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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. I DL'ed the Promo 'Invaders Must Die', surly this is a joke, a scam made by Liem him self to fool us. The music is terrible, edgy and fresh/hard. But terible. This is not music for the Jilted Generation, this is music for the disturbed retired punk electro generation..
  2. Hi, The CD is Finnish with a Suomi artist. It's been a while and I can't remember much, but I think track two or three has a sample where it's said; 'Get her out of here, get her out right now!' or something like that. , ? Good luck indentifying this one..
  3. He, Psychoz sent me this one: http://www.discogs.com/release/647739 I didn't like it much. MAYBe it will unveal some beauty in my ears after some years?
  4. for real might not mean shit, but it's still a Very bizzare coincident !! I got one, not nearly as cool though. Next year, 2009 on the 29th of August I will turn 29 years old. Party at my place/farm/island/forest! And you're all invited :posford:
  5. Honestly, I kind of agree. I've listened to one of his albums under Cid and it wasn't good. I didn't feel much comfy, the music didn't sound much psychedelic (this album, at least) and the vibes.. brr.. It felt like the aim of the goal for psychoz was to badd the ones listening. No good feel, and hey! I feel EXCELENT while listening to a lot of ,,scary" music, just as long as its tripper friendly psychedelica with the X factor intact
  6. To whom ever wrote Speedy J, thank you! G-spot is wünderbar!!
  7. kind of, my sarcasm-detector is on slow stoned motion. o_O .. Question: Spiritual section, gone? forever and ever?
  8. Chucks? shucks (shks) Used to express mild disappointment, disgust, or annoyance. Chuck 1. a. A husk, pod, or shell, as of a pea, hickory nut, or ear of corn. b. The shell of an oyster or clam. 2. Informal Something worthless. Often used in the plural: an issue that didn't amount to shucks. :drama:
  9. ^nice? love the peace album . noone can disslike it, its chemically impossible
  10. South Park is good comedy, no ? To whom ever wrote Speedy J, thank you! G-spot is wünderbar!! e. oops, wrong thread
  11. Ir has it moments, but scraching synth sounds can and will get old FAST! Quote Fungus Funf - F. People: Fashion music for fashion people
  12. I know my Hallucinations, the text I saw was rhere I checked everything on the computer I don't know hackers with such a humour and tracking skills I'm not worried, but puzzled. .. Another strange question. Does some psychedeic producers make bad-trip-trap music on purpuse? There is a Finnish album by 'cant remember' where some tracks seems like lucid baddingsd. A voice yelling: Get her out of here, get her out now!' which isnt a pleasent sample. Also you git the Shiva Vs. Kali album which for me is everyother track is good and vica verca is Badd. Donno, maybe I should eleberate it some once.
  13. Full-on in Muskaria (Live act with Muskarians) Take a listen to this live-set. It's pretty hefty and stompy! :posford: e. Let me put it in better words. This 49:17 min long live-set is FUCKING AWSOME! ! !
  14. IQ test. What is a Hailey's Comet? Where stands the leaning tower of Pisa? Which colours where Napolions white horses? How many questions have you been asked?
  15. For how long has psynews.org been a graveyard?
  16. :rofl: page 2 !! I've always had poblems finding the sailboat on these pictures. Nice one though, the art. nice desktop background ,) Hz anyone mentioned CPC (2) - Über Den Angst http://www.discogs.com/release/449772 yet?
  17. lol yes Euro-dance I also had the Maxi and loved it! The track, Experience http://www.discogs.com/release/28219 was actually the first track that thought me how to trip with eyes shut. It started out with few simple colours racing with the music and developed to a universe of gometrical shapes and tunnels in all colours imaginible after a mex trip on IM .. great Maxi. If you like DM remixes in euro-trance/dance. This one is killa: http://www.discogs.com/release/382113 peace
  18. lol and agree with Otto. The album contains the track 'The Family Guy' which is a collaboration with swedenbased greek producer 'LSD', also known as 'Lazar' or 'Lucy In Space With Diamonds'. Isnt LSD supposed to be good? I haven't heard, just been told.
  19. jhe, I donno mista. Its just as ontopic as what CD did you buy today. Though direct x-mas relation might be concidered as useless offtopic. your call edit. sory Nemo, I thought you ment the thread, I guess you ment th above replie(s). my bad
  20. sorry, Offtopic: Sounds nice whats Nordic walking? - Nordic vibed ambient chil music? How do I Austria walk?
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