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Everything posted by Cybernetika

  1. 1. Dark Nebula - Melding Plague 2. Derango - The Poisonous Square 3. Scatterbrain - Infernal Angels 4. Electrypnose - 6th Debut Indux 5. Xelphore - The Synthetic 6. Depeche Mode - John the Revelator 7. Irschtas - The Butcher 8. Solar Quest - Acid Air Raid 9. Ghreg on Earth - The Invisible College 10. Formosus - Vibration
  2. Thanks for sharing this in hi bitrate! I see your error, but I didnt really notice, except that the sound could be a little "fuller", but really, nothing problematic This is despite the high speed kinda twisted stuff, and not really full-on. Most of the tracks are new to me, but I love them. The Penta track is a little masterpiece, and Ocelot completely owns me anyway. I'd prefer one more melodic track as a climax, but that one with the Homer Simpson sample does that job pretty well too Anyway, the track choice and structure are just awesome. The mix picks up more and more drive, but then suddenly gets totally twisted (T6). Two heavy stompers make up the climax now (there are some big surprises inside, did I mention Homer Simpson? ), and after that we're entering the realms of total madness with Derango, Ocelot and Ghreg on Earth. Sweet! About the transitions, I've been getting the impression that some of them were a little fast maybe, but nevertheless, beatmatching and fading is excellent here. Overall, this is a very good mix, maybe a little short, but this one will get on my mp3 player and accompany me on my next long train or bus ride.
  3. Thats already quite a success Cheers!
  4. Dude, I love you, this is more than promising. Downloading now!
  5. Good Compilation. The Dark Nebula track is just too good to be true. Juicy 10/10! Cant get it out of my ears... Highly recommended! The other tracks are good too ... Track 3 is sweet. I dont like track 6+7 that much. But I think this comp was worth getting, especially for this GREAT Dark Nebula tune.
  6. my comp is here... i call it "dark shit"... 1) Para Halu - In Nomine 2) Dark Nebula - Melding Plague 3) Damage vs NRS - Fuck 'em All 4) Derango - The Poisonous Square 5) Ocelot - Livnoc Tulor 6) Ghreg on Earth - Thoth Sphere 7) Osom - Osmotrix 8) Fungus Funk - Duck the Mechwarrior 9) Dark Nebula - Sea of Turbulent Sound
  7. schlabbaduerst... but heh, that track sounds good but it is definately not Schlab style
  8. Hi folks, I just made a new tune, which is probably totally insane. It is called "mushroom clouds" and is a twisted, hectic, dark track between DnB,Psy and IDM. I tried to focus on some sick percussion manipulation. Anyway, just check this out, if you are open-minded and watch out for the volume, it is still very overdriven. I think I am gonna fix this, but I need to show it first http://rapidshare.de/files/9225040/cyberne...clouds.mp3.html you gotta click on "free" in the lower right. enjoy
  9. There is some info and even a pic here: http://www.mistressofevil.com/mistressofevil.html - click on "artists" and then on the pic on the right
  10. Now here we go... Nice kick and bass. Maybe it gets a little distorting, you should go easy on the levels. Soundscapes are nice as always. Then it gets really derango-ish. Oh I like this style. Really nice bass then. Maybe the hi-cutoff synths with the ultra fast LFO are a little annoying. They are really loud and sharp. Hurts a little in the ears. The snare could get a little clearer. Boosting the >3khz area should help. Its getting really intense towards the end. Goood stuff. What are you using to produce?
  11. nice stuff, a good mix between trippy, deep and funky. I enjoyed listening
  12. hey mate, would like to give you some feedback in return, but unfortunately the link is down :/
  13. I dont like most full on ... its often too cheesy, too fluffy, and I cant tell the difference between 80% of the full on tracks. But oh well, some say the same about Dark Psy, so what... That doesnt mean I cant enjoy the music. There are some great full one tunes, and when I'm on party and just trying to have a little fun I can even enjoy dancing to full on.
  14. Please this one http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=27828
  15. I'd say NO because there you will get much less replies than in the general forum.
  16. This mix is kinda fast... you have to be in the right mood to enjoy this.. right now I am, definately :) lovely tracks. That selection is really wicked. Mixing is quite alright too, in fact its really good considering this is your first mix. I think I've heard most of the tunes already, but right now I can only label #3 as a Cydonia track. btw... the last track is pure ownage, holy shit, what is this?
  17. What a cutie Lots of congrats to the parents
  18. most definately Got me completely lost in this tune. This is almost as good as the original Hallucinogen tunes. /edit: which synths did you use?
  19. Man this stuff is awesome... you didnt promise too much! Ultra trippy stuff, both thumbs up!
  20. Thanks a lot for your feedback Serguei. Really appreciated! You got yourself some nice tracks too.
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