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Everything posted by Quark

  1. Heard a DJ-set from FrankE yesterday, sure that old man can rock the floor, and he is very gentle too.. Great experience
  2. Project Genesis is fucking great, but as far as I can tell he is looking for some old school Goa, and not the heavy kind of Goa. New Kind of World is the style you are looking for as far as I can see.. Take care..
  3. Full On, is Alien Project, Astrix, GMS etc These kinds of artists.. Astral Projection - Trust in Trance 3 Astral Projection - The Astral Files California Sunshine Chi-a.d. I hope that this is the kind of music you are looking for.. Take care, and good luck
  4. LOL, maybe Mars could start release stuff from posters on psynews.org, it could be pretty fun
  5. Thanks alot.. Sorry I meant Athens, I wrote it on danish..
  6. Hey there.. Iam travelling to Athen in Frebruary, and I will like to know if there are any shops there? If there are, there must be a shop er two, I would like to have the adress please.. It is not a matter of course there are shops that are selling psy in a town/capitol. In Aalborg were I live, we only have one shop, but it is not a great shop.. Take care... Quark-
  7. LOL, cool..
  8. Like Suntrip records
  9. MFG... Project Genesis.. WoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooW!!!!!!!!!!
  10. LOL, yes Denmark is a small country, but we have alot of different kind of people. Iam from Aalborg, you?
  11. Slug - Paradise Lost.. Brilliant track..
  12. Yummy.. Looking forward to hear that one..
  13. Why not do a remix of Chimera, love that track. It really kicks ass!!!!! Keep up the great work.. Take care Quark-
  14. Yeah that's pretty hard.. Maybe Newer Parvati releases, such as Psychedelically Yours 2 Kindzadza - Waves from outer Space Alienated - Fluff Factory 10 minutes of pure satisfaction.
  15. New stuff from Feuerhake, sounds promising, Excess all Areas is a nice album, so Iam looking forward to this one
  16. Ambient and classical music would be nice. But I think some allready did that :S
  17. Hmm.. Lots of tracknames has giving me a laugh, but the Grapes of Wrath and Meteloids crew has done some of the funniest and coolest tracknames in my opinion. FX: Jahbo - Morphadelic (I think it is quiet cool) Meteloids - Bubble Skum (If you look at it in a danish way it is okay, and in english it is funny ) Grapes of Wrath - Wackie Mackie (I think this is funny ) Jahbo vs Shotu feat. Suddha - Blabla (Pretty funny title I think) Grapes of Wrath - All Your Base R Belong to Us
  18. Guess you are right Filipe. I posted a review of Monarchie III, because I haven't seen one. I know it was like a year or two after it was released, but I thought it deserved a review. I posted it, and the only replies I got, was ..: "It is old...." "Someone has already reviewed it..." "Are you a retard...?" etc etc That pissed me off, and now I never visit the forum, not just because of that, but also because of the Full-On commercials all the time. Take care now, bye bye then....
  19. Excactly, love this guide!! I see he now has made a version 2.0 OMG!!
  20. Why can't I remember the link to that great great guide to electronic music now?
  21. HAHA, Iam looking forward to these..
  22. Thanks Mars, and happy n.y.e.
  23. I like HIDE+SEEK and Soulprint alot. These are the kind of stuff I want to hear at a party, or Phony Orphants and Frogacult
  24. It sounds danish too
  25. I have seen alot of pictures of him, if Iam not mistaken. He is from Denmark, and he is like 110 years old. Maybe in Cph wear the kind of clothes you describe, but at parties here in Jutland they don't, or maybe some do, but it is not the majority that do. BUT "It's all about silicone tits, body builder arms, tanned assses, pink skirts, neon panties, fur boots and lots of coolio tattoos. The point is that it's becomed one major BIG fashion show for the clubbers here. The backpackers, "hippies". "normal" people ect. are looked as if they are at the wrong place when they go to the parties!" Here Iam with you, if you aren't as large as, I don't know.. You have to be huge, and your arm have to be black, not beacause you are from Africa, no it have to be black with all the tattoes you have.. Take care...
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