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Everything posted by psytones

  1. Ah-ha! It was you who wrote a comment that made me re-think my spam actions, not Insajn I guess your right, but still there is something about this music that makes people go PLUR call it fashion, call it inner human goodness/nature, at least its positive. Human nature, beyond survival and procreation, is a product of your upbringing. Growing up in a system that contains a HUGE amount of social conditioning or engineering specifically with the purpose to protect the wealth of the few (and the dream to have what they have). In actuality, we're not encouraged to do much more than plod through a life consisting of a career, family and death with little regard to lives outside our "tribes". or so it feels at times ..
  2. It was made by the same director (Chris Cunningham) who did CtD and Windowlicker etc. It was launched on his homepage around the release of CtD (was also on his hp when DRUQS was out). But its not Come To Daddy, it just has that same scary feel. It's quit disturbing yet cool. Rubber Johnny. The wicked oeginized sounds in this and other tracks is exactly why it was classified as IDM (Intelligent Dance music) and Braindance. It's quit melodic in its realm and almost impossible to dance to, so you where forced to dance with your mind, your brain. listen to this beautiful track Murph: For me this is the best track on Druqs, it's very emotional and strong. and yeah, stop the overactive protest spamming. I for one like to have some organized system in these forum sections. Even when OffTopic was up and running the General Section was untouched by spam. Respect it won't you? pe-a-ce
  3. I really don't want to run around and tell people what is and whats not psychedelic. But this movie isn't psychedelic, it's psychotic. Great movie though!!
  4. phjuu .. was nearly stressed there for a couple of seconds. Yeah, I was thinking of only production. I also got that Retro MIX-CD, it's great! Interesting to see The Gathering so far having the most votes. Hola Rotwang com'e'stas ona servesa port favor la gusta marjhuana, I think you should DL or get the Shiva - The album .. album. Its insanly good, trust me.
  5. ^ exacly. And I guess random misuse of the word psychedelic this and that from spammers like me doesn't help on the word getting the recognition and respect it should. I'll for one will try to stay clear of spastic usage of the word psychedelic for a while (A comment from Insajn some weeks ago after I posted psychedelic that and that made me realize I had gone overboard .. ). Know what my personal problem has become after nearly 10 years of tripping and loving these realms, it's even become watered down in my own persona (i think). Before I had crystal clear feelings and directions about what PSY was now I'm second guessing my self and leaving a benefit of a doubt everywhere. Everything Is and can be psychedelic, but not everything is meant to be psy. To sit in nature and listen to the birds, wind etc. is psychedelic. To listen to ambient with the same sounds is psychedelic, but when the music is intended to be psychedelic it usually has something extra to it, some X factor or something hard to explain but easier to catch with your senses. As Oopie said, if I haven't heard what I refer to as psychedelic dunkadunk music for a while I get spasms and need my fix. If in the future I could inject psychedelic trance music in to my vain and store them permanently in my brain, I would So be a junkie People are in to this music for many different reasons - What I find to be similar at most times no matter where you come from is the effect of the dunkadunk or ChillOut to make you more P.L.U.R. in thought patters and large opinions. Even new IM fans who has no sssssssssserious connection to psychedelics do get a sense of peace in the world, love everyone, unite our spirits and respect nature thing going on. It's the power of the genre I guess. Some strong forces at work, even in IM's new work It's in human nature to love and explore, hate and criminal behavior is not in our nature. PSYCHEDELICS TO THE WORLD!!!!1!!!KILLARGH
  6. aw thanks man - ditto But in all reality, that speaks more of the lacking of good contributors around here at the moment than the quality of my postings. I like MattMan, he's always seem to be for real and has some genuine good comments around. I'm bald with dreadlocks sticking out of my back-head. If you see me hit my shoulder and ask howmuchwoodwouldawoodchuckchuckifawoodchuckcouldchuckwood. If I do not reply proper* it is not me you've hit. * Awoodchuckwouldchuckallthewoodawoodchuckcouldchuckifawoodchuckcouldchuckwood.
  7. âll IM threads are doomed to be great! My vote went to The Album, The Gathering, Classical Mushroom because they mean the world to me. I love B.P but it will never touch these three did I forget an album by Erez? I was in deep fear of this embarrassment of puplic humiliation tell me witch album I forgot and I will redeem myself and edit the thread.
  8. made me think of this girl in my class when I was in 4th grade. She had so much fear and respect for our teacher that one day when she had to pee she raised her hand to be excused. First of all our teacher was pretty much a dick so he ignored our raised hands as long as he could, and because he had expressed anger on too much piss-requests from the class, she didn't dare to disturb him and lowered her hand without getting the permission to take a piss. I remember the sound like it was yesterday; dripp.. dripdripp.. dripp.drippdrippdripp. She couldn't hold it in so because of her fear and shyness, she pissed on her seat and the whole class got a good laugh. True story. Point is, don't be so shy you piss all over yourself, and teachers, respect the kids and let them express them self without getting yelled at all the time until they... soil them self!
