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  1. Hi, this is a song I made last night. enjoy! Artist: dementia Title: Scio Dolor http://www.soundclick.com/bands/5/sinfulparoxysm_music.htm Feedback always welcome thanks for listening!
  2. Hi, As a powerbook G4 17inch user I would HIGHLY recommend waiting for mac to support intel chipsets. You will get more bang for your buck. If you need to buy something now I would look at it like this: If you are planing on using your puter for audio processing and editing/mixing/mastering an Ibook or mac mini will more than likely be just fine. If you are going to be using logic with lots of softsynths, Units and plugins and of course automation more proc will be necassary. Not to mention you will need at LEAST a gig of memory. Mac'a ram is particularly expensive so keep that in mind. I have a gig of ram logic 6 + 1.3Mhz proc and can run 15-16 instances of emagics ES2s' and full automation without much latency. I dont think it would run much more smoothly though. If your using lots of soft samplers plan for more memory still. I plan on buying a PC in the future for extra proc, just to run VST and soft synths and run it all into my mac just like an external piece of hardware. Cheap way to amp up a mac based station. that way you get the best of both worlds, cheap power for hardware intensive software, then put your songs together on the sexier smoother mac. anyway thats my two cents hope it helps.
  3. Thanks. The other track up there is rather old so the sound was a bit more novice. thanks for the feedback. Dementia
  4. Ummm hate to break this to you all but logic rules the universe. The difference between cubase and logic is not as superficial as the GUI. Its environment is perhaps the most advanced user definable virtual workspace out there today. The flexibility of possibilities is endless in the environment. Of course most people are not going need this type of power. If you want a product that just 'works' and works more or less one way any other sequencing/audio suite will do. If you plan on taking your production a step further and get deeper into where the bits meet the bites logic will become your new messiah. Dementia
  5. Well As I mentioned I just spent last night on it. If you have ever been into production im sure you know that nothing is ever done. So I will probably move onto other things. Thanks for the feedback though;) Dementia
  6. A little piece I made last night. Enjoy, Dementia Title: Eros Lost http://www.soundclick.com/bands/5/sinfulparoxysm_music.htm
  7. Maybe im a madman here but, ummm..... The simplest way to explain what compression is typically used for would be to say..... It makes the loud noises softer and the soft noises louder. Many producers like using compression on the finally mix to get the whole tracks amplitude normal without any clips or spikes from single tracks that would adversely affect this process <normalizing>. Psy guys like it for kicks and bass, all the people out there complaining about their bass and kicks not having enough punch should play around with compressors. dont forget to try some compression on your mastering too though... it might change your sound... for the better.... <snickering> madman
  8. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/5/sinfulparoxysmmusic.htm So sorry if people have been having trouble with the link.... it works for me ??? Try this one though Namaste, kenton
  9. I use a mac powerbook g4 1.3 ghz with one meg of ram korg triton 61 key workstation Elektron monomachine Soon to have a access virus TI 61 key synth X-session Layla 24 KrK monitors Im a hardware guy....Sure the whole world is moving towards softsynths and thats cool with me... you can all sell me your hardware for cheap and drive the prices down! namaste, kenton
  10. Any feedback at all? Please listen the whole way through. Specific feedback is good You can email if you prefer at sinfulparoxysm@yahoo.com namaste, kenton
  11. Hey all. Like dark hard psy? take a listen. Comments are welcome My name is Dementia Tittle of track: Demon Type About 6:17 seconds enjoy! namaste http://www.soundclick.com/util/Streamm3u.m3u?ID=2080107&q=hi
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