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Everything posted by Quark

  1. Which one? I prefer the MidiMiliz/Spirallianz style!! and not the "Send In, Send Back"-The Delta style...
  2. Iam a collector too, but I will not buy it, just to buy it. I have nothing with Juno Reactor this far, because I have not taken the time, to give him/them a try. Maybe I should try to give it a try!! Let us see, they might surprise us!
  3. I'll give it a try, but if I don't like it, I will not buy it
  4. Saikopod is freaking great, I love them. Some niiiiiiice groovy shit we got here! Another artist: Some of Son Kite's stuff and Synchro, some of his tracks I can't dig, don't know why?
  5. You know what I ment!!
  6. Some people, like me, still like them, and find their music to be very creative, because it is not that usual formula. It is something different. The new stuff from The Delta, such as the album Send In, send back, is not my cup of tea, but that is in my opinion. Tristan & Process - KV 23 , maybe you should try this one! Take care now, bye bye then!
  7. I will buy both of them, just to have them in my collection. Yesterday I bought Eye to Eye, and I find it to be quiet good! Normally Iam not into Full-On, more Techtrance, such as MidiMiliz/Spirallianz. Take care now, bye bye then!
  8. I have only heard it through fast, hadn't ´the time to give it a full listening, but you really kept the Infected style here, IMO.. Take care
  9. Am I the only one who doesn't think this is pure shit? I find it quiet interesting, but nothing compared to a real Astral Projection album. In the Mix is cool too I think, soooo. Take care!!
  10. Hmm seraph please donot show off!!
  11. I thought that melancholic was a "sad" track, was a, almost, tearbreaking element! Hope you understand what Iam trying to say.. Quark!
  12. Pleiadians - Asterope
  13. WTF people are willing to pay 339$ for this album!!!
  14. Werid track, but somekind of nice anyway, but as ouroboros said, it is getting a bit boring sometimes, but your elements are well choosed, Take care
  15. Where do people get those unreleased tracks from? :S People keeps on talking about the Eskimo rmx of Voodoo People, and I have not heard it yet, it is god damn annoying!!! Take care now, bye bye then!
  16. Didn't Mozart play his first "....?" for the royalstaff at the age of 4-5?
  17. I think that S>Range is hard nut to crack, because with his first album it switches between the styles, but it is still a killer album BooM! has released some compilations named Psychoactive Scandosounds, untill now it is an triology. Atmos, Frogacult and Phony Orphants. For me these artists are the creme de la creme for prog.trance. All Atmos' stuff is brilliant, and Phony Orphants album Symphony, needs no introducing, this is thee prog.album! Frogacult's stuff is brilliant too, and I have read some place that they soon will release an album! Excellent.. Take care now, bye bye then!
  18. I think it could be cool to pick up a woman to a party, because she would probably like the same music as me, and those women are a rare species these days. BUT I once talked with a woman to a party, yes I did, no reason to be jaloux ! Take care now, bye bye then!
  19. Lotus Omega - Recycle Bin (album) That's some pretty fast shit..! Take care now, bye bye then!
  20. Maybe: v/a - Kamaflage 2 Vibrasphere - Lime Structure Vibrasphere - Echo Saiko-Pod - Phutures and Options (VERY groovy and positive, highly recommended)
  21. I think it is very cool, like a Heaven|Hell-theme. Nice job!
  22. Hey there peops! Was just going through some of my old cd's, and found some of the Plastik Park releases. A must say, this is some nice "progressive"-music. Some of them, fx. ...Into the Parkness is like the beginning of the Iboga-age! My question is: Do you feel the same? Nice shit. Quark-
  23. I think it is quiet good, not that bad at all, it is one of the best Full-On albums I have heard for a while.
  24. http://www.cs.umu.se/~tdv94ati/ Maybe it is this site
  25. The Steptime album Steptime (very original) are in the same style as those tracks, really nice.
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