  9. Ooh yEaH baby, thats what I'm talking about!!
  10. just updated my list with one VA release and one DVD release :posford:
  11. np. Deedrah - Deedrah - The Wizard Demo crazy stuff :posford:
  12. Who the fukk is Kettel? Can I boil water and make coffee in him?
  13. Shidapu - The Light of Shidapu Erez Aizen, Miki Litvak, Oren Kislev, Roy Sasson Best track: In Dream VA - Shiva Space Technology Not really a Erez album but most tracks are his creation. Best track: ? Donno know, haven't heard them all =( Shiva Sidpao - The Album Erez Aizen, Jörg Kessler Best track: Shiva Devotional Infected Mushroom - The Gathering Amit Duvdevani, Erez Aizen Best track: Return Of The Shadows Infected Mushroom - Classical Mushroom Amit Duvdevani, Erez Aizen Best track: Nothing Comes Easy Infected Mushroom - B.P.Empire Amit Duvdevani, Erez Aizen Best track: Never Ever Land Infected Mushroom - Converting Vegetarians Amit Duvdevani, Erez Aizen Best tracks (both CD's): Scorpion Frog & Elation Station Infected Mushroom - IM The Supervisor Amit Duvdevani, Erez Aizen Best track: Frog Machine Infected Mushroom - Vicious Delicious Amit Duvdevani, Erez Aizen Best track: Vicious Delicious Shiva Shidapu: The original name of the group should have been that of their second album "ShivaSidpao" but there was a misunderstanding over a long distance telephone conversation between DJ Jorg in Tibet and Germany, which ended up registering the group's name as Shiva Shidapu in the production records. After a few releases with the already registered name, it was too late to change the groups name by the time the second album was about to come out. Therefore, the releases after the second album kept on comming out with the name Shiva Shidapu, or Shidapu, while this name did not apear anywhere in the second album. In this album there is also the explanation of the name's meaning: Shiva - God of destruction and reconstruction. Symbol of the God who's inventing change with dance. Sidpao - astrological, tibetan calendar, and very old tool of tibetan Lamas to fullfil our time with magic. Shiva-Sidpao - is for us a magic tool with whom we intend to break time borders and bring KINICH AHAU and his 10 planetary Orbit in the Sound of the intergalactic Tune. Infected Mushroom: Psy-Trance duo from Israel, formed in 1996. Infected Mushroom is one of the most popular representatives of the Israeli Psy-Trance scene. Because of their constant musical development, Erez Aizen and Amit Duvdevani were able to gather a huge international fanbase around them. After the release of their third album "B.P.Empire", they moved away from the established Israeli Psy-Trance sound, giving their music an experimental character. Infected Mushroom relocated to Los Angeles in early 2006.
  14. I'll Snappen that See what I did, eh? Excacly! I love the artworks!! So to answer the initial question: A lot, but in the very end, it's all about the music. I've said it before and I'll spray it again; Pics or STFU! really? killa
  15. The promotional text writes that Frost-RAVEN is pretty much one guy, Dustin Musser, or sometimes just called Foxx. He apparently started out in 2002 writing industrial music for ComAcad at Drake High school. ComAcad is the short name for Communications Academy, which was the video and audio program offered at Drake High to 11th and 12th graders (which Dustin was a part of during those years). He eventually compiled an album of the works that he did for ComAcad and gave it away for free. But as he learned more about production and music theory he began to experiment with dance music, writing down tempo and breaks for the most part. In 2003 Dustin created a new album, Chakra. It include new elements to his style such as mixing trance, hardcore, hip hop, and classical styles all together in one tight package. The product was very well received by his buddies, but it never got a release due to insufficient funds. In 2005 Foxx went to the school Pyramind the Institute for Advance Digital Audio Training. It was there he learned advance production technique and the tools of the trade, he then completed his album Desert Walker, which was released online through INgooves digital label in which reads for me that Foxx’s psytrance contribution should be highly interesting and amusingly toxic. Let’s see .. Frosen-RAVEN - Star Muse (Digital Drugs Coalition, Morning Star, Geomagnetic.TV) 2008 (DIGICD011) 01. Starchaser (7:38) 02. The Well (9:18) 03. Tabula Rasa (8:13) 04. Night Freak (8:28) 05. Muse (8:16) 06. Nightmares (8:26) 07. Lore (7:54) 08. Dark Wood (7:32) 09. Virtual Light - Nuclear Sun (Frost-RAVEN Remix) (7:23) 01. The album starts off with some nice and comfortable progressive beats and gets a following of airy star sprinkled sounds that float nicely around your presence. Frost-RAVEN seems to be a magician with some well thought-out ideas and emotions as the sonic wave kicks us with a smile. 02. The progressive beat manifestation picks up and brings us to a heavier baseline that hints of an evolution within the music inside the Star Muse album we are about to journey through. Foxx builds his sounds and there is added another layer of base to make the track bump pleasantly along its progressive path while it morphs into its psychedelic trance realm of frozen muses in classical shoes. 