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Chabunk's Summer 2014 mix! Free download https://soundcloud.com/chabunk/chabunk-summer-2014-dj-mix Enjoy! wwww.chabunk.com
Hi Are you a Breaking Bad fan? Check out my remix release called "Baking Bad" out now on Solar Tech Records https://soundcloud.com/chabunk/chabunk-baking-bad Released part of Solar Waves III: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/soc/soc1cd012.html Enjoy!
Yea man, you gotta
http://www.facebook.com/events/390188891045120/ THE GLOBAL PARTY FOR PEACE The Earthdance vision is to unite the whole world through the universal platform of dance and music. Each year like-minded people across the planet at over 300 Earthdance events in over 60 countries come together in celebration of non-stop music, dance and peace. This year, Earthdance Cape Town has a lot more surprises in store for you and we have major line up announcements for both the Origin Stage and RedBull Music Stage. So keep a look out for updates to come! ☉ ● ☉ Theme: Year of the Woman ☉ ● ☉ Addressing this year's theme, all Earthdance events will focus on causes that work to promote gender equality and empower women, while fostering peace and harmony with each other and our Mother Gaia. Earthdance believes that increasing women's access to quality education, meaningful employment, land and other resources is vital to the sustainable development and evolution of humanity in the 21st century and beyond. ☉ ● ☉ The Earthdance Global Link-Up for Peace ☉ ● ☉ The highlight of the annual multi-location Earthdance Festival is a simultaneous link up, when every event across the world plays the Prayer for Peace at the exact same moment – morning in the Australian rainforest, afternoon in California, midnight in London, and sunrise over the Himalayas – the Prayer for Peace is a profound and powerful moment that unifies our intentions for World Peace on all levels. ☉ ● ☉ ORIGIN STAGE ☉ ● ☉ Friday - Saturday 20h00 - 21h30 ● ☉ Jeanne Dee 21h30 - 23h00 ● ☉ Depsypil 23h00 - 00h30 ● ☉ Special Kay 00h30 - 02h30 ● ☉ NOK 02h30 - 04h00 ● ☉ Dave Mac 04h00 - 05h30 ● ☉ Silo 05h30 - 07h00 ● ☉ MatRon vs Psy Tekh 07h00 - 08h30 ● ☉ Humerous Saturday - Sunday 12h00 -- Opening 12h30 - 14h00 ● ☉ Emma X 14h00 - 15h30 ● ☉ Prefix 15h30 - 17h00 ● ☉ Talisman 17h00 - 18h30 ● ☉ Satori 18h30 - 20h00 ● ☉ Dillan M 20h00 - 21h00 ● ☉ Chabunk 21h00 - 22h30 ● ☉ Ninjah Jack 22h30 - 23h30 ● ☉ Zezia 23h30 - 01h00 ● ☉ Tuneraider PRAYER FOR PEACE 01h15 - 02h30 ● ☉ Super Evil 02h30 - 03h30 ● ☉ Biorhythm 03h30 - 04h30 ● ☉ Cybernetix 04h30 - 05h30 ● ☉ Mad Piper 05h30 - 07h00 ● ☉ Sway 07h00 - 08h30 ● ☉ Static Flow 08h30 - 09h30 ● ☉ The Commercial Hippies 09h30 - 10h30 ● ☉ Pixel (live) 10h30 - 12h00 ● ☉ Headroom 12h00 - 13h30 ● ☉ Pixel (dj) 13h30 - 15h00 ● ☉ Cooks 15h00 - 16h00 16h00 end PIXEL (Isr) http://soundcloud.com/pixel-hommega NOK (Ger) http://soundcloud.com/nok-galactika Headroom http://soundcloud.com/headroomusic The Commercial Hippies http://soundcloud.com/thecommercialhippies Super Evil http://soundcloud.com/superevil Static Flow http://soundcloud.com/static-flow BioRhythm http://soundcloud.com/biorhtyhm Chabunk http://soundcloud.com/chabunk Cybernetix http://soundcloud.com/cybernetix Zezia http://soundcloud.com/zezia Silo http://soundcloud.com/silomusic Mad Piper http://soundcloud.com/mad-piper Cooks Dave Mac