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Everything posted by psyangel

  1. 1200 mics cool rock psytrance Astrix - new cd sex style rocks Domestic & Astrix - Pure Energy !!!! Yahel - new cd --->where did the old super melodies go ? make a full track with the middle part of (infected mushroom & yahel - ministry of angels ???) but with beat in it !!! Also look for russian psy SunGirl ?
  2. avoid using the ms messenger see microsoft official www.updatepatch.info if u dont have a credit card since through messenger one can put a file in your pc that will make many resets and slowdowns. alternitavely u can just deactivate the msnmessenger, icq numbers also are moving around so dont use credit numbers and serious stuff passwords! Alsoso.s..v...v.bg.fb,grf,tl;,
  3. hey bro if u want i can send u the reaktor4 manual in .rar its a large pdf file also i have found a reaktor3 to ----> reaktor 4 ensembles tool emulator patch (u load it once and then u can work older reaktor stuff) Cu on SLSK
  4. M-Audio Oxygen 8 & FL StudioDashboard ---> trying to make for easy for others anyone tried to do the same thing ?
  5. some djs can remix your track adding with this thing wrong subliminal messages like do drugs or nazi stuff ----> beware where u give your tracks ownership
  6. www.psyshop.com
  7. hello bro find me in the slsk magnetrixx - ploms-dragon and stuff really cool tribalistic psytrance
  8. Cosma - Powerful ---> this girl says in magical powerfull whats the real title listen to 1 of THE BEST TRACK around ---> a COSMA rmx of psysex dominator
  9. anybody went SouthAfrica2005 did it even happen ? Brazil festival coming up ! 1200 mics many more !!! Samothraki 2006 this August hope it happens also Solstice Festival AND CHECK----> Toyota New DJ Van and Celica Hybrid Power!!!!!!!!
  10. I have no participation in creating this site but i have seen to many s**t at party and as a dj -----> www.dancesafe.org ----> So Just Stay Away From Drugz
  11. Chi-Ad - Astral Warrior (BLADE RUNNER SOUNDTRACK) is this really the title ---> Astral Warrior ? so the Astral Warrior was a robot ?
  12. http://www.soundclick.com/psyangel needs drumkits , good vocals like tiesto woman in my memories/andain-beautifull things and its 128kbps tracks and short version.
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