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Everything posted by Quark

  1. In a thread posted before this grahf asked about some progressive recommendations.. My question is, can you recommend anything that can be compared with the Plastik Park compilations, because IMO this is the shit.. I am listening to ...Into the parkness right now, and OMG it is fucking great.. Fusion from IBOGA is also great, esspecially the Beat Bizarre track Terra Byte.. I love the 2 min's "intro".. Take care now, bye bye then.. Quark-
  2. IMO it is Beat Bizarre - Brain Drain rmx (From LEWD too)
  3. Puzzled Beat Bizarre - Pandoras Groove Box Fusion (The Beat Bizarre track Terra Byte, is itself, worth the albums price IMO) or wait and buy FREq - Strange Attractors Take care now, bye bye then!! Quark-
  4. Nice.. And thanks to you Mars, for the work you have done..
  5. Try out the Kamaflage compilations..
  6. Hey DP.. Long time, no talk.. I found it in Vibration.. Lots of great offers, and they have the new Kindzadza album too..
  7. Hey there psytrancers I just bought Chris Organic - Don't Panic Chris Organic and this is one of the best albums I have ever heard. Especially Motorised Maniac.. I know the album is old, but I found it to a cheap price (6,5 €) So my question is, can you name some similar artists ? Take care now, bye bye then.. Quark-
  8. Thx for the help, but.. Astral Projection may be a bit too hard, but I thought on them too, but I would choose Utopia. Miranda - Gnocchi, a perfect track..
  9. Or 3) Chakra - X-File (Monkey mix) 4) Man With No Name - Teleport
  10. Hey boys and girls.. Tomorrow, it most be friday, I am going to a party where I am allowed to play a track, but only one track. Therefore I need your help. I am a bit insecure of which track I should pick. It has to be dancefriendly, and a bit clubby, but still it has to keep the psy-/Goa-feeling. My own two choises are: 1) X-Dream - Psychomachine 2) Chakra - Liquid Troll None of them are especially clubby, but I think that they are dancefriendly.. Please help.. Take Care Quark-
  11. When I buy cd's online, I buy them through psyshop. I've got all my cd's pretty fast, and they all are there. Therefore I can't say any bad things about them, and by the way, they have the pay on delivery function, a bit more expensive but if you think they will cheat, it is a great opportunity..
  12. X-Dream - Psychomachine Chakra Edi Mis - The Promised Land (album) A bit retro I know, but that was what my soul was searching for.
  13. Finally.. This one have I been waiting for in a long time now..
  14. My favourite dark psy/goa-trance album is: M.F.G - Project Genesis To me the best album ever..
  15. Alienated - Fluff Factory
  16. I live in Denmark, just beside Germany, and I have never had any problems with psyshop.com, eventhough I only ordered 1-2 cd's. As allready mentioned, it can be a possibility that a employed on the postaloffice takes the cd's.. :S Take Care.. Quark-
  17. I like your tracks alot, or some of them. You really bring up old memories, but some of your tracks is missing something, some form of energy. But most of them are nice.. Build up, melodies etc. Take Care Quark-
  18. The track I listened to in the yearswitch was: Alienated - Fluff Factory Take Care.. Quark-
  19. Beside psy, I switch between danish music, such as Kim Larsen and D:A:D, and R:E:M.. But I listen primary to psy.
  20. I will do it shortly: When I received my Division by Zer0, I listened to my Cryptic Crunch first. Afterwards I listened to Division by Zer0, and WOW I was dissappointed. The Cryptic Crunch album is more brilliant and, I need words to describe it. But I was dissappointed.. Take Care.. Quark-
  21. Tracks from Pleiadians Quark-
  22. What a great game..
  23. They are having a party to night, where Son Kite and others are coming. So they are not closing down. Quark-
  24. IMO the Dropz of Obscure Eclipses album is one of the best I've ever heard. Now you know that, BTW Good Luck finding those albums.. Take Care.. Quark-
  25. You are right, indeed. This is mordern oldschool, at it is best. Sounds very cool, in the few seconds you can hear the sample. Take Care Quark-
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