http://soundcloud.com/davemac77 Dillan M http://soundcloud.com/dillanm Emma X http://soundcloud.com/emma-x Humorous http://soundcloud.com/humerous Jeanne Dee Ninjah Jack http://soundcloud.com/ninja-jack-1 Prefix http://soundcloud.com/prefixsoundsystem Satori http://soundcloud.com/user7135972-1 Special Kay http://soundcloud.com/special-k-77 Sway http://soundcloud.com/beartrap_sway Talisman Tune Raider http://soundcloud.com/djtuneraider ☉ ● ☉ MUSIC BOX STAGE ☉ ● ☉ blasting on the Redbull SoundSystem! Friday - Saturday 18h00 - 19h30 ● ☉ Miss H 19h30 - 20h30 ● ☉ Spekta 20h30 - 21h30 ● ☉ Remy Gold 21h30 - 22h30 ● ☉ Headphase 22h30 - 23h30 ● ☉ Guns n Lazers 23h30 - 00h30 ● ☉ Riot Squad 00h30 - 01h30 ● ☉ Side Show 01h30 - 02h30 ● ☉ Haezer 02h30 - 03h30 ● ☉ Fog Show 03h30 - 04h30 ● ☉ Candice Heyns system off Saturday - Sunday 12h00 - 14h00 ● ☉ Fletcher 14h00 - 15h00 ● ☉ Funafuji 15h00 - 16h00 ● ☉ Christian Tiger School 16h00 - 17h00 ● ☉ Card on Spokes 17h00 - 18h00 ● ☉ Liver 18h00 - 19h00 ● ☉ White Nite 19h00 - 20h00 ● ☉ Sedge Warbler 20h00 - 21h00 ● ☉ Narch 21h00 - 22h00 ● ☉ Veranda Panda 22h00 - 23h30 ● ☉ Ill Gates 23h30 - 01h00 ● ☉ Hyphen PRAYER FOR PEACE 01h15 - 03h00 ● ☉ Monique Pacall 03h00 - 04h30 ● ☉ Marshall system off 08h00 - 10h00 ● ☉ Dj Tempo 10h00 - 11h00 ● ☉ Pure Solid 11h00 - 12h00 ● ☉ Big Space 12h00 - 13h00 ● ☉ Lady M 13h00 - 14h00 ● ☉ Honey B 14h00 - 17h00 ● ☉ Red Bull Outro ILL GATES (Canada) http://soundcloud.com/ill-gates Big Space http://soundcloud.com/bigspace Candice Heyns http://soundcloud.com/i-can Card on Spokes http://soundcloud.com/cardonspokes Christian Tiger School http://soundcloud.com/christian-tiger-school DJ Tempo Fletcher http://soundcloud.com/fletcher Fog Show http://soundcloud.com/the-fogshow Funafuji http://soundcloud.com/funafuji Guns n Lazers http://soundcloud.com/gnl Haezer http://soundcloud.com/haezer Headphase http://soundcloud.com/headphase Honey B http://soundcloud.com/honey-b-2 Hyphen http://soundcloud.com/hyphenza Lady M http://soundcloud.com/magiquemusic/ Liver http://soundcloud.com/theliver Marshall http://soundcloud.com/dj-marshall-1 Miss H http://missparmanandam.tumblr.com/ Monique Pascall http://soundcloud.com/monique-pascall Narch http://soundcloud.com/narchbeats Pure Solid http://soundcloud.com/pure-solid Red Bull Outro http://soundcloud.com/red-bull-studio-ct Remy Gold http://soundcloud.com/remy-gold Riot Squad http://soundcloud.com/riotsquadsouthafrica Sedge Warbler http://soundcloud.com/sedgewarbler Sideshow http://soundcloud.com/s1deshow Spekta http://soundcloud.com/spekta Veranda Panda http://soundcloud.com/verandapanda White Nite http://soundcloud.com/whitenite ☉ ● ☉ ETC TENT ☉ ● ☉ Friday - Saturday 22h00 - 00h00 ● ☉ Kimon 00h00 - 02h00 ● ☉ Eppelsauce 02h00 - 04h00 ● ☉ Spekta 04h00 - 06h00 ● ☉ Daimon 06h00 - 08h00 ● ☉ Jan Lohfeldt 08h00 - 10h00 ● ☉ Vernon Saturday - Sunday 17h00 - 19h00 ● ☉ Behr 19h00 - 20h30 ● ☉ Spliff Politix 20h30 - 22h00 ● ☉ James Copeland 22h00 - 23h30 ● ☉ Ma'original 23h30 - 01h00 ● ☉ Toby2Shoes 01h00 - 02h30 ● ☉ Dusty 02h30 - 04h00 ● ☉ Danalog 04h00 - 06h00 ● ☉ Pierre Estienne James Copeland http://soundcloud.com/jamescopeland Toby2shoes http://soundcloud.com/toby2shoes Ma'original Pierre Estienne http://soundcloud.com/pierre-estienne Daimon Danalog http://soundcloud.com/danalog Eppelsauce http://soundcloud.com/eppelsauce Kimon https://www.facebook.com/dj.kimon