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Jason Pandanandi

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Everything posted by Jason Pandanandi

  1. Goa Gil, despite being a less-than-stellar DJ, has a legitimate Hindu Tantric initiation (real Tantra, not neo-Tantra aka "Sex Tantra") and guru lineage (I can't remember if it's a Shaiva or Shakta lineage, but it's one of the two.) Tantrics use the world as a means to spiritual realization rather than seeking to ignore the world on the path to realization... so.. I forgive him for using Hindu symbols because he, out of anyone, has the right to. This is assuming his initiation and spiritual endeavors are for real, and I highly suspect that they are. His ability to DJ is another story altogether.
  2. People want their sounds to be too clean and pristine. The dirtyness happened in the old days cause everyone had to buy hardware and didn't have access to fast processing power on their computers to clean everything up. I say we take a lesson from Lo-Fi rock music or from Black Metal and cultivate dirty production as an aesthetic.
  3. It was a vision, clear as a mountain stream... Love that sample. It's from Twin Peaks, Mjr. Garland Briggs speaking.
  4. Really love Fluorostani Transcendence. It's near the top of tracks I wish I could remix, given the chance.
  5. JABDAHHHHHH. Ok... now that that's out of the way. I really must say, Koto - Jabdah is a hilarious track. It's been an inside joke among me and my friends for several years. That music video. Lol. 43:00 is "Electrica Salsa" by OFF... some remix of it that I haven't heard. That "Ba-ba, ba-ba, mm-mm-mmhmm" is instantly recognizeable. The great thing? OFF was a Sven Vath project!
  6. How did we get onto Twisted/Lone Deranger? Certainly, I don't mind... two of my favorite albums for sure. That said, while I like the yin/yang comparisons... Twisted feels pretty "dark" in its own right to me. Dark Magus and Shamanix feel so edgy and... liminal. No... From a phenomenological standpoint, taoism is the esoteric component of 'Chinese traditional religion' and really can't function as a complete entity without the rest of the trappings of traditional chinese religion... but it bears distinct similarities in its form with Mahayana (Northern) Buddhism, and when Mahayana arrived in China, the two began to function as an organic synthesis, similarly to the way in which Mahayana/Vajrayana and Shinto do in Japan.
  7. It's my personal opinion that Twin Peaks is the best television show ever. If only I could get into the rest of Lynch's work to the same degree, but I find myself unable to do so. edit: As far as animation goes, I particularly enjoy Neon Genesis Evangelion, Utena, the original Gundam (0079), and a few other things. Spent some time as an anime nerd growing up.
  8. You asked the question in such a way that "Yes" means "stay"... but it's ok. Truthfully, I'm ambivalent. It's whatever, I guess. I haven't made up my mind to hate you. I'm not too big on the whole hate thing (anger is another story altogether; it's justified sometimes.) That said... you said in this post that you weren't trying to offend religion, just to separate it from Goa Trance... fair enough, if it were true, but in fact, you said all sorts of hateful things. Mostly the "horrific [religion] of inequality and murder" comment. One's true colors are shown in comments like these. But... it's ok. Like you said, we can all be assholes. You're welcome to think that religions are control mechanisms. I disagree with you completely and in fact think that sanctity is the "one thing needful"... but we can agree to disagree. I don't talk about my religion around here because it's not what I'm here for... I'm here to be a goa trance musician and fan. But if we're going to talk about it... don't be an ass about it. I could say all sorts of negative things about your viewpoint, but I try to be friendly most of the time. Concede me (and others) the same. And as for the whole Goa Trance + Eastern Symbolism thing... it's a bit offensive to me and everyone else that actually practices some of those things seriously, but at the same time, I don't mind it that much. It's part of Goa Trance, like it or not... and I like goa trance as a whole, in spite of the annoying stuff. Boy, it's really hard keeping a straight face when I try telling someone I practice an eastern religion seriously when they already know I love goa trance. Loving goa trance means "not very serious" about hinduism/buddhism/whatever most of the time. XD tl;dr: Don't be an ass.
