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Everything posted by Symphoid

  1. Hey Thanks RAH Eventually I will lead back into the same groove, but i've got a longer trip i'd like to take the listener on. My strongest musical influences have been artists like Vangelis and Ulrich Schnauss. As a genre, if you can call it that, video game tunes have always influenced me heavily too. They showcase so many cool themes even if the sound is so synthy.
  2. I hope this link works. I'm working on a continous album and started this intro track. I really like to tell stories instrumentally and go off on different thematic/melodic tangents. Will you all give this a listen and tell me what you think? The last minute is thrown together and has barely been mixed or arranged so I just faded it out. Either way I hope you get some enjoyment out of this. Headphones are definitely recommended. --->One Ticket To Venus EDIT* oops, this should've gone in Check out My Tracks
  3. Longview + some Ulrich Schnauss remixes of their tunes.
  4. Write music without feeling like you need to sell something. In other words, write whatever kind of music you want to make. Be free and careless. Cross over, under, through and around boundaries. In a way it's like sketching with sound. Find what it is about your compostions that move you and if you are satisfied with the results than keep that formula. You can only get better and surprisingly people start to take notice your progress.
  5. I'm in desperate need of a good monitoring system and I'd love to hear what works best for a home studio. I'm willing to spend up to $600 for a pair. Any recommendations?
  6. When you've got some written I'd love to hear em I've got some tunes at the acidplanet link below. I've got a mix of both my old orchestral and electronic tunes on there.
  7. I used to go there quite a bit, but the crap REALLY overwhelms the goodness. I've got one megaman2 remix on there that's ok, but it's a little tame.
  8. I find the best way to optimise your work is by first referencing a song you like on several different speakers/systems. By doing this you can understand the strengths and weaknesses of the system you mix on, i.e. bass heavyness, weak lower mids, etc. A simple trick that almost always works for me during the level mixing process is to lower the master volume of your song and listen if certain sounds mask others or if a sound doesn't come through at all. If the latter is the problem, then obviously that specific track needs a boost (of course first check for clipping).
  9. I used to write orchestral/symphonic music quite a bit until I got majorly distracted by composing electronic music. I'd like to get into it again but I've been somewhat uninspired. Does anyone have any orchestral tracks they have for a free listen? I'm yearning some inspiration. Thanks
  10. Thanks guys, these are perfect...especially the shittalker website...for reasons other than music
  11. Does anyone know of any good speech synthesis programs that are free? Possibly even free vocoding software? Thanks for helping out a newbie.
  12. Hey I know you!
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