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Everything posted by technosomy

  1. yup to clear up the questions that people may ask, i used the later progressive rhino symbol as i felt it reflected the more mature style rhino became (as well as myself) more proggy, as i got it done later on after they defunct, but the original design is in the works (rhinos are one of my favorite animals also) and am part of i.r.f, others on the go are transient, tip, and some of the more obscure label/album designs,
  2. http://i.minus.com/iC2v55v1091eS.jpg http://i.minus.com/iWJp4DAx8P6uK.jpg heres a few, theres many more! so not a single person? love that design richy, will look good there, but remember you won't see it, i have this http://i.minus.com/iOSmN8OC7txOn.jpg and quite often forget is ever there,
  3. surely a unique event like this could spark your come back!
  4. i stalked here for 2 years before i became a member because i didn't have to join, and could look at reviews, and what everyone was talking about without having to participate. has anyone thought about premium membership etc for longtime and active members, not creating a elite or anything, but some sort of incentive (besides being part of the awsomness we have here) for people to join. i once helped a friend promote a home dance party by pasting a single design all over town, people saw it everywhere they went, then we slowly let out rumours of what it was , and just about the whole town came.something along those lines, through the facebook! done right will go off
  5. you so right , reviews are what got me here in the first place. facebook defnit! for everything with all psynews members, shouldn't word be out through everyones facebook already?
  6. as some of you are aware i have a few, but does anyone else? mine represent the time in my life listening to psy and goa/what i was doing and the influences coming out of this genre directly on my life, keeping me on, and throwing me off the path so to speak. includes, psychedelic designs to, but am curious if there are any like mine more direct at the music/labels etc thanks
  7. the jury is out, loving it so far, sideffect you on the money! has some nice oldschool elements for sure some cheese, but nice cheese, the type you would expect from c.s on a baguette at a picnic on a beach!
  8. EKTOPLAZM! i think with the exciting changes ahead, psynews advertising essential love the idea about the compilation, maybe we could ask the producers on this site, old and new school, we have so many, to maybe contribute some material, maybe even unreleased! and the ones who still around, not active, rennis!, kim! get a suomi stomper going! billy has been around, big ask but maybe someone could pull a few strings, and i am sure you suntrip boys could pull some awsome material out your hats! maybe fed could help also with some unreleased stuff, if the artists are ok with it. ie a live etnica or pleiadians track! otherwise i think we are going a bit stale with some topics/or we been there done that or maybe we just getting old, well me maybe! come on you younglings get your thinking caps on for the next psynews evolution!
  9. anything else they can ruin, maybe ifo remixed by astral projection!
  10. yeah but thats the equaliser! not that i would know, i wouldn't dream of starting fights!
  11. thanks, pity its to small, maybe i just need glasses
  12. you didn't happen to record it by any chance, nudge nudge wink wink, say no more!
  13. really? guide dog ready and waiting to take me to it! (in human laguage where!)
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