible. But don't slag off information as mumbo-jumbo just because it doesn't fit your comfortable world view. . Ie. You can for sure investigate the Zeitgeist stuff and I promise you, you will find proof or at least indications of it being more then plausible. Zeitgeist just takes a toll on it all sort of and gives you the problem, profit. Every case on this conspiracy/documentary is backed up by information. How deep the rabbit hole you wanna go? Of course you can't eat it all raw but try to chew and swallow some. Not only does it at times make perfect sense of how it is escalating it self in auto cruise profit control. Are we ready for a total change of our out of date system? Just the idea of a Federal Bank which isn't Federal but Private makes me feel sick. Luckily, in my country the Federal Bank is Federal and the peoples property. People conspire to little lol I've seen conspiracy theories about the people behind the curtain being Satan loving virgin sacrificing people with homosexual rituals that fostered a new born and put it inside the first nuclear bomb to breed pure evil.. Then again, sometimes people conspire too much lol, and if it where to be true I think I'm not ready for that truth.
  18. the shpongle one is ding!! MFG ~ Man Fearing Gods people, bring more.:
  19. you see correct yet poorly Still sitting with your hand raised in the air?
  20. . Conspiracy: Time Of Spirit (We all know them, if you haven't watch them be sure you do, because if your new to these sorts of thinking you will get a shock that could change your life and perception about the way we are living - For those who has a masters degree in Conspiracy, this is merely a overview, a gathering of the conspiracy stuff going on since .. forever. This was mainly triggered by the 9/11 tragedy) (You trusted him, now it's time to ask questions about the system behind..) Documentary: Earthling .. [Warning, Strong content - Extreme visuals.] The Blue Planet (Beautiful documentary about the life in our deepest seas.) Alternative: aLien dReAmtiMe (Listen to Terrence McKenna, one of our times greatest Psychonauts, speak with music and visuals about acid, DMT and life) cOlors oF iNfinItive (If you love psytrance because of it's complex structures and geometrical fractiles. WATCH!!) The Great Year (About zodiac signs of Egypt, Hinduism .. ) ..
  21. ok.. I sure hope you see the person eventually
  22. :clapping: is there a topic in the Art thread about album redoings like these? Or a topic similer?
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