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Everything posted by f0rce

  1. Hehe yes , I was really surprised this time. This is something worth listening to, gives me that nintendo feeling for sure. Nice leads, nice melodies, decent sound quality.. Not using headphones , but I think its OK. Yes ! You surprised me. Keep doing this songs , nice!
  2. Cant download from the URL danet , but if u want u can pm your msn adresses . Would be nice to keep contact as I am doing music aswell... And you too Art Vandelay hehe , yeah i remember the incident on stage... crazy night =) Peace !!!
  3. Yeah I liked them too , heard u guys before .. Hehe , but yees its nice overall... Need better quality to make a better opinion..
  4. Tjenare Diaks , ja det har vi säkert , haha vi hade en vit volvo o dealade berusningsmedel till dom flesta där ja har nog inte nån bild på mig , kolla min profil , har lagt upp min myspace nu ... www.myspace.com/forestf0rce
  5. Yeah the cd have been spinning in the car for a while , back then.. Welcome to psynews by the way , and I will listen to it .. Perhaps u will hear my songs and clips soon... Been working more and more on my music lately , =) Are you coming to Deja Vu open Air ? ..
  6. Hi Danet , thanks for the CD u gave me @Welcome To Hell 2... Its me f0rce from Badboll , the one who had the white Volvo at the party with all the beer and booze and stuff hahaha ; i will give it a listen later..
  7. Yeah , @ 3.00 the sounds is even more goodier ;D ... Nice sampling of the beat-voice stuff .... naaaaaajz
  8. Listening now , nice sound you got mate !!! nice , downloading it to the mp3 playah ;D
  9. Me likes it in a strange way , nice flooooow
  10. Listening now , niiice bass =) .. trippy shit !!! i guess u are influenced by the nintendo 8 bit as well ... hehe I am , sometimes when i producing I get this feeling of my childhood ... nice nice , what sequencer du you use ?
  11. downloading them now , its late so i will get some sleep now after a hard night working... =)
  12. http://www.sendspace.com/file/k52zep Hehe well , this is something i recorded now... Havent done this before , cool , my mind´s playing give it a try.. nighty nite ! sleep tight =D
  13. Actually the keyboard playing is my strongest side believe it or not I have taken musical piano lessons when I was younger, but I have practised at home a LOT last 2 years.. So when it comes to music programs and sequencing I find it rather hard and thats were the "flaskhals" is ... But I should read on the music theory more, thats for sure =) ive been making music for 2 years also , but didnt give it so much time until now because of work, girlfriend, and other hobbies like videogames ;D ...
  14. I hope so Basilisk =) Great news !! Do I need to be a professional musician to contribute with a song ?
  15. By the way , have u done anything a little more like a song? After what I heard from this clip, I want more =)
  16. Thanks Ga2pir , yeah you are right. We got no musical education at all , but it was as you said that we added some "dark" touch in it... We have not in fact used any headphones at all doing this song. My headphones are broken, thats all... So the panning should be done this weekend when the workiing days are over .. Thank you for your comment my swedish fellow =) I am also most satisfied with the later part in the clip, and the sound overall in this clip... It is a big step for me to hear my sounds developing more and more... sorry for the english , its getting worse than ever =))
  17. oooh noo :/ My bad , was I really that tired ? =) Okey I getting to work now and uploading it again!! Maybe a little confused ey? .... Sooo here it comes !! http://www.sendspace.com/file/sch7t3 sorry for any trashed chill-out dreams xxx
  18. Yes I thought so.. Good work
  19. Agree with the Swede above The tempo is just right for it , its nice , its up to the DJ to pitch it later .. But yes , the cheezy sound in the beginning is just a z3ta+ preset that is a prefab melody , loose it quick!! =) Other than that , i like the sound you have created here , nice groove and flow ... Yeah its my style, morning progg?? Nice !!! The z3ta+ is a powerfull synthesizer ! Have you tryed the Virus MOD for it ? =) I would recommend you to give it a try ! Peace out !
  20. Yes i listened to it earlier today! Nice melodies , it is nitchnot music yes =) Liked it , but maybe the sound quality wasnt in focus here ? Besides the quality it was nice , or maybe it were in low quality mp3 ? Hardware or software instruments ?
  21. Hi all NICE people this lovely day !!! =) I got a sample from my new project called "Constant Flow" -.- It is just a little piece of a beat and pad with drums and some nice glittering sounds... Would be nice if u gave a comment on the sound quality of it , i know it aint much of a sample but I hope it doesnt matters for you ! *cheers* xxx
  22. Okey I am sorry for that misplaced post .. Thought that the music promotion area was only for complete songs , and this area was for partial clips of the songs ? =D .. Listened to it ? =)
  23. Thank you Trohr , that is what I call a review! Yes, the name is just our sick sense of humour when we are fiddling with the music. Im sure we are not the only ones who name their projects wierd! =D Yes I think I agree with you all the way here , the sound and the levels of the volume is good.. The bassline is nice , but the arrangement is not exactly in its final "state" or how u say =D... But it has its moments =) Its just nice to make music and to share it here even if its not at all done or anything.. We are taking a break for a couple of days , and going back to the studio later and rearranging (how i love the word "rearrange") this song. Nope we didnt add anymore synthesizers to the song, and yeah I think we were doing things TOO FAST.. But as I said in the post above , I am trying to introduce him to new and old school goa ... And the sound developing process here is soooo much fun !!! Being two doing music is much more fun then being alone!!! Our current equipment its just tons of drumsamples, the Albino 3, the z3ta+ with virus mod, Audiorealism Bassline 2, for the moment just the original FL studio VSTE´s and FL 2008.. Love the synths and the sequencer program as it seems to be the easiest way to get the flow out of our brains Thanks Thror , now that some ppl said something I should contribute and do some reviews too ;D :drama: :posford: EDIT the ABL2 is not used in this sample I posted first , hehe its turned off to enhance the bass in it... if u want i can add the other one WITH the ABL2 in it ...
  24. Ehm yes, forgot to rename the file.. Next one will have a proper name aswell , my friend and I have some different influenses of music... The result is some kind of mixture of hardtrance and goatrance for the moment, (I am trying to introduce him to the classic goa genre) and I think we have some potential of making some really good music in the future! Having a blast creating some good funky tunes in my living room =D
  25. Hi guys , this is a sample of our latest production of ours.. please listen =) http://www.sendspace.com/file/mhuotq CHEERS
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