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Everything posted by Quark

  1. The G.M.S. remix of Deedrah - Reload is one of the best tracks I have ever heard..
  2. Quark


    HEHEHEHE Nefarious.. I could imagine that..
  3. Alienated - Fluff Factory Intact Instinct the Supply from Below album!!
  4. How the f**k can they release so much in such short time ? I was surfing on psyshop.com, when I feel over YSE, and they have released alot since, 2002 I think.. How can this happen, I thought it took a long time, before you have chosen what to release and the release would be in the stores. Take care Quark-
  5. Forgodsake I forgot the best track ever.. Vibrasphere - Funk the Trunk It is sooooo fucking great, the little godlike melody.. Quark-
  6. How about Vibrasphere - Lime Structure (the album). I have listened to this a few times or a 1000 times, something between this, and in my opinion is this some of the best morningtrance ever, if this is considered morningtrance.. Take care now, bye bye then.. Quark-
  7. MidiMiliz, Spirallianz, The Delta, new X-Dream and stuff from boshke beats
  8. Son Kite - Colours Beat Bizarre - Pandoras Groovebox Kindzadza - Waves from Outer Space Puzzled
  9. I will definitely buy this album, when it is released.. Sounds amazing.. And it is good with something, not Israeli in these days..
  10. Baah.. Didn't work..
  11. http://forumspam.articblue.nl/user_related...images/0659.jpg
  12. Some maybe consider Tetraktys for Progressive, and MidiMiliz/Spirallianz are excellent exsamples of Tech-Trance... Take care now, bye bye then.. Quark-
  13. Quark


    Box of Frox - Undertow is a brilliant track with a female voice singing something I can't quote.. Brilliant track IMO..
  14. Hehe Lemmi.. Good one..!!
  15. Hehe.. They have released many comp's since they started in ???? Don't know the music, or havenot heard any of their comp's, but the tracklists look fine to me. The new GOA vol. 7, am I looking forward to hear, because of the Eskimo track Popcorn. Take care Quark-
  16. Anyone of you psyheads, who can recommend some amateurs who create psy. I can personally recommend: Moai - Chimera (One of my favourites, extreme well produced IMO) Andromeda - Amiga (also great, but not as great as Moai) Take care now, bye bye then.. Quark-
  17. Quark

    Cost of a cd

    In Denmark we pay 150-200 dkr.
  18. Thx alot m8...
  19. Soem time ago, a man posted a URL for his website called Psychedelic Mind Expander. I lost the URL, so can anyone help me with it ? Thx Quark-
  20. If you are into Tenka, you must hear the track Muggert. If you understand danish, you will love the sample he uses from a film called "Blinkende Lygter".
  21. The best psyremix I have ever heard is the Paranormal Attack remix of Voodoo People by Prodigy. They really kept the Prodigy feeling IMO.. I remember it was at a friends house where we were partying.. Take care now, bye bye then!! Quark-
  22. On their website a release called Renew your View is posted, but I cannot find it anywhere.. Anyone who knows a place where I can find it ?
  23. Beat Bizarre..
  24. Tech-Trance -> MidiMiliz - Antistat ->Antistat, Nuet and Restore My Soul Spirallianz - Blastfood ->Submariniert, One Way Ltd., and Ghost Brigade. and the album Stereopark ->Hide+Seek, Stereopark and Soulprint (Spirallianz is also Arne Schaffhausen and Wayan Raabe like MidiMiliz) IMO this is Tech-trance, because it isn't as hard as the Delta - Send In...Send Back, which IMO is Techno, or I have read is somewhere.. But, good luck.. Take care now, bye bye then.. Quark-
  25. Hehe.. I allready bought the Beat Bizarre album "Pandoras Groove Box".. And you are right, this is great IMO.. I will go and tjeck out Oryx then.. Thx EP..!!
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