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Jason Pandanandi

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Everything posted by Jason Pandanandi

  1. Thanks for adding me. You know, I never knew there was this 'Friends' feature in Psynews? :lol:

    Wish you success!

  2. Heya. I'm a 24 year old (at the time of writing) goa and ambient producer from Indiana, USA. Been browsing this place since the goatrance.free.fr days... only managed to convince myself to register a few months ago. There's no goa scene where I live, but I'm moving to Buffalo, NY in the near future, and am looking forward to being close to the Toronto scene as a result. I'm not really sure what else there is to say about me. >_>
  3. Also, as much as I'd love to start a weirdo goa label like Matsuri or something, the scene could REALLY use a label that isn't over-specialized. Suntrip is mostly known for floaty stuff. Cronomi is known for heavier stuff. Sita is known for nitzo. Why can't we just have a Dragonfly or Blue-Room style label that releases good stuff regardless of sub-subgenre? Just an observation..
  4. I'll freaking do it if I can find a few other artists to release, damnit.
  5. You're absolutely right. All I was getting at is that I've heard 10 imitations of Transdimensional and absolutely nothing that made me think Geomantik, Rock Bitch Mafia or Science of the Gods. edit: nor am I making a value judgment saying that "weird" albums are better than straight melodic albums. I'm just emphasizing how very little of the former sound currently exists. What's better than what is a value judgment dependent on the individual listener.
  6. I've spent most of the last six years making ambient music cause I was disheartened with the way psy was going. I grew a pair and decided to make psy the way I wanted it to sound come hell or high water about 8 months ago... so I don't have many tracks done. 5 finished, and only 3 that I like. Final mixes aren't done on any of them, just composition. If you'd like to hear a VERY VERY rough draft of my newest one... there's a thread for it over in Music Promotion!
  7. As a fledgling goa producer, I'd like to give my input. The scene is lacking in "weird." We've got all these musicians making Astral Dimension Hunab-Ku-5... but where's someone building off of Eat Static? Darshan? Hallucinogen? Prana... GNOTR... Deviant Electronics... 'MOK Systems... etc. All that diversity is just lacking completely. Those are *my* personal influences, but sometimes I feel like I'm the only one. I'd like some producers to prove me wrong on that. Stop writing in phrygian and phrygian dominant. Write something in natural minor for a change. Use some really syrupy acid lines. Use more acid-type stuff in general. Even if there were some artists producing that kind of stuff... what labels are out there to release it? Cronomi is known for releasing some 'darker' stuff, but even then, a lot of their material falls into the Etnica/Pleiadians side of things... DJ Inada said to me once that he really enjoys Etnica type stuff. That's cool. I respect Cronomi and love them to death... but I'm not sure the scene needs more Etnica-wannabes. Hell, I don't even have a problem with wannabes... IMHO, everyone's a wannabe of someone else, whether they know it or not. But I want a Slinky Wizard wannabe, damnit. And if there was that mythical Slinky Wizard styled project... like I said, what label would release it? Moreover: back in 'the day', vinyl singles were a huge part of the goa scene. Obviously, things have changed and vinyl is less relevant to today's goa trance scene... but instead we have digital singles via Itunes, Beatport, Juno music, etc. Digital singles are the future, seriously. Look at the success that ektoplasm is enjoying... and frequently, they put out small EPs rather than albums. I'm not sure if a market exists to purchase digital singles via Beatport, for example, but that market could be cultivated. The full album format is not dead and will never die in our scene, but we have in front of us a wonderful way to return a singles-based market like the 1990s, and few of our labels are taking advantage of that. That depresses me. Iboga bombards me every two weeks via facebook with an announcement of a new digital single, but they're releasing a very mainstream sound. Taking into consideration the difference in listeners... there's no reason we couldn't release singles every 4-6 months. If you do that over time, goa will gain a presence via Beatport, and things might change. tl;dr: Needs more weird. Needs more acid. Needs labels that keep up with the distribution patterns that are proven to work in the modern electronic industry. Just my two cents, and my personal opinion. :3
  8. Yeah... some of the drums need a bit of work and I want to get some of the acid lines sounding a bit better in parts. Kick drum's also way too freaking loud. I appreciate you listening, though, and I'll keep everyone posted. There's more where this came from.
  9. Hey everybody... I'm working on an EP to release for free this summer, and thought I'd give a preview of it. The mix of the song is very rough; I haven't gone back and EQ'ed and compressed everything right - but I think you'll enjoy it anyway. It's very acidic goa... british style, ala Flying Rhino and early Twisted records. Head over to my Facebook music page, click "Band Page" on the left, and check it out. Feedback is appreciated http://www.facebook.com/pandanandi if you wanna follow along when I release the EP this summer, feel free to click "like" on my page. Hoping to release through ektoplasm. You can also get me on soundcloud...