03. A windy breeze brings in the funky baseline and the travelling starts accompanied by predators and a disco sorceress only to be shadow protected by a strong progression of beat manifestations in varies environments. Delightful and playful as it butterflies away in a fortress made of icy emotions. A tad boring in its trials to be evenly variated in beats and landscape but defiantly better then the norm! 04. Continuing of what we have heard and felt before, a slippery slope of marbles rolling along. Shimmering frost bites slides along the side. Star shine grows inside us all, melodies are lifted to higher ground and the cheese starts to smell, but that’s Ok. 05. Humpa bumpa lets all go inside a videogame! Falling effects and staggering beats lead us to some obscure melodies that brings the joint up to a new level. – Slow it down now, brings it up! Add some chime and you got yourself a cool winter.. Music is a glorious expression that is supposed to make people happy Sais the girl with a questioning smile. The old winter witch answers in agony, you obviously haven’t heard my music. And with these words the melodies turn awkward. 06. You better bring me back, it’s getting dark soon and that’s when they come out. Mood is taking a turn to the darker side of Frost-RAVEN and the melodic sound effects takes a speeded up approach to float you away to safety.. Or are they? On the path to safety one has to overcome certain obstacles in life that in the great scheme of it all is vitally important for your own comfortably self. Great twists on the journey. Progressive boredom ends and exiting floating magic trance begins. 07. Choruses are swimming lightly in a crystal clear frozen lake while some ice skaters are whiffing by and showing you some fancy maneuvers. A longer sample kicks in and it’s about an arguing conversation, why this on the beautiful floating ice, I don’t know but now the vibe turned wrong and a little bit unsettling. 08. Grinding your teeth together to stomp it hard on the dusty ground, effects swing by to say hello and balloons squeaks along. Tempo rises so that chorus can take over and lift you up a few inches from the ground while tiger kittens bite your ankles. You shake them off to hover further up in the sky to reach the wonderful birds of chaos and freedom. Then you reach a stage where someone seems in need, or is she in lust? Before you can decide the synthesizers throws you off the ledge to a free fall while feeling the wind blow upwards along your cheeks as you gently land back on your feet on the ground. 09. Rise and shine people, it’s a beautiful day! Lick the sunshine off the vanilla sky, feel the angels grace your eyes and take the plunge into the green frosted grass. Watch out, you might get stung, but it will heal quickly as you again rise and shine to enjoy the beautiful day that echoes away. Recommendation: Foxx has managed to produce a very pleasant psychedelic trance album with some progressive drive influences. The album has a lot of delightful sound-fx that he uses with care to create a journey through a frosted landscape. Sometimes he can make the mood feel like snow floating through the air. Sometimes it’s quiet and lovely, sometimes it’s stormy and pleasant. The overall feel in his album is sort of generic Full-On, this is I guess the albums weakness, that and the minor feel of cheese that surrounds the whole package. Hopefully the follow-up by Foxx will be stronger, less cheese in overall feel and more tight and astral like. About the layers and sounds it all floats together nicely and when you dive into the album you’ll feel how varied it is as each track has it’s moment of shine, and each track has its story to be told with changing moods and beat that goes from soft to hard in an blink of an eye. Had it been even stronger in personality and charm and with less generic feel, this would have gotten a lot more attention. It’s super nice for what it is and I’m sure some people out there will adore it and cherish it. I think I’ll forget about it and bring it out to light once in a while when the mood is called for Frozen Muses from the stars. All I want to say to Foxx is this, Keep up the good work, man! I have been missing albums with so many beautiful variations that I have to look at the music player two-three times to see if we shanged track without it feeling all too messy. Key words: Full-On Progressive. Variation in story and drive. Psychedelic effects and floating atmospheres. 6.9/10 - Because it has some extremly strong moments but fails on the fluff. Where to buy and other links: Frost-RAVEN: http://www.myspace.com/frostraven Geomagnetic.TV: http://www.geomagnetic.tv D.D.C: http://digi-drugs.com/ D.D.C-Space: http://www.myspace.com/digitaldrugscoalition Psyshop.com: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/ddc/ddc1cd011.html Saikosounds: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/show_ar...?artist_id=9829 Beatspace: http://beatspace.com/dettagli/dettaglio.asp?id=4675 Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Frost+Raven?anv=Frost-RAVEN More Reviews: http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic
