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Everything posted by andonis

  1. Are they good? I was thinking of getting these too.
  2. Thanks Phobium this looks really good.
  3. Do you know any? Have you used one that you would suggest for Europe? Shouldn't be dealing only with the certain style just have the new releases of the genre.
  4. Haven't used it yet but definetely looks good for a techno wav. selection which are very hard to find in cd format indeed(I switched to cd's some years ago and have no new techno to spin). So if I got this right it's another dollar/euro for wav. files? That's a bit expensive but I guess I could live with less buys. p.s. Is a high speed internet connection required and what about 56k connections?
  5. V/A - 3D Story Vol.2 np:Silcon Sound - Digital Thaught.
  6. 6-10 new psytrance mostly darkpsy for me.
  7. Sandman - Witchcraft.
  8. That is true and is the main handicap of this album. Other than that it is a solid and heavy darkpsy dancefloor orientated release unique in it's style.
  9. This year two small gatherings will take place mainly with local djs and artists, first at the end of April and second one beginning/mid May. The link for the parties: http://www.dreamtime.ro/. Has anyone from Greece being there and/or thinking of going this year? Should be nice ones, small but cozy.
  10. QUOTE(Daze @ Apr 17 2006, 01:22 PM) Para Halu - Phenix QUOTE(Daze @ Apr 18 2006, 11:33 AM) Galaxy Madness - Phenix The Phenix compilation is a hammer indeed, listening to it now. Alien FM also rocks big time. Darkpsy fan's delight both of them.
  11. My first impression is that 'Brain Stretching' was far more interesting. The first half of this seems somewhat full-on orientated. But the last tracks seem very good indeed. Anyway, must do further listening to it.
  12. V/A - Light from the Depths of Chaos (Manic Dragon Records). Again and again.
  13. Nice one, surely worth a review. It sucks bigtime that they released all these cd's in August (available from their website) and we get to get them from online stores just now. Have to get myself a new credit card for next time. Btw did anyone buy the whole package then (8 cd's) ? If so, was it safe and how much did it cost? Most of them were pretty nice releases anyway.
  14. Terminator - Spirits of the Plants (Deja Vu Records). Very nice.
  15. From my personal experience and that of friend dj's I would say you skip cheaper ones and go for the Pionneer CDJ-100's. I was in your position some years ago and although I originally thought buying some cheaper ones, I have never regreted buying the latter. Played with mine in clubs, open air seaside parties and they still work pefect. Also they're very good for beatmatching practice. And last but not least when you're called to play somewhere they're the ones you usually play with, at least in small venues or private parties. So if you are seriously into it I would definetely suggest you go for them. After all they're not that expensive for what they offer.
  16. Ghreg on Earth - Quintessence Unfurls (Ghreg on Earth-Sigilweaver, Wirikuta). Probably the best track from this very nice cd. Ohh, the break... Definetely gonna hammer this one...
  17. Well it wasn't today but last Wednesday these goodies came: V/A - Hate (Golden Dawn Records), V/A - Gnothi Seauton (Deja Vu Records) Terminator - Spirits of the Plants (Deja Vu Records) Electrypnose - Tireur des Ficelles (Peak Records) Filteria - Heliopolis (Suntrip Records) Today I ordered V/A - Sanatonic Audio (Sanaton Records).
  18. Have to agree with you, one of the most interesting new labels.
  19. V/A - Multiple Personalities (Manic Dragon Records). Nice manic stuff released by this label.
  20. Penta is a must-see in your case friend. There's a lot more to gain by seeing him perform than feeling tired for one day at your job. p.s. Haven't seen him perform but have listened to pretty much of his work. His music is not Nabi style, a lot milder but intence psychedelic night-time music nevertheless. p.s.1 Living in Corfu at the moment I envy you .
  21. D/l has been my friend in this case . Listening to it a bit more would do me good though .
  22. Pitch Hikers - Twilight Zone (Timecode Records). Superb and relaxing morning SA psy. Good for pause inbetween chaos.
  23. Namedropping in this topic makes a newbie wanting to go hidding back to isra. Anyway my 2 cents: Voodoo People (Superb track of theirs in Retrodelica 2 by Flying Rhino), Masaray (Time Traveller of Trance anyone? Pfiff, I guess you all knew that already), Psychonauts (Skies tou Feggariou, greek classic), Moksha (Haven't heard a lot about them, but they surely rule). I'll go do my homework then and come back for more.
  24. V/A - Light from the Depths of Chaos (Manic Dragon Records) again and again.
  25. V/A - Mindcontrollers 2 (Mind Control Recors) V/A - Summer Session (MP Records) Wizzy Noise - Sabotage Pt 1 (Exposure Productions and Harmonia Records) Rinkadink - Pirate Signal (Alchemy Records) V/A - Grey Area (Exposure Productions) V/A - Unusual Suspects Vol. 2 (Twisted Records) V/A - Lo Land High Tech (Sonic Dragon Records) Uni - La Movin (Throb Records) V/A - The French Connection (Mind Control Recors) V/A - X-Mode Vol.8 (Tokyo X-Ray) Aphid Moon - Global Culture (Nano Records) V/A - Sirius Blasting (Sirius Records) V/A - Gran Turismo Kicks 4 (Solstice Music) These are some of the cd's I use when I mix psychedelic/full on for friends. Would file them under psychedelic and not full on for most of the part though.
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