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kriz aka krize

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Everything posted by kriz aka krize

  1. haha how house can you go ... fluro and colourful clothes are cool on the dancefloor, but be yourself is the most important....
  2. hard to pick one but, south africa -I like the style and the freshness Many good artists
  3. i have: 04-the_delta_-_as_a_child_i_could_walk_on_the_ceiling_(x_noize_rmx) and The_Delta_-_As_A_Child_I_Could_Walk_The_Ceiling_(Sub_Rmx) Both very nice, but not released
  4. Hi all.. Have to ask about this when i heard the chromosom remix from this old song, hehe.. back in 2002 @ boom festival they played a remix from ac/dc - thundertruck anybody know (and not the chromosom remix).... peace all.
  5. ey Boom Aliens!!! The last night of Boom Festival 2004 has just started! All visitors are awaiting a final sensual overload and are ready to party!!! For those of you who stayed at home we have our BOOM LIVE AUDIO STREAM up and running! All you need is a media player like WMA (Windows Media), iTunes or Winamp. From your media player open: boomfestival.org:8604 From your browser go to: http://www.boomfestival.org:8604 Furthermore we have a "FIRST SHOTS" PHOTO GALLERY with brilliant pictures online. Check out http://www.boomfestival.org/galleries2004/001/bpics.html For more information about Boom check out: http://www.boomfestival.org All the Best from Boom's Cyberstation, sam@chaishop.com ---- Timetable for Sunday/Monday (all hours in CET): 20:00 D-Nox 22:00 Fusion 00:00 Migas 02:00 Space Tribe 03:00 Jahbo 05:00 Azax Syndrome 06:00 Alpha & Buddha Source 08:30 Menog 09:30 Qudra 10:30 Dimirti 13:00 Reflex 16:30 D-Tector 18:00 Atmos ----
  6. From the boom organizers; "Hey Boom Aliens!!! Boom Festival 2004 is vibrating since Wednesday with friendly trancers from all around the world! As the first time in Boom History we're proud to announce that our BOOM LIVE AUDIO STREAM is up and running! If you couldn't make it to Boom this time this is your chance to tune in to the Boom Mainfloor! The stream will be running until Monday afternoon only beeing interrupted when the main floor is not operating (possibly between 15h and 19h on Sunday). All you need is a media player like WMA (Windows Media), iTunes or Winamp. From your media player open: boomfestival.org:8604 From your browser go to: http://www.boomfestival.org:8604 For more information about Boom check out: http://www.boomfestival.org] http://www.boomfestival.org[/url] All the Best from Boom's Cyberstation, sam@chaishop.com ---- Timetable for Saturday (all hours in CET): 20h Tati 22h Cesh 0h Morg 2h Man Made Man 3h Zirkin vs. Troy 5h30 Dark Psy 7h Chicago 9h30 Rinkadink 10h30 Regan 13h Pena ----" GREAT!!!! Just open boomfestival.org:8604, in winamp "open url" killlllllerz.
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