  16. Wicked Wires (aka Delysid) is Juan Fontoira (Spain) and Andrew Olavarrieta (Brit-Mex) who together released two albums on Noize Conspiracy Records in 2007 and 2008. This year they have decided to release most of their Wicked Wires tracks found spread out on varies compilations on one album. Geomagnetic.TV / Geo-Darkstar is their host for this release - Never before has all of these Wicked Wires tracks been presented in one anthology. Juan has been making music, playing the piano & electric bass, DJ’ing since the year 2000 and found a love for trance back in 1998. Andrew discovered trance around the same era and soon started to produce his own music - He is also a certified sound engineer. Since Wicked Wire has a lot of compilation tracks spread around on different releases and someone thought it would be a good idea to compile them on one album, you got to ask yourself if this is a gem, or a forgettable attempt to get recognition and a few bucks in the pocket. Wicked Wires (Aka. Delysid) - Magnetic Memoirs (Geomagnetic.TV, Darkstar) 2009 (GEOCD039) 01. Time Machine - - 148 BPM - VA – Bio-Magnetic Therapy 02. Crawling Ghosts - 148 BPM -VA – Grateful Death 03. Don’t Panic (Vs. Brain Hunter) – 148 BPM - VA – Trip Controllers 04. NeoHuman - 148 BPM – VA – Psychic Chakra 05. Illicit Patterns - 148 BPM –VA – Goa Trip Vol. 02 / Return Of The Boom Shanti – Trinity Series Vol. 01 06. Mr. Mars (Vs. Brain Hunter) - 148 BPM – VA – Stompers Agony 07. Neuronal Language Program - 148 BPM – VA – Psychic Chakra 08. Prescribed Drugs (Vs. Brain Hunter) - 148 BPM – VA – Digital Drugs Vol. 01: Double The Dose 09. The Mission - 145 BPM - ? 10. Psychosis Temple - 148 BPM - ? 11. Stompers Agony - 148 BPM – VA – Stompers Agony These are the memoirs of Wicked Wire.. 1. Beats are running fast and melodies are quirky and the vibe is super Full-On with generic sounds and typical pulsating baselines in haste that are interrupted by breaks with samples of time travel and picked up by some take-offs that are supposed to bend and confuse your head and body with giggles? It might be that this track goes in a phase that makes it travel like your in a time machine, but I’m not convinced. 02. Again some more samples while travelled in rushed information with some unsettling melodies and breaks. It’s getting boring and repeating and it’s only the second track. And where did the Ghosts hide, are they crawling in the floor cracks or something? 03. Again we start with some samples and the haste has settled a tad to bring you on a more cruise controlled aim as the sound effects pleasantly drives the music forward while some cute haunting sounds float around its body. After the sample we get wicked wires that are kind of soothing to the sonic ear. A sort of journey feel is hidden inside this track. 04. Still on the same path with running beats and loose swirling melodies and interrupting breaks covered in some samples - Repeating and boring. It’s NeoSomething, I’ll tell you that. 05. Again some more samples that are run over by beats in a rush to get somewhere. Where it’s in such a rush to get I don’t know but as usual it’s interrupted by breaks and some poor melodies that has its charm but just doesn’t cut it. This is not accepted morality. 06. Again the sample and I’m getting curious about what they are talking about, seems like an odd conversation. We are now on the second track where Wicked Wires are collaborating with Brain Hunter who brings a better stability to the journey but still it’s the faithful sound that Wicked Wires brings to the table. 07. Back to the normal hasty beats with breaks surrounded in samples and covered in Wicked Wires melodies. 08. The third and last track with versus on Brain Hunter. This time the tempo starts humpy and slow and we again get samples, this time about subscribed drugs. The beat picks up in tempo only to be shot down by annoying breaks and we are yet again inside what have become to be the Wicked Wires sound. I think what barely saves this track is the touch Brain Hunters adds. 09. The Mission brings the same as the rest. Nothing new shocking or special. Breaks, sample, melody. 10. Agitating melodies to twist your head, samples to put you off and breaks to scramble the signal. Yawn. 11. Same same but not different but kudos on the suitable track title. Stompers all over the globe will feel an intense agony if this track would be played. Initially when I received the CD and had it in my hands I could smell the vibe it brought and the style it would present. Only surprise was the over use of breaks, the rest was as I thought; Generic. I have a feeling that in an open air dance festival somewhere in Brazil this music takes off! People dancing while screaming and viewing their arms and moping while clenching their fist in the air and biting their teeth so hard over their lip they will feel the agonizing pain of their wounded lip the next day. There are just too many silly breaks to throw you off and seemingly no wholeness in the story telling as the album runs for shelter – It’s a gathering of Wicked Wires tracks and that’s what it feels like, a simple gathering of tracks with no deeper intention of portraying a psychedelic fairytale of good and hope. At best its to amuse the raving party goer or to freak out some person who is uncomfortble in his or her trip - because some of these samples used are not to help, rather than to bury All the tracks are 148 BPM except for track 09 which runs on a 145 Beats Pr. Minute. If you’re after an album that plays a lot on breaks in a Full-On environment with some melodies flying around you, then go fetch. But for the rest, I suggest you stay clear. This isn’t a good psychedelic journey, by far. Its terrible boring and uninspiriting that doesn’t have what it takes to stay alive in a sea filled with music. It’s generic in sound and confusing in spirit. I think this is meant to create confused bad vibes with samples like ‘You Want To Panic?’. I mean, I think I even heard a sample about blood and murder, who in Buddha's name wants to listen to that kind of talk while tripping balls? These tracks of Wicked Wire has a sound that suits the night close to the gloomy light, but without the deep bouldering darkness. What it does have in it's Full-Of realm are some sharp edges that feels like barbwire. To sum the album up in simple words, it would be hasty sound, crazy breaks and wicked wire melodies with samples scattered around. I suggest you get a copy of a VA with Osom music if you want crazy breaks, because they do it proper. Favorite Tracks: 3, 6, 8 3.4/10 - because it has some sort of fun touch on special ascidian situations. Where to buy and other links: Delysid Space: http://www.myspace.comdelysidcooking Geomagnetic: http://www.geomagnetic.tv Psyshop.com: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/geo/geo1cd039.html Saikosounds: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/show_ar...artist_id=11249 Beatspace: http://beatspace.com/dettagli/dettaglio.asp?id=4736 More Reviews: http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic
