I have seen alot of pictures of him, if Iam not mistaken. He is from Denmark, and he is like 110 years old.
Maybe in Cph wear the kind of clothes you describe, but at parties here in Jutland they don't, or maybe some do, but it is not the majority that do.
BUT "It's all about silicone tits, body builder arms, tanned assses, pink skirts, neon panties, fur boots and lots of coolio tattoos. The point is that it's becomed one major BIG fashion show for the clubbers here. The backpackers, "hippies". "normal" people ect. are looked as if they are at the wrong place when they go to the parties!"
Here Iam with you, if you aren't as large as, I don't know.. You have to be huge, and your arm have to be black, not beacause you are from Africa, no it have to be black with all the tattoes you have..
Take care...