Spliff Politix http://soundcloud.com/spliffpolitix ☉ ● ☉ HEART SPACE ☉ ● ☉ A quiet communal space for sharing of ideas, Meditation, Workshops & Talks, Yoga, pre-'Prayer for Peace' gathering, Ceremony, Sacred Space, Acoustic Jamming (bring your instruments). ** Programme announced online. ** ☉ ● ☉ GREENPOP DOME ☉ ● ☉ The funkiest environmentally friendly chill spot. Join the GreenPop Revolution and green your ticket by adding a tree... or two or three. Green your festival experience by adding a tree to your ticket. A tree will be planted on your behalf. Afterwards you'll be sent a certificate with the GPS coordinates of your tree. And you can even join Greenpop to plant your tree. Sign up online. ☉ ● ☉ DECOR AND VISUALS ☉ ● ☉ Decor - Artescape / Gus / GoodTimes / + more tba.. Visuals - Image Master Blink / Afterlife / Storyboy / Anthea / Inka / Contraband ☉ ● ☉ TRANSPORT ☉ ● ☉ Tranceporter Du Sud - 084 375 9247 http://www.facebook.com/TranceporterDuSud ☉ ● ☉ TICKETS ☉ ● ☉ Tickets will be available at all outlets from 16 August WWW.WEBTICKETS.CO.ZA FULL WEEK END Outlets - R320 Online - R335 Gate - R350 SATURDAY - SUNDAY (only valid from 9am) Outlets - R280 Online - R310 Gate - R350 SUNDAY after 9am Gate - R180 GREENPOP TICKET (online only) Online - R400 Green your ticket! Includes a full weekend pass, plus Greenpop will plant a tree on your behalf and send you the GPS co-ordinates of your tree. ☉ ● ☉ OUTLETS ☉ ● ☉ No credit cards accepted at outlets - Canal Walk: Shop 454, Surf Centre 021 -555 4970 - Cape Town CBD: Global Girl, Gardens Center 021- 4611756 Ashanti Lodge– 021 424 4016 SKA, Long Street - 021 - 426 5025 - Claremont: Long St, Cavendish - 021 6719846 - Durbanville: Gypsy :021 - 976 2604 - Hout Bay: Tada @ boardroom: 021- 790 8132 - Kalk Bay: Gypsy 021 - 7886802 - Noordhoek: Namaste,Noordhoek farm village: 021 789 1396 - Observatory: SKA Clothing 021 - 447 6014 - Sea Point: Call-a-Pizza (after 5pm) 021 - 434 0818 - Somerset West: Old Skool Tattoos: 071 -345 5096 - Stellenbosch: Gypsy 021 - 886 7157 - Tygervalley: Long Street 021 914 3136 - Hemporium : Long st 021 4811853 - Big Bay: Post Net : 021 554 2755 - Knysna : Other World Tatoos 082 5147648 - Online : WWW.WEBTICKETS.CO.ZA ☉ ● ☉ VENUE ☉ ● ☉ NEKKIES RESORT , Worcester Gates open on Friday at 13:00 DIRECTIONS From Cape Town take the N1 past Paarl. Go through the Huguenot Tunnel (there is a toll). 14km after tunnel turn right towards Rawsonville. After 6 km turn right into Rawsonville. At stop street turn right towards Worcester. Follow the road for 12km. Look for signs. GPS CO-Ordinates: -33.686693, 19.422412 FESTIVAL FACILITIES chill zones, camping, swimming, food stalls, bars, medical facilities, strong and friendly security, craft & clothing market, clean toilets and showers. STRICTLY : NO GLASS - NO FIRE - NO PETS - NO U18's (ID on request), No independent sound systems, No illegal substances. The organisers accept no responsibility whatsoever for injury, death, loss or damage of any nature to persons, vehicles, and belongings. This applies even to negligence by the organisers of any kind. Entry is entirely at your own risk. Right of admission is reserved. ☉ ● ☉ ACCOMMODATION ☉ ● ☉ If you are looming for accommodation in the area please go and look at the Worcester Tourism Website. They have everything listed www.worcestertourism.co.za ☉ ● ☉ ENQUIRIES ☉ ● ☉ Media and press enquiries: info@earthdancecapetown.co.za Trading enquiries: stall area is full WWW.EARTHDANCECAPETOWN.CO.ZA