  17. :drama: Sorry dude, I tried listening to some normal Trance (magik) music once on mushrooms and it sounded horrible, the tempo shifted in uncomfortable manners and at times it sounded like a worn-out/low-battery cassette-player struggling to stay alive. As soon as I changed back to some psychedelic tones it all sounded perfect!! And this was at a time when I was fresh to Goa and didn’t really like it, I actually preferred Euro-Trance to Goa-Trance (In all reality, I didn’t like trance that much in general). There is something unique and mesmerizing about the arrangement and production of psychedelic trance music that just makes sense and this is also why it is so sad and confusing to have 632.749 Full-On releases pretending to be psychedelic. You used to be totally safe to experience something utterly special no matter which music you chose to listen to as long as it was labeled psychedelic or Goa. You could listen to Guitars on Mushrooms* which was a crap release and at least it would give you an experience in the other dimension, no matter music taste you couldn’t fail. As the term psychedelic became more popular and watered out, this insurance of have a nice trip went away. That said, I never did like to take chemical druqs like xtc or amphetamines to Goa-Trance, it just felt wrong and didn’t charge my lights, while on tunes from Ie. Tiësto on xtc sounded like bliss in heaven and amph on some Metal felt like a spasmic paradise. For me back then and still, each drug has a music, a sound, a string to play on. A lot of Psy-Trance eventually went confused and didn’t know if it was chemically reacted or organically charged. *Not such a good example or old, but you know, you know .. ? About ambient/drone and Chill-Out. Well, most of the times these sorts of styles are safe with all sorts of medications Sorry for the DRUQS spamtastics
  18. Freddy Vs. Jason (Freddies world) Cube: Hypercube is pretty acid, at least it felt like acid when I was on 'cid watching it ^^ I agree with Panda, though I've never watched Teletubbies before. I guess the colours are pretty intense or something. hey, I made a thread loong time ago about which movies you had seen while triping. Wonder where it is now, it had some good posts in it. Fo'Real? I'm gonna DL it right NOW!! :D
  19. Principles of Flight – Chaos Opera Artist: Principles of Flight Title: Chaos Opera Label: Timecode Records Format: CD (digipack) Release: 01 May 2009 Catalog: TCCD026 About the members of PoF: Remy was born in Sweden in 1984; he started his music creation at an early age and rapidly started to produce Psy-Trance. His influences are mostly classical, and his talents go from Psychedelic trance to film-score music. He has also worked together with video game developers to create sound design and music. With a solid orchestrating and composing experience, he has orchestrated most of PoF’s classical themes. Pierre was born in France in 1982; he started to enjoy electronic music at the age of 13 and his diverse influences led him to work with all styles of music from rock, metal, electro, trance and techno to minimal. He is also a member of Krugger Flaps, a French electro project and in 2007 he started his own minimal techno project named Stu Altik, which has already released 5 tracks in a short space of time. Promotional words: Principles of Flight was created in 2004 by Remy and Pierre. Their desire was to bring something new to the psychedelic scene. After a few months of collaboration they rapidly got their first live set ready and played for the first time at the Rahkti Dei festival in Belgium. At this point they decided to push their collaboration a little bit further and started producing intensively as well as releasing tracks on various compilations. Their unique combination of dance-floor smashing beats and gloomy melodies was soon recognized to be one of the most original nightly oriented FullOn Psy-Trance music. Pierre and Remy quickly established themselves on the French Psy-Trance scene and actively collaborated with other respected actors of night FullOn trance music like Phonic Request and Early Reflection. In 2006, they started working on their debut album and after almost a year of intensive creation "Night Time Lullabies" was released in December of 2006 on BooM! Records. Now PoF are back with an epic story of Chaos Opera which is a fairytale about a twin brother and sister separated, the story starts like this: "Once upon a time in a far distant land, a land where the only colors of life were black and white, a land where laughs and smiles were forbidden and where clowns were sent to dungeons, a land where life had to obey strict rules and where amusement was controlled by a militia, lived a little girl, Eleanor." It tells the story of Eleanor and Edward, two twins living in