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Jason Pandanandi

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Everything posted by Jason Pandanandi

  1. Eh, well i don't like Watts or Krishnamurti either - When I'm going for 'enlightenment' I go straight to the Upanishads, Shankara, Shams Tabrizi, Meister Eckhart, or St. John of the Cross... Rene Guenon for someone more recent than that. I'm quite 'traditional' when it comes to definitions of enlightenment... I don't think Krishnamurti had much to say. Oh well. Topic derailed :\
  2. Thanks for the feedback, everyone. It'll have a bit more tension in the final mix, plus a lot of EQ and volume changes. As for the comparisons to Hallucinogen - Simon's definitely one of my biggest influences, so I'll take that as a compliment (as I think anyone would.) I have a second rough mix of a track online now at soundcloud.com/pandanandi - the track is called "Laptop Minotaur." It's just as rough as Psychic Mothers and needs a lot of volume and EQ work, but Richpa convinced me to put a rough mix online instead of waiting till I release it on an EP later this summer... so there it is. Have fun listening to it if you choose to go play it... and check out my EP coming out later this year - Psychic Mothers and Laptop Minotaur will both be on the album in more polished forms.
  3. Kickdrum and bass NEED to be dead centre for dance music so that the bass weight is spread evenly on an actual dancefloor.
  4. There's a group of people who listen to psytrance, and insofar as you listen to psytrance and go to psy shows, you're part of a given subculture. It's the nature of modern subcultures that they all tend to overlap and that no-one belongs to one subculture exclusively, but they're all still there. Psytrance culture has a thoughtform of its own, so to speak, at this point, and exists fairly independently of whatever you have to say about it. You can deny there's a psy scene, but Ozora's still going to happen, if you catch my drift... it's unrealistic or solipsistic to flat out deny that something exists when that very something has tangible effects in the world. (for the record, I don't get a good feeling from Leary OR from McKenna, but that's a different story.)
  5. Reminds me of this "shitbass" stuff (mashup hardcore?) that's sorta popular where I'm from.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0siQxc_QFg
  6. reviewed this gem already in the 2011 forum
  7. Artist: Noble Savage Title: Freaks of Nature Label: Liquid Tune Records (http://www.liquidtunerecords.tk/) Released: 10 June 2011 Style: Goa, Forest Trance http://www.ektoplazm.com/2011/noble-savage-freaks-of-nature 01 - Razzia (147 BPM) 02 - Secondary Protocol (147 BPM) 03 - 7th Seal (142 BPM) 04 - King Of Fools (145 BPM) 05 - 2012 (147 BPM) I hadn't heard of Noble Savage prior to now, but I'm very grateful that Liquid Tune and Ektoplasm conspired to bring the project to our collective attentions... I stumbled on this gem today and was caught by the description of the release. Forest goa? My mind immediately hearkened to (and hankered for) the style of Twin Sharkfins - a style which is hard to come by, especially in the present day climate of goa and psytrance. Intrigued, I downloaded and listened to the album. And I have to say... this is impressive. The album brings to mind the early stylings of the Battle Buddhas, or perhaps something like the Tales from the Forest compilation. There's a WHOLE lot of melody and tonality. The screeching and squelching of the forest sound is still present, but is filled out with a strong melodic sensibility which is always tasteful and never fluffy. Some of the sounds used in these tracks are really mindbending... the patch that both opens and closes Razzia sounds like a marimba dosed with henbane.(That comparison makes no sense. Oh well. - Panda) The comparisons to the Buddhas and other musicians are mostly just for benchmarks; for loose reference... Noble Savage has created something original, not a direct imitation of one style or another. My only complaint lies in the basslines - I'm a bit sick of galloping and rolling bass and miss the days in which goa basslines were submerged in the mix and treated as something to be compliment to the music, not a central focus of the music. That said, big rolling bass has always been a part of the forest sound, so I'm probably just being too picky. Some of the regulars on this forum may recall a recent discussion about the present situation (and the future) of melodic goa trance. One of the most common complaints aired in that thread was that there's too much fluff in the goa trance genre and not enough darkness, weirdness, what have you. Noble Savage's rolling basslines may be a bit uncomfortable for anyone who has bad flashbacks to awful full on or darkpsy when they hear a rolling bassline, but looking past the bassline is a rewarding venture for the goa trance afficianado: Noble Savage has created goa which is both distinctive and dark while remaining true to the essence of the style and sound. I hope for and expect great things from this project. All hail variety in the modern goa scene.