Hi Here is something from my upcoming album, hope you enjoy:" http://soundcloud.com/chabunk/chabunk-speed-dont-matter www.chabunk.com
Hi Please feel free to grab a copy of my Sub-Saharan Roots EP. One of the tracks made it to Beatports top 10 picks for the week If you would like a copy, drop an e-mail to: digitaldownload@chabunk.com www.chabunk.com keep on rockin! G
Hi guys n girls My new EP "Sub-Saharan Roots" is now out on Beatport on Solar Tech Records: http://www.beatport.com/#release/ep-sub-saharan-roots/401690 I have a few samples up on Soundcloud as well: If you like my beats, keep in touch on facebook: http://www.chabunk.com Thanks for your time Have an awesome day further! G
Hi My new 3 track EP will be out soon on Solar Tech Records. Here is a preview: http://soundcloud.com/chabunk/chabunk-sub-saharan-roots You can follow me on Facebook is you like the choonz: www.chabunk.com have a cool day G
http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/soc/soc1cd006.html http://www.chabunk.com Travelling through space, Solar Waves bring the energy of the sun to earth. This is the second chapter of DJ Natron's compilation series contains the perfect sound to be played at dusk or dawn. Powerful and contoured bass lines at 142 to 145 BPM found the basis for dynamic and uplifting atmospheres. Representing the work of an international artist collective, Solar Waves II receives its positive energy from diverse sources of creativity. 1. How to Psy Trance WAIO 2. VCA TRON 3. Tri Tone CORONA VS CHABUNK 4. Colossus CHABUNK 5. Virus Nightmare COSMO TECH, CRYSTALL, XPIRAL 6. Shulgin SKETCHY PIMPS VS TOUCH TONE 7. R2 SINERIDER VS MATERIA 8. Day Time FREAKULIZER VS SHOVE 9. Master Kush WAIO, AUDIO X, MACK
http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/soc/soc1cd006.html Travelling through space, Solar Waves bring the energy of the sun to earth. This is the second chapter of DJ Natron's compilation series contains the perfect sound to be played at dusk or dawn. Powerful and contoured bass lines at 142 to 145 BPM found the basis for dynamic and uplifting atmospheres. Representing the work of an international artist collective, Solar Waves II receives its positive energy from diverse sources of creativity. 1. How to Psy Trance WAIO 2. VCA TRON 3. Tri Tone CORONA VS CHABUNK 4. Colossus CHABUNK 5. Virus Nightmare COSMO TECH, CRYSTALL, XPIRAL 6. Shulgin SKETCHY PIMPS VS TOUCH TONE 7. R2 SINERIDER VS MATERIA 8. Day Time FREAKULIZER VS SHOVE 9. Master Kush WAIO, AUDIO X, MACK
Hi Here are some tracks on Soundcloud: enjoy
Chabunk: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chabunk/152620314752676 NYE Rezonance 2010: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chabunk/152620314752676#!/event.php?eid=133827143339755 E Z O N A N C E . N E W . Y E A R S . E V E . F E S T I V A L 2 0 1 0 T H E . U L T I M A T E . N E W . Y E A R S . E V E . E X P E R I E N C E ♥ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 1 . D E C E M B E R . 2 0 1 0 - 2 . J A N U A R Y . 