a colorless world, and the incredible journey, which Edward undertakes to look for his sister in the Land of the Dead. A whole world came out of the imaginations of Pierre, Remy, and Nicolas Delort, the artist behind Chaos Opera's visual universe. To read more about the journey, read the story portrayed inside the 24 page booklet of Chaos Opera. Chaos Opera comes in a luxury digipak triptych with a virtuoustically illustrated 24 page booklet which contains both an English and Japanese translations of Pierre Delort's original Chaos Opera story. The disc is released on Timecode Records based in South-Africa and their digital release will contain extended versions of the 8 dance-floor tracks of the album which has been made longer in the beginning and at the end so that DJ’s can mix them in their set with a smooth approach – Which is a great initiative by Timecode and PoF!! Track list (chapters) 01 - Into the Lands of Black and White 02 - Chaos Opera 03 - The Queen of the Dead (feat. Talpa) 04 - Eleonor's Theme 05 - Cerberus 06 - Charon the Ferryman 07 - The Tavern, The Rebels, And The Secret Oath 08 - A Gruesome Plan 09 - The Black Mass 10 - Edward to the Rescue! 11 - The Chase 12 - A Colorful End Recommendation: If you are one of many who misses the story telling contribution of The Misted Muppet’s epic album, From the Legend, this is what you have been waiting for all of these years! As a follow-up to Principle of Flight’s debut storytelling album, Night Time Lullabies, this is stronger, heavier and even more epic-action packed in your face with loads of cliffhanger moments. It’s mad in emotion as you can feel the intensity of the main character rescuing his sister from the terrible creatures of death and heavy in sensation as he travels through land, sea and forests. Where their debut NTL had a more Full-On touch and softer approach, Chaos Opera has a hard hitting Techno vibe to a FullOn-PsyTrance realm. As usual the artwork by Nicolas is beautiful and soft and Pierre's stories are exiting and enchanting for both young and old. There are loads of theatrical scenes scattered through the 12 chapters to be experience under the hard grey driving power that is the main sound theme of Chaos Opera. When experiencing the music from deep inside, you will be able to hear and see a magnificent and intense story being told that will for sure expand your existence and thrill you with imagination. It can get tiring as a whole, but still you won’t get enough of its juice because there are many emotions and areas to explore. The guys behind PoF spent more than 2 years perfecting the Chaos Opera story, artwork and music, so I would think that if you like what you hear you would take the effort of buying the music so that you will support the artists and encouraging them to make a third story for us to experience and love. This is magic, this is driving psychedelia with a storytellers touch. 8.9/10 - Because it's a wonderful and exiting story but wears you out. Original Story Written by Pierre Delort Japanese Translation by Yuka Tanaka Artwork by Nicolas Delort - www.nicolasdelort.com Mastering by Johannes Regnier Where to buy and other links: PoF: http://www.principlesofflight.com PoFSpace: http://www.myspace.com/principlesofflight PoFvirb: http://virb.com/principlesofflight PurePoF: http://www.purevolume.com/principlesofflight ReverbPoF: http://www.reverbnation.com/principlesofflight Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Principles+Of+Flight Timecode: http://www.timecode.co.za Saikosounds: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=7870 Psyshop.com: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/tcc/tcc1cd026.html Beatspace: http://beatspace.com/dettagli/dettaglio.asp?id=4907 Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content...372/chaos_opera Wirikuta: http://www.wirikuta.at/web66/product_detai...owDetail=218312 Bonus music-review story by pietones: Chaotically Operational Defiance (Inspired by Principle of Flight - Chaos Opera) Chapter one: We start out incredibly breathtakingly strong with a powerful intro of a feeling that something exiting is about to happen, something special and adventures is about to crash your existence into weird oblivion. The sounds of thrills fills your empty void, the beats manifest themselves in grotesque glory. And we are off to the land of Black and White!! Chapter two: Beats are sturdy and strong as the drama begins, the sounds cover everything around and the baseline is followed by some crunching sound effects that are about to rip your sanity apart in howling screams and growling atmospheres. It’s quit strong the impression they manage to create with the effects that follows the beats in to the ultimate story of tomorrow presented by the principle of flight and its ultimate Opera of Chaos. The effects keeps on chasing each other, some horrid queen like creature stands in your path with gnarling teeth and smelly drool. It’s blocking the way to reach where ever we might be going. With an upper-cut of perfection and a powerful jiujutsu kick we get the ragged queen of the dead out of the away! Our feet with long toenails takes a good grab of the surface we try to run on to step it up hard and intense. To run we have to do, because beats are after our shoe, boohoo. . Chapter three: As we run along the forest trail a lake covered in purple fog is encountered. Jumps on water we do, jumps on clarity we perceive. In the ocean we swim, deep down we dive to sea monsters we seek. Inside a cave of alien lights we crawl to find a treasure hold of sinful gold. Up the