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Everything posted by technosomy

  1. part of the course i am doing, requires a 7 day retreat in bowen island in vancouver in june will only have a couple of days either side of it, and wondering if anyone has any ideas? can't go to far because of time restrictions, mainly any cheap places to stay, as on a budget (unless anyone wants to buy the rest of my collection for cheap???) thanks
  2. just got mine awsome!!!! nothing untoward to hear here nice one dat keep up the good work!
  3. very subtle.. i think they all missed it.... did i say that???? or was i just thinking it
  4. didn't i see one of those threads around somewhere?? or maybe it was a guy on facebook i certainly hope a hippie didn't steal your bike!!!!!
  5. no i havn't got round to it.. and trying to not buy anything at moment (psykadelia and doof exception) off to canada in 6 weeks.. saving hard and yes... it is sounding great... just wish i had the others.. one day they have to be repressed!!
  6. does that make me a bitch to now! as for postage i admit i did the same to my old friend...(sorry) as you know i have almost stopped buying cd's (think this is my second all year) as well as am off to canada as part of the course i am doing to get out of these early starts and work for myself so need every cent...but means to and end am sure the cd's are awsome...looking forward to hearing it....as for future dat material (for the record..dat stuff still remain in my shrunken collection)
  7. because in my dreams...nicks always there...twisting my mind and bringing me to despair!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  8. got it! can still get it for 30 bucks australian with free postage 3 still left from import cds on ebay
  9. u can purchase other vinyls of other groups who do only 200 - 500 at much less prices...there is a huge demand for shpongle vinyl.. hence the high prices, by not pressing anymore demand will continue to go up...as will prices surely raj and simon know that!
  10. ghetto blaster!!! i still got mine! dad bought it for me in 1984.. still goes got offered 400 bucks for it recently but can never get rid of it as for tapes.. i sold mine a few years to a collector in germany..600 tapes for 600 bucks.. back when postage wasn't to bad
  11. Well i thought these were dead and buried.. but now players seem to be popping up and this legendary release (i still have a original third generation somewhere) http://www.discogs.com/Metallica-No-Life-Til-Leather/release/6925118 and this http://www.discogs.com/Possessed-Tape-Collection/release/6765230 and this (saw these guys on sunday.. the most brutal intense live show i have ever seen...amazing!) http://www.discogs.com/Napalm-Death-Apex-Predator-Easy-Meat/release/6563340 all these metal.. but am sure if i looked hard enough could find others first saw references in gaurdians of the galaxy.. people seem to be selling mix tapes is it all part of the retro comeback around?? your thoughts
  12. things in my life have had yet another twist and turn raising funds to go to canada for a course am having a garage sale next weekend, whats on my discogs page here http://www.discogs.com/seller/technosomy/profile will be part of the other thousands of other genre cd's as well as all furniture etc ( i am shedding all things) maybe i could walk like cain of kungfu? anyway if anyone wants any of these have reduced amount to 35 euro for 4 of the cheap ones shipped anywhere but can also take some out of cases and get up to 8 cd's with no extra postage so if you wanted 8 (4 with cases, 4 without) will do for 55 shipped anywhere the more pricier ones make me a deal also have a few hundred more that havn't had time to list..not many of them rare as such but with this deal, good. what doesn't sell, once things calm down (am moving also) will list the lot, and offer one last time and then i am officially not a collector anymore ( but i think that's done deal already) thanks
  13. love it, i always liked him in b.bad. it's very quirky, and you can't help loving his character, he just can't be a crooked lawyer! have always liked mike... amazing actor also, love his facial expressions.. which go way back to the days of beverley hills cop and wise guy series.
  14. WELL HELLO!! http://www.discogs.com/Legion-Of-Green-Men-Spatial-Specific-Redux/release/6775809
  15. but maybe not with an elephant i heard they a bit rough!
  16. oh yeah this really looks like a kids hand doesn't it! what a load of cods wallop!!
  17. interesting theory but if you had been in caves in the central desert here in australia, or deciphered sumerian scrolls, or had a near death experience.. or even been on a space ship... you may think differently that is why articles like that have more credibility than one thinks, but that is why it's great to be human.. as we entitled to our own opinion
  18. just stumbled accross this article http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/03/08/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/
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