2 0 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The legendary Rezonance NYE Festival returns yet again featuring over 80 top international and local acts showcasing multiple genre's on two dancefloors banging psytrance, progressive, drum 'n bass, techno, chill, dub step, breaks and many more. Providing a platform for freedom, interaction and artistic expression, bringing people together to rezonate as one. Known for its slick production and cutting edge music, the event strives to promote awareness, conscious lifestyles and positivity. ♥ P R I Z M . S T A G E The Prizm stage, firmly established as South Africa’s premier outdoor psy trance stage, features an all inclusive line up of our best local talent and the cream of international acts including The Antidote and Biogenesis. From filthy full-on night time beats to groovy melodic day time tunes, the Prizm stage takes you on a journey through all styles of trance. This year featuring arguably the best sound system in the world, the JBL Vertex Line Array system with ground quaking bass and brain flossing tops. - ANESTETIC :: Timecode :: Portugal - ARCHIVE - ARTIFAKT - BIOGENESIS :: Nutek :: Mexico - BIORHYTHM - BOMBAX :: Free Radical :: Germany - BRAINCELL :: Free Spirit :: Switzerland - BROKEN TOY - CHABUNK - CHAOSATCHEL :: Free Radical :: France - CYBERNETIX - D_MANIAC :: One Foot Groove :: Portugal - DAKSINAMURTI :: Timecode :: Germany - DELERIANT - EMP - GANDALF - HEADROOM - HIYARANT - JESTER - JOS - METTAPAX :: Nutek :: Portugal - MYZO :: Blissful :: Portugal - PESCADELIA :: Free Radical :: USA - RABDOM L - RASTALIENS :: Free Spirit :: Switzerland - RUBIX QUBE - SERGE :: Mandala :: France - SHIVA MOON :: Rudraksh :: India - SILO - SLUG - SOLAR AXIS - STATIC FLOW - SWAY - SUPER EVIL - THE ANTIDOTE :: Mandala :: France - TUNE RAIDER - VILE DELUSIONS :: Secret Psyde :: Australia - XATRIK - ZIGGANAUT ♥ T E C H N O D U B F E S T . A R E N A The Technodubfest Arena expands yet again to showcase the electronic festival culture at its best. From dirty electro, breaks, funky dubstep and glitch-hop to sexy techno and drum and bass. - BEN LEWIS - CRAIG SHACID - EMMA X - FUNAFUJI - GENERAL MIDI :: DISTINCTIVE RECORDS :: UK - HONEY B - HYPHEN + SFR - IVAN TURANJANIN - JAM JARR - JIMMY CHRONIC - MALONE - MARSHALL - MELODIK - MONIQUE PASCALL - MR BONG - NESONO - NISKERONE - ONE TRACK MIKE - ORGANIK PANIK - PIERRE EST - PSYDSTEP - ROACH - SPEKTA - TEMPO - TILL VON SEIN :: DIRT CREW RECORDINGS :: Germany More artists to be announced . . . ♥ L I V E . B A N D S Late afternoon breaks on the Prizm stage features the electro-tinged, soul-drenched prodigal sons Goldfish, Brazilian Afro-beat fusion Napalma and rising star Jax Panik. Hailing from the UK and responsible for a slew of genre-defining moments, General Midi, will wreak havoc on the TDF Arena. - 7FT SOUND SYSTEM - ENOUGH WEAPONS - GENERAL MIDI :: DISTINCTIVE RECORDS :: UK - GOLDFISH - JAMJARR - JAX PANIK - KALAHARI SURFERS - NAPALMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ♥ V E N U E We return to the beautiful Contermanskloof Estate, a convenient 20 minutes from Cape Town. Nestled in the Durbanville Hills the 200 year old farmstead features 2 dams, old oak trees and grassy camping areas. Directions: - Take N1 from Cape Town - Take N7 turnoff and go towards Malmesbury - Take Durbanville / Tableview off ramp (exit 22) - Turn right towards Durbanville - At T-junction turn left and drive for 3kms - The venue is on your right - Look for signs GOOGLE CO-ORDINATES: 33”47'53.00 S AND 18”34'18.50 