  9. Chris & Cosey were amazing... ex-Throbbing-Gristle members. TG is good in its own right.
  10. Alright, well, I'm out of this thread. I'm a practicing Shakta in an ultra-traditional guru lineage from W. Bengal, and I'm more committed to that than I am any music scene - especially one with arrogant folks like DJMax whatever. Spirituality and religion is my life; trance comes second. The fact that I'm into both goa and hinduism is a coincidence anyway; I'm not too fond of the surface-level-attraction to eastern religion that most goa displays. I learned long ago that I have nothing to prove and no-one to convert... and that said, I also have no reason to dialogue with people who disagree as to the nature of religion when their minds are already made up and hateful. Sorry, guys. I've got priorities... maybe I'll be back when I release some tracks. Peace. GoaArtist&DJ&DurgaDevoteeJasonPandanandi2005
  11. Reminds me a bit of UX.
  12. Loving the personal reflections. If this dude had a blog where he just shared memories from the 90s, I'd read it.
  13. I think calling the genre neogoa just sounds silly, but I also think (no offense) that associating 'neo' with nazis is equally silly. I call it goa trance. That's what it is. If I have to describe it to someone in comparison to oldschool goa, I refer to it as the goa trance revivalist movement. The point here is that it's still goa trance; even if it isn't everything we want it to be.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_hCAngDS54 Maybe the best breakdown in the history of dance music.
  15. These are exactly my complaints, but you have synthesized/compiled them into a nice cozy list. This is the kind of thing I could use as a checklist of sorts for when I produce. Most importantly, I'd say, is the lack of "dark" influence. Things are too sunny in this genre.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-xVvj7zPbs easily my favorite mix of Eastedge.
  17. God, Kuro... not to drift off topic, but I just want to chime in that Zoa 96 is one of my favorite tracks of all time. I haven't found something that special in ages.
  18. I render all my bass as mono anyway and mix it like you would for a rock song. I'm not a fan of this super-bass-heavy production that's swept all dance music in the last 10 years. If you listen to a lot of the classic goa acts, they treat the bass as just an element of the music rather than as a driving focus. Go look at Orphic Thrench, for example.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtTpszuKXqA
  20. My ambition ever since being a teenager was to make trippy acidic goa... I gave up on it for a while cause I didn't think there was a fanbase for it anymore. I've convinced myself otherwise and started to get the hang of it lately, but I still have misgivings about it because all the hands-in-the-air stuff still makes me think there's no market for the acidic goa.
  21. Every goa producer should paste this on their studio doors and on their master keyboard so that they see it at all times. This is the truth, and goa will stagnate until people understand this.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ej-Cs86oQGY On a side note, I hold the heretical opinion that Family of Light is superior to IFO. Just burn me already.
  23. Thanks for friendship :)

  24. Hmm... for the most part I agree with you, however, I will say that in my Pro Tools certification classes, I learned how to get an analog sound out of a DAW. It can be done; it just takes some work... and I'm willing to work for it, personally. Going to listen to that KLOP stuff soon, and answer your PM as well, OM. Sorry if anyone feels like I'm disrespecting the entire neogoa scene; I'm not. I love a lot of it. Freshly Cut Tomato and Temple of Chaos are huge albums to me, just to name two. I just wish there was more going on, that's all. Panda out.
  25. I liked the Artha album and EP and it's definitely something that we need more of in this scene, although I think it sounds a bit too clean and polished - that's just personal taste on my part. I like things to be a tad bit more lofi. So much modern trance just sounds clinical and sterilized. As for Erta Ale... great release, and yes, weird, but there's still something missing that I can't put my finger on. Perhaps it's just a personal taste thing again. Anyway, Cronomi still isn't playing the digital distribution game, so that only solves *half* the problem :\
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