  10. Front 242 - Circling Overland. one, one, twenty-twentynine...
  11. That deity thing is Bhairav. Jai mahakala! Totally looking forward to this release.
  12. I live in the midwestern united states and until recently didn't have much money to travel on; so I haven't seen many live acts - I did catch Hallucinogen a few years ago and was very impressed. I caught Astral Projection in 2009, however, and thought it kinda sucked. :\
  13. That's a tremendous compliment to me; I'm really influenced by all that early goa that didn't abuse asian melodies - Hallucinogen, Doof, Slinky Wizard, Darshan, etc. If that's what it made you think of, I think I'm on the right path for my own artistic vision. I'll be sending out some demos to a few labels pretty soon, just need to do the final mixes of the tracks. edit: Half the reason the final mix isn't done is that I can't find the power supply for my delta1010 soundcard, and so without it I'm reduced to using headphones instead of my monitor speakers, and that just isn't going to work. XD Trying to correct this problem.
  14. Hey, everyone. I've been producing for a long time, but I've been really nervous about putting my stuff out in the open. I'm ready for this, though. This is a track I just finished. It's full-length, but still really rough. I do my composition first and then my mixing; so for this track, only the composition is done. I plan on mixing/EQing it better soon enough. I want to know what people think of this, though... so here it is. The bass might be a little loud... but it's still awesome, I think. Here goes! https://www.yousendit.com/dl?phi_action=app/orchestrateDownload&rurl=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.yousendit.com%252Ftransfer.php%253Faction%253Dbatch_download%2526batch_id%253DbFlFY051dzg1bml4dnc9PQ Give me real criticism; I'm prepared for it. if you like it, hit me up on facebook to follow my new tracks. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pandanandi/61133602502?v=info#!/pages/Pandanandi/61133602502?v=info
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utbhbJpW3wI also, this doom metal band has been on my playlist a lot recently: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FMr61LyEV0&feature=player_embedded
  16. I love this stuff almost as much as goa. Have at: I. Corax Halo Manash Zoat Aon Zero Kama Metgumbnerbone Ugegi Aoiveae a Ser Bestia Centauri First Law Megaptera Lunar Abyss Quartet/Lunar Abyss Deus Organum Inade Predominance/Wolverine Onirot Rhythm & Noise/Naut Humon/Etc Dead Voices on Air (especially How Hollow Heart) Merzbow + Christoph Heemann - Sleeper Awakes on the Edge of the Abyss (not noise like normal merzbow) Herbst9 Kammarheit Maeror Tri Shinjuku Thief Hexentanz Oophoi Terra Sancta Kaniba plus everything dark ambient on the Cold Meat label which I didn't mention, including Raison D'etre's side projects... there should be plenty of room in this for you to explore. This ranges from everything from ritual ambient using human bones to pure dark ambient to stuff with a power electronics/industrial edge. Enjoy.
  17. GNOtR - Ring of Fire Indoor - Shiva Pleiadians - Maia, Headspin Sandman - Bad News (New Way) Xenomorph - Hallucinatory Spheres Hallucinogen - Shamanix all for different reasons. the climaxes of the Sandmana and Xenomorph tracks on here are REALLY epic to me, even if they're a bit understated.
  18. Where do the last few Ticon releases fit in, here? By all means, I like them, but... are they really prog *psy* anymore, or just prog?
  19. Thanks, Drosophila. I've been lurking around these parts ever since I was a young lad back in the goatrance.free.fr days... you can all make fun of me for waiting the greater part of a decade to sign up. I don't know what's wrong with me. XD Looking forward to participating, discussing, and sharing a bit of my own music eventually.
  20. Blasted Project II Trance on the morning commute to work. I'm on The Smiths - Strangeways, Here We Come, now.
  21. Picked up an original of Family of Light on Amazon back in 2003 or so, but never got around to getting I.F.O. on hard copy. If there's a 2X cd with that and the Live DAT coming out sometime in the next couple years; I'll just wait. That said... I think Family of Light is the better album. By far, even.
  22. I'll be at Wakarusa, and maybe at the St. Louis show. I saw him the last time he came through St. Louis and it was totally amazing.
  23. Yeah... it's a cancer for sure. I enjoy some of it, but I'm sick of it being everywhere and I'm sick of everyone talking about it... all these new ravers think it's the apex of creativity in dance music culture. Sigh. That said... it's not bad by itself; divorced from its social context. L-Wiz is really cool. Really, really dubby. I wouldn't say psychedelic, but it's very chilled out and covers some ground that the "wobwobwob" producers won't touch.
  24. Perhaps this is too obvious, but you might enjoy Eskmo.
  25. What religion does Shu-ki practice that lets him claim to rip people off in the name of it? That's just baffling.
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