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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. Tideland? You have seen both: Beetlejuice Batman right?
  2. http://www.discogs.com/Scorb-Scorb/release/198830 I liked his second release a lot more then his debut. Sometimes when I eat pizza with pepperoni the pepperonies tastes like the flesh of an molded old man that has been laying dead in a pig farm.
  3. I'm talking about these old cartoon movies from Japan with a lot of emotions, philosophy, blood, action, sex, mystisism, trippy sounds, trippy eyes just looking at you. you know, manga: Btw. whats the name of the Japanese Anime about forest demons and stuff - Wolfs, Boars? It's fantastic, but I can never remember it's name. I love all of these Japanese Family Anime's thats being released. But I miss more old skool manga movies.
  4. psytones

    Recent ratings

    I watched Ong Bak 1 years ago, it was killar Get Smart 7/10 - Much better then what I thought it would be. Could have some more haha's though. The Day the Earth Stood Still 7,5/10 - I like it since i like these kinds of movies. A Ok watch but in a week you will forget the content. Wanted 6,5/10 - I want to do Angelina many times. Sort of a mix of Matrix, Leon and Ronin The Futurama Movie 4 4/10 - It is ze booring. Paprika 8,5/10 - Beautiful Japanese Anime story. Ghost In the Shell 3 - 6/10 Boring but Ok and nice Breaking the Silence 8/10 but Zeitgeist is better for the youth to get a larger overview James Bond: Quantum of Solace 7/10 action bla pause action bla pause action bla pause action bla pause action bla pause action bla pause action HellBoy 8/10 - Its really good with some suprises of being diverse and entertaining as the story evolves. HellBoy II same as above, but bigger and more of more. But not better in all. Yes Man 7/10 - an ok comedy with some cuteness and good feel to it. I also fear I'm not enough sometimes. Yes! Benjamin Button 6.5/10 - Good movie yet extremly boring. Yawn. I was dissepointed that he didn't end up as a sperm on the floor. Death Race 3000 6(10 - fun car action with guns. Works as brain dead entertainment. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa 6.5/10 - Everyone loved Madagascar, I thought it was Ok and a little boring. Same goes for the second one. Tropic Thunder 6.5/10 - R.D. Jr RocknRolla 8/10 - entertaining brit gangsta movie with fun actors good plot and guy richie behind the wheels. The Big Labowski 8.5/10 - Classic movie.
  5. psytones


    this one? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079944/
  6. psytones


    + 1.2 I watched it on the big screen and it was a hectic run through the jungle. My hair is inspired by this movie The very end, I have to admit that I was a little bit ..
  7. psytones


    + 1.2 I watched it on the big screen and it was a hectic run through the jungle. My hair is inspired by this movie
  8. Check this out: Insane stuff, make sure your stoned in a dark room while watching hr hr Come To Daddy was my reason to check out his stuff. After that I bought Druqs which is very experimental and noisy with tracks that's not really music, but a display of creepy sounds and strange feelings. is a must if your a fan of old acid ambient Beautiful music in it's ,, simplicity ". 26 Mixes For The Cash is a masterpiece and like mentioned, everyone should have this. The different tunes are special special and you'll love the double album more for each listen. A lot of strong tracks !!
  9. psytones


    I used to have this on DVD but it's long gone, somewhere .. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0214730/ Watch the movie now: http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=gras...emb=0&aq=f# PsyTrivia: A lot of samples from Blowfish - Puffed Up can be heard in this movie. http://www.discogs.com/Blowfish-Puffed-Up/release/221035 enjoy
  10. ^indeed I didnt love GITS 3 Not Haze worthy at all..
  11. The third, right? I hear the third is much better then the second. I've only seen the original GITS, gonna watch this one tonight. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_State_Society My Top 2: Animatrix Ninja Scroll
  12. I'm gonna watch it now mm nice slices of bread, butter, Norwegia Cheese and Paprika!!
  13. Hi, are you a manga fan? I want to watch a Manga that goes in harmony with my haze. help?
  14. Am list 2 unrlsd trax of YAMABIKAYA!! Japan musik at it's roxest!
  15. Some lacing on the dark ambience but should hit your nail somehow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUE7TZfUITE
  16. I asked, no? FSOL isn't what I would call less psychedelic =)
  17. Nice interview, I read it before you posted the link here in pienews. I think you asked some good question regarding his vision in sound, production, influences and stuff. Good! But all in all, it was a tad boring, wasn't it?
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