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technosomy last won the day on November 27

technosomy had the most liked content!


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  1. Will need to go back and check out some of your more recent ones, as slipped off my radar, but this one is particulary good
  2. have always loved your mixes, been awhile cheers bro
  3. That's an interesting list, nice to see James reipas there
  4. From what I understand cd sales now surpassing records in some countries, the bubble will burst, just the other day I purchased scorpions - Tokyo tapes repress, 2 X record, came with 2 cd posted from UK to Australia for $20
  5. Yeah it is, anyone noticed how avatar have hiked up prices on alot of their CDs? Some going for 100 or more
  6. Holy crap seems I missed this completely first time around, love when that happens
  7. Well it's only been 20 years in the making with many announcements, hype is to much now, gonna take something spectacular to meet any expectations
  8. Later on in the year.... Heard that before!!
  9. And people wonder why this forum going downhill, this is a review thread, keep it that way
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