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Everything posted by Quark

  1. I give Nemo right, at some point of view. Progressive is a hard question, because there is so many kind of progressive genres. I prefer to use psytrance, when I talk about music, but most people, that doesn't listen to it, don't understand, then I use the term Goa(-trance), and they go "Ahhh..."
  2. I like the bassline from Phony Orphants - Horny Enphants alot. I think it is the repetive, and the monotous feeling, that makes it brilliant..
  3. Yeah this isn't that good, but the intro is fucking great!!
  4. I saw Silicon Sound a couple of weeks ago, and he surely kicked some serious ass, his DJ-set were fantastic too..
  5. A bit off-topic, but I also like: Atmos (Took me some listenings to see what genious Tomasz really is.) FREq Midi Miliz/Spirallianz Star Sounds Orchestra Beat Bizarre Feuerhake Saiko-Pod Most of the Iboga and Parvati releases These are the ones that crossed my mind
  6. Son Kite - On Air (Love the build-up and the climax afterwards, wow)
  7. Good luck! Please post a place, where you can buy Scizoeffective. Can't find it anywhere :'(
  8. Hmm, how can you tell, if a track is rare or not?
  9. Yeah, it is pretty original. Like that too..
  10. Yeah, I have seen it, and at Iboga's HP you can hear some samples and it sounds great. Another upcoming compilation from Iboga, that is worth looking for is Set:03, I have to get these also, and ofcourse Frogacult - Something for Sundays I haven't heard about the Day Time comp; but thanks for tips.
  11. Hmm I'm going to order a big amount of cd's, haven't ordered in a looooong time :S, but here they are: Tetraktys - Tetraktys Kooler - Open Amphasis - Human arrangements V/A - Classic Remix V/A - Therapy Shakta - The Enlightened Ape Yumade - Klanguage Krumelur - Minimal Animal Frogacult - All Seasons Remixes (MCD) Phi - Phinalizer The Misted Muppet - From The Legend Infected Mushroom - IM The Supervisor Astrix - Artcore Human blue - Electric roundabout Menis - Temporary Insanity Authentik - Preamplified Haldolium - Haldolium Slap - Mindfunk (If Krelmatrix aren't sending me this one) It is possbile that Iam going to order these over several times, but these are on my "To-Get"-list Take care now, bye bye then
  12. If I find 1 track to be extremely great I'll buy the album/compilation, and most of the times, I find the album/compi. to be quiet good in the end, after some listenings. That's all folks Take care now, bye bye then
  13. Chris Organic - Don't Panic Chris Organic Spirallianz - Stereopark Spirallianz - Blast Food Ozric Tentacles - Waterfall Cities See DP's message for coverart. +A lot more! These were the first that crossed my mind
  14. Vibrasphere - Echo Vibrasphere - Lime Structure Tracks: Vibrasphere - Funk the Trunk Frogacult - Beware of the Sand
  15. Ubar Tmar - Eternal Return (or the intro is scary as hell)
  16. Very good choice my friend. This is scary as hell, love it! My choice would be: Jahbo - Morphadelic and a lot more, this is the one I can remember at the time Take care now, bye bye then
  17. This is not just a great album, this is...... like the voice of the God
  18. For me it is Phony Orphants, they play some hard-ass kicking music. Just my style!!
  19. Uhhh, good old Cocooma. They made "Virtual Experience", and it is released on an old Ravermëister comp. I think it is vol. 8. Tripped to this a lot of times!! Great track
  20. http://www.wirikuta.at/web66/product_detai...howDetail=64090 <-Try this link instead..
  21. How much did you pay for it? and that is too bad!!
  22. I love some of the tracks that has vocals, such as Haldolium's album, Be Real. This album has some nice vocals. BUT the best vocals I have ever heard in a psy-track, is Frogacult - Beware of the Sand. KILLER VOCALS!!!! Take care now, bye bye then!!
