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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. Gregh On Earth - Sigelviveshsyg with added ambience?
  2. yess !! this one is good, eh? I digged it, watched it with Fragletrollet (he's included a lot of samples from this in his upcoming album) and it impressed me a lot!
  3. ^ + one MattMan, i agree, even though my reviews are at times total jalla, I hope they give some sort of amusement to some people I think reviews you write about is also a positive thing because it can reflect the vibe of the album. I'd suggest you read my review of Arsenic to see what I mean, and also the La Mila review which is as cheesy as the album. I think it's nice when the writing style sort of reflects the music. But yes, concrete useful information is gold for unknown and new albums your curious about. But if I know and have an album I can read a lot of detailed descriptions, fantasy writings etc for fun. I remember PKS's reviews on trance.net, they where of poor quality, boring writing style and nothing exiting about them. But they did their job, was short and concrete of what to expect, so I enjoyed them for this fact. When I see reviews by Jon Cocco I enjoy the look and feel of it, but unfortunally I almost never read them, just skim (thanks Basilisk) through and read the end points to get the concrete information I'm after. So many ways to write a review (and damn time/energy consuming at times!). So many ways to read and listen. And of course we have the negative shit throwing offensive humorist, direct and fun reviews of Ie. Psyreviews. people love shit.
  4. My vote goes for Ormions contributions, for sure! The rest sucks dinoballs. Except the one approved by some dude that made me giggle. http://www.discogs.com/viewimages?release=811298
  5. fair enough =D you do see the person smashing her head inside another um.dimension?
  6. yeah thats a good description of how I feel as well. Do you smoke cigarettes, drink coffee or alcohol, take aspirin etc?
  7. ^ust fun to read others opinion, basically. When I had an office job I would print out reviews and hit the can for a 20 minutes well deserved break
  8. watched it on liberty caps and it was boring, long and had the most intense spaced out ending ever! Though, my friend had one of his strongest nights, never was the same after
  9. Wharta? where can I hear this Artha? np. some Tricky track
  10. Hallucinogen - Gamma Goblins (Infected Mushroom Mix) I don't get all the bitching about this being bad. I think it's great! :posford:
  11. yes but its not cognat
  12. who me? why? My avatar is a picture from the inside sleeve of SubGud
  13. congratulations its a whole ,,world" inside that stuff. the music is only the bonus
  14. I sort of tilt against not reading others to not get effected but its true what you say. I especially prefer not to read a review of someone else if I know I'm about to write a review of the same album. But I read it after ^^ I usually like direct writing so in the reviews of Ie. Jon, I enjoy his layout and DP I skip or foamread (whats the English word?) the first parts and read the end or Overall thing. Same in magazines or newspaper (games, movies, music) I like to read the end points. The recommendations if you will.
  15. Yeah its a good advice Basilisk and I did sniff at one page like this around new years last year but halfway through decided to can it. Maybe I'll take a new look but right now apart from the displeasure details I wrote about I'm quit happy about the MySpace. I guess one reason is the self advertising job it does because of the ,,friends" boxes. I'm interested in doing something with this as a hobby as well as the initial idea of just gathering my words (+ hey! its nice to get a free of financially cost album once in a while, je?::=) Its fun to write reviews and when I've written a review I'm pleased with, like the Arsenic one, I get a good feeling of self accomplishment. But sometimes it can be very time consuming, about 2-3 hours from start to finish.
  16. http://israbox.com/uploads/posts/2009-01/1...erwise-2008.jpg sooo beautiful and the cover art is also sweeeet..
  17. wow really? Your like a music review hunter? If I ever hunt its to read reviews of albums I know and/or really interests me. Its fun to read what people think. Like just now I search review topics like this one I made and found a review Deedrah thread and I had to read through because I love that album. Other then that I'm not a huuge review reader. it depends 2 first for me e. I mean 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7
  18. Isratrance's main page? I think your whole review forum is a fun idea Abasio! I first gathered my reviews on facebook Deleted'ish it it and made a MySpace site which I'm honestly very happy about Except the BLOG doesnt please my needs. I got more then one page of reviews but the link at the bottom to page two is nearly impossible to see. Also on the front I'm only able to link up 5 reviews organized by Year & Month. I wish I could put up a loonger list displayed. Maybe I can fix these faults with tools, but I'm not there yet. I did make a www.psytones.net URL running.. - it collapsed as quickly as it raised.
  19. remember the old psynews.org review site!? those where my very first encounter with psyberspace
  20. .. you should be able to get the feel and sound of the track/album by 4 minute samples, no
  21. Is it released on PirateBay yet? .. bad joke? Either way, good luck with this one Nikita! *resspect
  22. This is because you are one of the most awesomest malakas in the world!! :posford:
  23. I'm sitting eating pizza alone, gonna make me a joint and have just heard Solstice, waiting for Angelic Particles from Hallucinogen's Twisted. Why this long pause, as Abasio once said (I think), Simon should have extended the bonus instead of the quietness, though quiet is nice as well. e. shush, the ambiance has started ..
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