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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. Yahel has the awfsomest covers evargh. And Nemo, maybe a album you initially thought was poop in the toilet would eventually become flowers in a vase. Do you? @ self
  2. Thanks but your answer got us no where Replace the word 'label' with 'manufacturer' and answer again. If that just leads to another link in the chain do the same procedure again.. maybe we will get to the bottom of this.
  3. Click the lol -> and stop Hijacking my thread
  4. Thank God! I promise you, this Twitter thing thats being hyped by CNN and all over is EVIL. It looks cute and harmless, but I smell the satan's cock-juice all over it. Thanks Mars, its not always easy to know which Andromeda ritual was talking about when there are so many artists that goes by that name, though I knew he was talking about the Swedish pie-heads, I just didnt have the strenght to click all the Andromeda links to find the correct one so that I could investigate a little and see if I could give Mister Ritual Om some answers to his question. .
  5. The first track made me laugh but its retarded. The rest I cant remember atm and I havent heard the album in two years or so .. What I do remember is that it bored me. The last track is cool if your a Manson fan and TC does a good job in converting a Metal track to a trance track without loosing the fundemental vibe of the original. Good review Ormion, I'm gonna re-listen to this album because of you (Its in another country then me so I'll have to wait)
  6. Infected Mushroom - Dream Theatre just listened to it on my way to the grosery store to buy dinner. t made me So happy and nostalgic in feeling.
  7. aj knøw mon, i know I lolled a lot at your comments. Was actually hoping you would trash Anak for his MD, but you didnt.
  8. I've never bothered to listen to their music. So no comment there. Your wishes will be granted: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/com/com1cd045.html I think they have had three Ok covers. The first one with the piano thing was a tad cheap but ok. The second was simple and cute with the drawing. This one also has a pleasent vibe to it, maybe on the brink of being teletubbies witch isn't that great but still it has a pleasent touch in colors and theme. again, never really heard their music proper. I've always demished them as being cheesy full-on with plastic chemtrails. People speak well about some tracks and I guess in the end they do possess some charm. If its good or not is up to the individual listener. - Im still opp with some tribe vibe.
  9. Is this how you manage to find all of those OMFG sweet cover arts you always post on the Good Covers thread? I have been wondering about that, you always find these amazing covers but you never mention the artist name
  10. jeeh thats a good question. I dont mind them and I do acknowledge that they do have quality releases in both mind and body senses. But personally I only own three of their releases, the first two Artifakt albums that I love but still havent gotten around to adooore yet, like most people do. I cant get over something thats bothering me about the sound presented on them. Cant go into depth about that statement but I guess I'm still digesting them. Same goes for the Twisted System - Core CD I own. I only bought it because of the MM - Beautiful People remix. I think the album is boring, uninspiriting and not my cup of tea. But it may grow on me, who knows .. ? .. Other then that I dont have any releases but I sense their good. I just havent discovered Timecode yet, if you get my drift Regarding Geomagnetic.TV I see the Predators - Cosmos has a Pleidians Remix. If that was brilliant I guess the old-skool Pleidians fans would have commented it much more. At least I have seen zero comments about it. I got the Mr. Rogers CD now, and JESUSBUDDHA it is FAN-tastic !! mamamia . much love for these Oozie sounds
  11. lol the cover does suck donkey balls, but the music is good and free. The Kino Oko track .. Also, the Penta album is shait, but his music is superb. I guess a silly cover like that would be acceptible if it was a CDS with five promotional tracks of the new fith album with a much better art design. Either way, Penta has never had mindblowing album arts imo. But the inside stuff (aka music) has always been quality. peace
  12. I just can't understand why recycled material should be more expencive for a label then new material. Maybe it's just me but it just seems a bit off the map ..
  13. In that case, maybe La Mila - Search Your Dream will glow your taste up didnt Sesto Santo have a hillarious IM remix long time ago?
  14. Infected Mushroom had a lot of tracks with opening/closing door sounds in their tracks
  15. ^the beautiful Earthshine album by Solar Fields is filled with recognizible vibes and simular melodies and sounds.
  16. :lol: well cat, I did have a iPod Classic 80GB but kind of lost it in India. I haven't had the finances to buy a new one and I've always had a Discman on the side because I love to be forced to play one CD when wandering around (I have a lot of cD's, don't use computers and mp3's that much ..), its for me a great way to get to know the album instead of having 2000 CD's to push next on. Also yeah, I burn a lot of batteries If I ever pollute massive in someway it has to be my battery usage. Its huge, so huge the only thing I hrm steal from stores are batteries .. though, I miss my iPod, it was nice and sexy and I had even ingraved the words 'Peace, Love, Unity and Respect :: MY real full lengh name' on the back. If anyone finds it, PM me hehe
  17. Nu-Metal So what acts would be defined as Nu-Psytrance?
  18. ^well my brother from another mother. I'm old-skool Two days ago I bought a new (used) Sony Walkman Discman at a flea marked because my old one stopped working 5 Euro
  19. psytones

    V/A - ISRAliens

    you know, compilations like these are the essence of good Isratrance and why I started to like this sort of music in the first place. . *love*
  20. puzzle psysex has their touch in trip factor, humor, trance layers and hornyfied precisions. this is more clean-cut FullOn album in their series of releases but it doesnt make it clony or bad, its great. psysex is wet dreams
  21. @ insane review! 01. best 02. also great but there is something utterly special about 01.
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