latter we climb and inside the forest we end up with strange monsters covered in moss handing us a potion of magic mushroom to twist it up. Settle down, relax your running feet Sais the misfiled trolledidoll. Something weird is happening, I start to feel like a jumping rabbit with laughing manners. Boing boing this is action to the ejaculation. The air seems so moist, why are we in such a perfect poise? A glowing Cerberus and insects alike, we all run to the UFO that hovers around the hemp field in disguise. Chapter four: Tension grabbing us now as the wind blows stronger than ever before taking us up in the air like a swirling tomato of starlight and delight. We Land on a mountain, entering lethal ledges of eagles and kites that push us down to the ground without a fight - Tumbling down the side of the cliff. Bump, klump, dump. As we fall flat on our face in this fantastic race we encountering some beautiful sirens of the muddy forest - Whisper enchanting words of sensuality and fairytales they do, come closer we must because lovely they sound. A garden of eve appears with dripping colors of acid rain to wash our running sweat off. Presented with apples and cold lemonade, tastes so good, feels so relaxing, think I could stay for while? Maybe I could rest my head forever and ever? Wonder how mom is feeling in heaven, hope she is having a beautiful time and thinks of me from time to time Chapter five: .. b-but what’s the deal? Why are the sirens forming cruel formations? What happen to the green grass, why is it all grey and dried up like rocks? I better not make any sudden moves, they seem to have anger in their eyes, a lust of detention, my heart and soul they need to bleed – Scary shit so don’t let them feed. Let’s get out of here, take this gigantic robot chicken I will, its useful, long steps it is able to take. Their chasing me now but this seems to go smooth, just a little bit further now, I think I see the discotheque of fun and run where the world will swirl around and around inside a spiral where the center point brings us to redemption of tension, kind of feels like a sensation. Chapter six: As I get further inside the disco a flock of oggabogga creatures are stepping by my side to speak some words of wiggle and waggle. They say; ‘It might be possible that one steps in shallow quicksand, watch out, don’t stop and keep on running if it even means you’ll be walking or sleeping. When it’s passed you will find friends of party and smiles. Smoking games and dancing they will do to please their guest who is you, so what to do – Get inside a loop, but be careful, they might call on a troop to take a poop - Hahahaha’ – quiet now, inside this disco castle there will be no humored lyrical nonsense going on, to get on with your story you must pass these challenges of needle breaks and automating marbles inside a beach hut of despair and love actualization. Jump and pump to see if you can reach the moaning beat that rests in the far end of your chest and then you can rest – You are the best. Crazy moods of swing and swung is going mutter and nothing is more healthy then to scream it out loud to let them know you are there to be marbled and horrified in one existence. Very confusing it can be we know, but relax not yet because mysteries mind altering chases will always be present of daylight and moon raking grudges. Chapter seven: Wild and funky squirrels chew their coconuts to demonstrate their ability to flip out in the night. Party down them does in the forest jungle of micro-supplicated bushes and trees. Take this pill and it will make you rise like bubbles in a bottle of soda-pop, don’t stop the rock a sailor proclaims. But remember; don’t drop unless you feel like a flop. These words I tell you right before you enter our ship to sail the 11 oceans of consciousness. Rough work you must do to stay on board or else the plank you will walk and there will be no talk. Nailing away rust we do, washing the wooden floor we crave because salvation comes in these drops of flops. Beneath the wooden deck jewels and margins we have to buy what we like in the 11 oceans of consciousness. Our Parrots are green, red and yellow, purple is their beak and white is their wing tips - Talk they do does as well in harmony to see what you feel. Chapter eight: Beautiful and majestic whales approach, peace they bring yet harpoons the pirates shoot. Why this madness against the larger cetacean mammals having a streamlined body and breathing through a blowhole on the head? Do they have gold in their bellies to be captured? Do you need to sparrow the giants that floats in our conscious, can we not learn instead of attacking in the awful name of greed? – Off the ship screams the captain!! Fight for your right, to party, to live and most of all, to be! Sticks are what I use to fight and swords they use to cut your right. Up the pole I climb to catch the wing of a pigeon to escape the ship of drama and balaba. Heavy is the burden we never experienced. Chapter nine: Fly me away to where the grass is soft and the trees are wise. Fly me away to the place where dreams are made to prosper in solitude accompanied only by nature. Settle your feet on the ground to meet the love of your life, glide over the horizon, see the ship being brought down by gigantic squids and feel the whales float in peace to hymn their song of grace in the ocean of eternal consciousness. Feel the pain of hate, feel the pride of love, take your heart and spin it off to a grave of flowers and harmony. Fall through the meadow of silky light, feel the pain being removed because