E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ♥ F E S T I V A L . F A C I L I T I E S - JBL VERTEX LINE ARRAY SOUND - Two Stages - Licensed Bars - Shaded Dance Floors - Creature Comforts - Chill Zones - Grass Camping by cars for Early Comers - Dams for Swimming - Hot Showers - Food Stalls - Craft and Clothing Market - ATM ♥ Y O U R . S A F E T Y . I S . O U R . P R I O R I T Y - Paramedics - Fire and Rescue - Disaster Management Participation - Security - Leave valuables at home - Do NOT leave camera, phone, wallet, keys etc in your tent. ♥ T H I N G S . T O . B R I N G - Camping Gear - Sun Block - Torch - Insect Repellant - Shade covering - Swimming Gear - Good Vibes - Sense of Humour - Love and Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ♥ K E E P . I T . T I D Y - Rezonance strongly promotes green environmentally friendly initiatives - Show Respect - Be Conscious - Be the change you want to see - Car Pool to the event - Put cigarette butts in the bin or use a portable ashtray - Use Biodegradable Toiletries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . African Dope • Alchemy • Alien Safari • Blissful • Dhala Kutlure • Disasterpeac • Dirt Crew • Distinctive • Free Radical • Free Spirit • Mandala • MMD • Nano • Nexus Media • Nutek • On A Break • One Foot Groove • Organik Media • Peaking Godess • Psynoptics • Rudraksh • Secret Psyde • Sleepwalker • Solar Tech sSHADOWORKSs • Step Up • Timecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THREE DAYS . TWO STAGES . ONE MIND-BLOWING EXPERIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ♥ T I C K E T S PRICE - Online Presale R380, www.webtickets.co.za - Outlets Presale R360 - Gate R400 OUTLETS - Big Bay: Blue Mountain Internet Cafe :: 021 - 554 2755 - Blouberg Strand: Urban Ink :: 078 159 5242 - Cape Town CBD: Global Girl, Gardens Center :: 021 - 461 8925 SKA Clothing, Long Street :: 021 - 426 5025 - Canal Walk: Wild Fire Piercing :: 021 - 552 8929 - Claremont: Royal Vendetta :: 021 683 9399 - Durbanville: Gypsy :: 021 - 976 2604 - Hermanus: Funky Vibes :: 028 – 312 1446 - Hout Bay: Gypsy :: 021 - 790 1418 - Kalk Bay: Gypsy :: 021 – 700 6802 - Knysna: Other World Tattoos :: 082 514 7648 - Noordhoek: Skint Clothing, Long Beach :: 021 - 785 7777 - Observatory: SKA Clothing :: 021 - 447 6014 - Sea Point: Call-a-Pizza :: 021 - 434 0818 - Stellenbosch: Gypsy :: 021 - 886 7157 - Somerset West: Sport Unlimited, Somerset Mall :: 021 – 851 1477 Dragon Tattoos, Main Road :: 0713455096 - Tygervalley: Long Street :: 021 – 914 3136 WIN FREE TICKETS | SMS REZONANCE TO 34439. R2 PER SMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOTLINE 021 – 7944 032, 082 741 8981 :: EMAIL info@rezonancefestival.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CHABUNK is a Cape Town based Psytrance DJ, signed to Solar Tech Records, who plays progressive/daytime beats that make you feel all nice n warm inside PSYMEDIA Cape Town will be giving away 5 free copies of his new Digital EP – Southern Wave Follow this link for easy entry: http://dominicirla.wordpress.com/2010/11/03/win-a-copy-of-chabunks-digital-ep-southern-wave/
Hi Here is a track which is a bit proggy, and less full-on: http://soundcloud.com/chabunk/chabunk-terminatrix Hope you enjoy
Hi guys Here 2 tracks from my EP, Southern Wave. Hope you enjoy Feel free to hook me up on Facebook: www.chabunk.com All the best G