  8. Definitely a sad day. Liked or loved everything you guys put out. :<
  9. Bump... follow me on soundcloud! new track coming out soon~
  10. metal! Enslaved; one of my favorite bands period: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGs28oh-_w0
  11. It's all good. I didn't feel like calling you out and being like HEY YOU GOT DETAILS WRONG... I knew what you were talking about anyway. Interesting that that happened.
  12. Yes, but didn't they name one of their albums psycho circus? Honestly I don't know that much about kiss o.o oh well.
  13. I come from a fairly orthodox view of things, so maybe *my* perspective on this is also biased... but in my experience, yes, it's quite touchy. I hadn't heard the ian anderson story and I'm fairly curious about it. I'd like to read about that if you have a link to it. (also, a lot of it really has to do with WHAT is being promoted - Lakshmi was used in some advertisement for hamburgers by Burger King and it set off a FURY. Similarly, as I said, the connotations of party lifestyle that is associated with goa culture would be vaguely off putting to most Hindus when it comes to displaying divine images in association with it. And yet as much as I feel that I should be offended by it, I was born a westerner and have the opportunity to see things from both sides... and it's just part of Goa's charm to me. I know the scene really doesn't mean any harm by it, even if it's annoying at times. oh well. )
  14. Anyone else here play Street Fighter HD Remix on PSN? Need other people to play with :(
  15. I've done a fair bit of experimenting in the past, but I'm entirely clean. Here's to #2.
  16. In my experience, Hindus are ok with Hindus using images of the Devas for good luck, and are not ok with westerners using them for anything. Many of them would also have moral objections to some of what goes on at the parties, and wouldn't be cool with using them for that. But you're absolutely right to some degree... Ganesha is all over stores, so is Lakshmi, so is Hanuman. But at the same time, the devas have been used to promote things in america and the Indians over here have gotten offended. It's touchy, really.
  17. I said in ritual. No tantrik ritual calls for anything other than alcohol, as far as I know, and even then it's a small percentage of tantriks that perform that ritual literally. A few rituals in honor of Shani (saturn) use Datura, if I remember correctly, although that may have just been a part of tantrik Buddhism in Tibet. I'm not trying to be condescending or anything, but the idea that psychoactive substances are commonly used in Indian native religions is (mostly) fiction. I'm sure that lysergic derived substances are freely available there, both natural and synthesized, but the question was whether it has to do with his actual religion... and the answer is "no, not really."
  18. The only substances historically used by Tantrics in India are alcohol and datura, so I don't know where Gil gets the LSD use from - it's certainly not his religion. Cannabis is used as well by many a sadhu, but it's not a part of ritual. Anyway, it's not my place to pass judgement on Gil... the whole "ancient ritual for modern times" things seems phony to me, though, because the ancient rituals are still alive and don't need updating. However, since I've never met the guy, I try not to pass much judgement on him. As for the Shaman thing... I don't know where you get your statistics for India, but Shamanism as a phenomenon really applies to south American, Native American, and Mongolian religion - India's religious figures aren't shamans, and although some Tantric paths bear a resemblance to it, they're a different beast altogether. And as for taking a new name when becoming a Sadhu, one does do that, but in my experience, those born outside of India frequently have a hard time getting their western friends to call them by their new name. Without getting into specifics, I will say that I know a few people who were born in america and "went through the rigors" of being a Sadhu (or an Aghori, as the case may be) and still go by their birth name when interacting with most other Americans. I won't judge Gil for that, personally. (Hell, I got a name when I took my initiation as a spiritual aspirant, but I can't get people to use it, whether I like it or not.)
  19. I really enjoy this new style of yours. Seriously.
  20. I need more Sienis in my life. The only thing I've heard from him is "Sound of Musik" on VA - Recycle Bean. Next time I'm in the mood for psy I'm gonna head on youtube and listen to more of his stuff. In the meantime, though... Hudson Mohawke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9LDK86b60U&feature=BFa&list=FLONIiDrzQ04M&index=74
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyh_Y1GCqzo
  22. Once upon a time, I got painted like a panda. This is more common in my life than you'd think. That's what I look like a bit more recently.
  23. Going to give Diablo 2 another run through pretty soon. Other than that, obsessively playing Street Fighter II HD Remix.
  24. "So weird, I never forgot it... where do you think it comes from?" Har-El - Wonderland. Takes the cake, I think. Or at least part of the cake. There's other ones I'm forgetting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l_YIEuHNKU
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