you are the reason for so many to be and to feel. Experience it all, be as you are - Strange music played on strings. Chapter ten: As you stand on the deep end of beauty you face the rightful face of judgment. Deep footsteps are hard to follow. Keep an eye up for the adventures you are facing in the dance you are racing. Don’t give up on the dreams that perceive your ego. Laugh it off while making facial expressions of joy and pain twisted in one sensational time of restless plants and shimmering light. People are talking behind and people are walking around to escape the approachable experience of truth. Some say hello, others look for what they will not like. What is the truth of your soul, your eccentric troll. Crawl like a crow to dodge the howling moon, dodge like a lightning to escape the grasping control. Have fun, all the time. Try to like it all and to be not in control to enjoy the rock and the roll. Chapter eleven: Put on your breaks from time to time, witness the miracle of life and see the dark night sky with clouds getting cleared by the moon light to inspire nightly hunters and flowers alike. Feed on this night of magical light and pulsating energy. Feel the sting of ray and let it heal your chakras of freight and endless flight. Push the box off the steep hill, let it shatter on the ocean waved floor. Crush the label and throw it away so it might get absent and feel the tingling delight of flight and summery angels that calls out to the wind in questioning awe of wonders and stories to be told for years to come. Let the string jump from compassion to romantic hope and work up the angelic power - Never will it fail, never will it prevail, because It is there for you to feel. Exiting the threshold feels, external the rush climbs on an altering fountain. Chapter twelve: Phjuh, can you see, what Im trying to perceive? Can you walk in these shoes? Can you feel the classical blues? Try hard to exist, try hard and resist. This is the power of now. Run as lightly with heavy shoes, but remember to walk and talk, don’t ever think about closing your eyes and sink in the brink of destruction and pain. Use it as an osculating vehicle. Let the paranoiac beats be in their own despair while you groove it to the move it. Bust that move, crunch that beat you freak. Let it break into pieces you can carry along and feel the Chaos because life is a long Opera for you to rumble and tumble but don’t worry, it ends good like eating scrumptious cheese in motorized motion without too much lotion. Life can seem rough and chaotic on the top, but dive deep and see the marvelous story being told inside the ride. Enjoy the system in Chaos. Think faster, faster, faster and faster until it can’t escalate no more and the whole mind alters to an abstract pleasure of drums and bass, because you have reach home where the drama is strong but love has never been gone, oh sweet home, won’t you come where the laughter roams, back home. Daggadaggaziggediragga. Love to the bone!
  20. Mars, I suggest you change your name to Snickers, because you’re going nuts with your Nazi-controlled moderation. Not only did you ban me for no good reason, you didn't even inform me pr. mail about Why I was banned. I had to find another computer and search through threads to find your reason for banning. I don't know why it seems like you have something personal against me - because banning me for one week for writing a silly reply on a spam topic made by another member is pure bullshit. Maybe you think I'm dangerous or something, but I assure you I am not. Don't be so paranoid, man. Sorry. I'm sure you’re a top guy in real life. But some acts you’re doing around here are ruining a good psynews vibe. I think idiot moderating like yours is as or worse than spammers like Bwhale*. You are managing to ruin a very personal and delightful forum with your overacting paranoia to chase away hackers and trolls. I don't know what happen to this place over time but it went from being a fucking great place to hang with likeminded or better minded people from becoming a controlled shithole with a craving to become Isratrance's stepbrother. This obsession about being in control and closing down the freedom of speech and expression is ridicules. I think psynews’ role in the big picture was hugely important for this scene and it’s geeks in front of the computer screen. This place used to and still does to some extent (but for how long ..?) represent an important part of our universe. Psynews has been dying since you forced a pun moderation. Maybe psynews grew too big for its own good, maybe complaining people like me should find another cyber-home. It’s hard to see a place you loved and was a part of for so many years going bunkers and Snickers. *I just mentioned him because he got flamed on the previous page, but personally I don't mind his trolling that much. Tip. Don't start hitting people on the streets.
  21. that was quick! nice and easy review man I like. I've listened through the album 6 + times now and feel it has a mix-vibe between the first and second release (never heard Pheonix Rising). So far I'm in love and think the album gets better for each track as the album evolves. So far I agree with your score, maybe tilting it up to a 8. We'll see. And thanks for the desktop background! :posford: I put it on my sisters computer as a suprise, she likes Bluetech a lot peace
  22. Sure your topic smells and looks more classy but this topic is old, man -> http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1261
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