  23. Quark


    Copy pasted from Isratrance: Psychedelic Trance / Full-On / Goa 3D Vision Records (France) http://www.3dvisionrecords.com/ Acidance Records (Greece) http://www.acidance-records.com/ Afrogalactic Records (SA) http://www.afrogalactic-records.co.za/ Afterburn Records (UK) http://www.ajucaproductions.co.uk/ Agitato Records (Israel) http://www.agitato.co.il/ Ajuca Productions (UK) http://www.ajucaproductions.co.uk/ Alchemy Records (UK) http://www.alchemyrecords.co.uk/ Alkaloid Productions (Australia) http://www.alkaloid.biz/ Altitude Recordings (Sweden) http://www.altitude-recordings.tk/ Ambivalent Records (UK) http://www.ambivalentrecords.com/ AP Records (Germany) http://www.ap-records.com/ Apoxina Records (France) http://www.apoxina.com/ Arcadia Music (Japan) http://www.arcadia-music.net/ Aurinko Records (Germany) http://www.aurinko-records.com/ Avatar Records (Israel) http://avatar-music.com/ Beat Freaks (Italy) http://www.inpsyde-media.com/ Bionics Records (Israel) http://www.bionics-records.com/ BNE Records http://www.bne.co.il/ Boom! Records (Holland) http://www.boomrecords.com/ Butterfly Records (Malta) http://www.kemic-al.com/ Ceiba Records (USA) http://www.ceibarec.com/ Chakradelic Records (Switzerland) http://www.chakradelic.com/ Chemical Crew (Israel) http://www.chemical-crew.tv/ Com.Pact Records (Israel) http://www.compact-records.com/ Cosmic Conspiracy Records (New Zealand) http://www.cosmicconspiracy.co.nz/ Creon Records (Sweden) http://www.creonrecords.com/ Crystal Matrix Records (Portugal) http://www.crystal-matrix.org/ Deja Vu Records (Russia) http://www.dejavurecords.com/ Demon Tea Recordings (Australia) http://www.demontea.com/ Digital Psionics Records (Australia) http://www.digitalpsionics.com/ Discobole Records (Greece) http://www.discobole.gr/ Discovalley Records (India) http://www.discovalleyrecords.com/ Doof Records (Israel) http://www.doofrecords.net/ Dragonfly Records (UK) http://www.dragonflyrecords.co.uk/ E-Watt Records (France) http://www.e-watt-records.com/ Edgecore Releases (Australia) http://www.edgecore.com.au/ Elejam Records (Japan) http://www.elesal.com/elejam/ Elektrik Orgasm Records (UK) http://www.elektrikorgasm.co.uk/ ELF Music (Japan) http://www.elf-music.net/ Etnicanet Records (Spain) http://www.etnicanet.net/ Exogenic Records (Finland) http://www.exogenic.com/ Exposure Productions (Greece) http://www.exposure-productions.net/ Fabula Records (Italy) http://www.fabularecords.com/ Fragile Planet Records (UK) http://www.fragileplanetrecords.com/ Freakdance Records (Finland) http://www.freakdancerecords.net/ Freetransform Records (Norway) http://www.freetransform.no/ Gi'iwa Productions (Australia) http://www.giiwa.com/ Glowing Flames Records (UK) http://www.glowingflame.com/ Gnostic Records (Germany) http://www.gnostic-records.com/ Green Ant Productions (Australia) http://www.greenant.com/ Headroom Productions (Germany) http://www.headroom-productions.com/ High End Records (Brazil) http://www.high-endrecords.com/ Hom-Mega Productions (Israel) http://www.hommega.com/ Implant Recordings (Sweden) http://labelgroup.backtoplastic.com/implant.php Inpsyde Media (Italy) http://www.inpsyde-media.com/ Inti Raimy Records (Greece) http://www.acidance-records.com/ Kavator Records (Sweden) http://www.kavator.com/ Ketuh Records (Portugal) http://www.ketuhrecords.com/ Kinetix Records (UK) http://www.kinetix.ltd.uk/ Koyote Records (UK) http://www.koyote.co.uk/ Lynne Music Productions (UK) http://www.lynnemusic.com/ Magma Records (Italy) http://www.magmarecords.it/ Mandala Records (France) http://www.mandalarecords.org/ Maia Records (Mexico) http://www.maia.com.mx/ Mechanik Sound Records (Spain) http://www.mechanikrecords.com/ Mind Control Records (France) http://www.mindcontrolrecords.com/ Mistress Of Evil Records (USA) http://www.mistressofevil.com/ MP Records (Spain) http://www.mprecords.net/ Mushroom Mafia Records (SA) http://www.mushroom-mafia.co.za/ Nano Records (France) http://www.nabi-records.com/ Nano Records (UK) http://www.nanorecords.co.uk/ Natraj Records (Germany) http://www.natraj-temple.de/ Nephilim Records (Germany) http://www.nephilim-records.de/ Neurobiotic Records (Italy) http://www.neurobiotic.com/ Odd Records (Portugal) http://www.oddrecords.com/ Oktava Records (Greece) http://www.oktavarecords.com/ Organic Records (UK) http://www.organicrecords.net/ Panorama Records (Japan) http://www.panoramarecords.jp/ Parvati Records (Denmark) http://www.parvati-records.com/ Peak Records (Switzerland) http://www.peaking-goddess.com/ Phantasm Records (UK) http://www.phantasmrecords.com/ Phonokol (Israel) http://www.phonokol.com/ Planet BEN Records (Germany) http://www.planet-ben.net/ Process Productions (UK) http://www.onedroportwo.co.uk/ Procyon Records (Hungary) http://www.procyonrecords.com/ Psy-Harmonics (Australia) http://www.psy-harmonics.com.au/ Psychedelic Records (USA) http://www.psychedelicrecords.com/ Psyforce Productions (Sweden) http://www.psyforceproductions.com/ Pukka Music (UK) http://www.pukkamusic.co.uk/ Relativity Records (UK) http://www.relativity-records.org.uk/ Sanskara Records (SA) http://www.sanskara.co.za/ Schlabbaduerst Rekkords (Sweden) http://listen.to/Schlab Serephana Records (India) http://www.serephana-records.com/ Shiva Space Japan (Japan) http://www.shivaspace-japan.com/ Shiva Space Technology (Germany) http://www.shiva-space-technology.de/ Sonic Dragon Records (Australia) http://www.sonic-dragon.com/ Solar Flares Records (Brazil) http://www.solarflares.com.br/ Solstice Records (Japan) http://www.solstice23.com/ Soular Records (USA) http://www.soularrecords.com/ Spectral Concepts (USA) http://www.spectralconcepts.net/ Sphere Records (UK) http://www.ajucaproductions.co.uk/ Spiritual Beings Records (Israel) http://www.spiritualbeings.org/ Spontaneous Aerobics (Germany) http://www.spontaneous-aerobics.com/ Spun Records (USA) http://www.spunrecords.org/ Starsound Records (Greece) http://www.starsound.gr/ Stone Age Records (Sweden) http://www.stoneagerecords.com/ SunDance Records (Australia) http://www.sundance23.com/ Surreal Audio Records (Finland) http://www.surrealaudio.com/ Thirteen Productions (Finland) http://www.thirteenproductions.com/ Timecode Records (SA) http://www.timecode.co.za/ TIP World (UK) http://www.tipworld.co.uk/ Traktor Schalllabor GMBH (Switzerland) http://www.schalllabor.ch/ Tranceform Records (Finland) http://www.tranceformrecords.com/ Trancelucent Productions (Israel) http://www.trancelucent.com/ Transient Records (UK) http://www.transient.com/ Transonic Records (Denmark) http://www.transonic.dk/ Tribal Records (Israel) http://www.tribalrec.com/ Tribeadelic Records (Australia) http://www.tribeadelic.com/ Trishula Records (Germany) http://www.trishula-records.com/ True Trance Records (Japan) http://www.truetrance.com/ Truffle Records (USA) http://www.trufflerecords.com Turbo Trance Records (France) http://www.turbotrance.com/ Twisted Records (UK) http://www.twisted.co.uk/ Tunnel Records (Germany) http://www.tunnel.de/ Unicorn Music (Greece) http://www.unicorn-music.net/ USTA Records (Israel) http://www.ustarecords.com/ Utopia Records (Israel) http://www.utopia-records.com/ Vaporvent Records (USA) http://www.vaporvent.com/ Vision Quest (Japan) http://www.visionquest-tokyo.com/ Wajanga Records (Brazil) http://www.klatu.com.br/ Woodroom Records (Switzerland) http://www.woodroom.ch/ Yellow Sunshine Explosion Recordings(Germany) http://www.millenniumrecords.com/yse/frameset.htm Progressive Trance ACDC Records (Sweden) http://www.spiraltrax.com/acdc/ Aeon Records (Brasil) http://www.aeon-rec.com/ Agnosia Records (Israel) http://www.agnosia.com/ Alien News Records (Germany) http://www.mandrago.de/hadshot/ AlphaLab Records (Denmark) http://www.alphalab.dk/ Audiobahn Records (Denmark) http://www.audiobahn-records.com/ Avalanche Records (Germany) http://www.avalanche-records.com/ Ayahuasca Records (Denmark) http://www.ayahuasca-records.com/ Baluns Records (Sweden) http://www.mpdqx.com/baluns/ Boshke Beats Records (Spain) http://www.boshkebeats.com/ Candyflip Records (Greece) http://www.candyflip-records.com/ Cold Groove Records (Canada) http://www.coldgroove.com/ Creamcrop Records (Denmark) http://www.creamcrop.com/ Crotus Records (Denmark) http://www.crotus-records.dk/ D.Drum Records (Germany) http://www.global-trance-network.com/ Databass Music Records (France) http://www.dtbmusic.net/ Digital Structures Records (Sweden) http://www.mpdqx.com/digitalstructures/ Domo Records (Germany) http://www.domorecords.com/ Groove Zone (Japan) http://www.groove-zone.com/ Horns & Hoofs Entertainment (Russia) http://www.hornsandhoofs.com/ Iboga Records (Denmark) http://www.iboga-records.dk/ Innersound Records (Italy) http://www.inner-sound.net/ Interzone Records (Switzerland) http://www.interzone-records.com/ Feed Me Records (Portugal) http://www.feedmerecords.com/ Freeform Records (Germany) http://www.freeform-network.com/ Froggle Records (France) http://www.frogglerecords.org/ Gravity Plus Records (Germany) http://www.gplusrecords.com/ Kamaflage Records (UK) http://www.kamaflage.co.uk/ Kairoo Records (Belgium) http://www.kairoo.com/ Mental Arts Records (Germany) http://www.mental-arts.com/ Midijum Records (Germany) http://www.midijum-records.de/ Millennium Records (Germany) http://www.millenniumrecords.com/ Moonflower Productions (Sweden) http://www.moonflower.se/ Nano Beat Records (Denmark) http://www.nanobeat.dk/ Nervine Records (Australia) http://www.nervine-records.com/ Platipus Records (UK) http://www.platipus.com/ Play Out Right Now Records (Germany) http://www.pornrec.com/ Plusquam Records (Germany) http://www.plusquam-records.de/ Psyristor Trax (Japan) http://www.psyristor.com/ Resonoise Records (UK) http://www.ajucaproductions.co.uk/ Return To The Source (UK) http://www.rtts.com/ Save To Disc Recordings (Germany) http://www.savetodisc.de/ Shellsplinta Records (Switzerland) http://www.shellsplinta.com/ Sprout Records (Germany) http://www.sproutmusic.de/ Star Jelly Records (Israel-Sweden) http://www.star-jelly-records.com/ Sub Machine Records (France) http://www.submachine-rec.com/ Synergetic Records (Austria) http://www.suntribe.at/ Tatsu Records (Germany) http://www.tatsu.de/ Tokyo Dance Records (Germany) http://www.tokyo-dance.com/ Spiral Trax Records (Sweden) http://www.spiraltrax.com/ Vertikal Records (Germany) http://www.vertikal-records.com Vsual Recordings (Sweden) http://www.mpdqx.com/vsual/ VP Records http://www.domorecords.com/ Zenon Records (Australia) http://www32.brinkster.com/zenonrecords/ ZMA Records (Greece) http://www.zmarecords.com/ Ambient / Chill Out / Electronic Aleph Zero Records (Israel) http://www.aleph-zero.info/ Backroom Beats (UK) http://www.backroombeats.com/ Chillcode Records (Germany) http://www.chillcode.net/ Creative Vibes (Australia) http://www.cvibes.com/ CyberOctave Music (USA) http://www.cyberoctave.com/ Dakini Records (Japan) http://www.dakinirecords.com/ E-French Sound Records (France) http://www.e-frenchsound.com Eros Music (Greece) http://www.erosmusic.gr/ Exogenic Breaks Records (Finland) http://www.exogenicbreaks.com/ FA Music (Israel) http://www.famusic.co.il/ IDSpiral Soundscapes (UK) http://www.idspiral.org/ Indica Music (Italy) http://www.indicamusic.com/ Interchill Records (Canada) http://www.interchill.com/ Jubilee Records (Germany) http://www.jubilee-records.de/ Liquid Sound Design (UK) http://www.liquidsounddesign.com/ Metropolis Records (USA) http://www.metropolis-records.com/ Tempest Recordings (Australia) http://www.tempestrecordings.com.au/ Toires Recordings (France) http://www.toires.com/ Ultimae Records (France) http://www.ultimae.com/ Wirikuta Records (Austria) http://www.wirikuta.at/ Zulu Lounge (Mexico) http://www.zululounge.com/
  24. I like: Phony Orphants - Symphony FREq - Strange Attractors Beat Bizarre - Pandoras Groove Box V/A - Puzzled V/A - Fusion (Iboga Japan) V/A - Tryptamin V/A - Set:1 V/A - Set:2
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