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Everything posted by noiseanomilie

  1. Hey it might be far but the best music and trance parties are in South Africa Western Cape to be exact. Like this weekend is the beartrap featuring broken toy and rinkadink album launches and dark soho on top of that then theres the timecode crew to grind us to the ground. plus we dont fool around its hard and very psychedelic. go check out www.3am.co.za and www.timecode.co.za and www.beartrap.co.za
  2. Here is a poll to see who would support our music dowload website
  3. nightrider by me the a team would be cool slipnot remixed would be the shit
  4. Nice one tell them there boundaries will blast open and a new wave of psytrance is coming!
  5. yeah good quality is what we will strive for because you can't have bad quality sound with trance so 320 will hopefullt be our standard but we want to offer many formats to choose from. As far as pricing goes we will hopefully sell south african trance at 1 pound and international as 1 pound 50. which means a full cd download costs between 10 to 15 pounds. Which is not bad for trance
  6. yeah we intend to try and get all the labels involved with this and hope to have many tracks mostly south african psy and the other big labels hopefully. South African Psy is the best man
  7. its the wave of the future if done right
  8. Give me your honest opinion how much you are willing to pay for international stuff in pounds per track?
  9. So basically you can put a cd together for around 100 rand which is about 10 pounds or 16 dollars. Sounds Good Hey?
  10. It is actually the other way round it is 6 rand for 1 dollar and 11 rand for 1 pound that makes better sense now.
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