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Everything posted by Philter

  1. richi the guy that played the sax, is quite picky about releasing stuff on the net so the distortion and the low bit rate was a compromise. im not allowed to mash up the sax too much, he preferes a natural sound, what i did with it is already too much..as for vocals, i dont think well have some because none of the guys i play with can sing well enough nor weird enough...
  2. i had the chance once again to work with the very talented "richard koela" (saxophonist), and we came up with this very psychedelic jazz score......... http://www.philter-music.com/philter_and_b...hard_koeler.mp3 tell me what you think....
  3. after having hit each other with refrigirators one night we came up with this psychedelic jazz track...that is me and my band... http://www.philter-music.com/philter_and_b...hard_koeler.mp3
  4. i personaly find it quite dangerous to compose while under the "influence", dont get me wrong i do that sometimes myself and it can be great to find unusual ideas. however.............. you may find yourself moving in circles, and i mean that literally. i.e. working on something that may sound really great "at the time", only to find that it sounds like crap the next day and not really remembering what it was you were trying to achive.... i used to work as a sound engineer, and i remember a particular recording session that lasted a few days. i was recording a reggae band and they smoked. when i say somked i mean they always had a spliff going round, i didnt participate...these guys thought that it would be a good idea to be stoned while beeing at the studio....the problem was that they completely lost track of what they were doing, the songs were written and normaly all they had to do was to record them. it was a nightmare: instead of sticking to what was planned they suddenly had all these "new ideas". while one member of the band was jamming on tape taking one take after the other, the next member would already say after this take its my turn im really getting a vibe on this etc......so after a few expensive days in the studio they ended up with nothing but one jammed together track that sounded awfull....and you can imagine whos fault it was in their eyes: of course mine.......glad im not working as an engineer anymore..
  5. ahh very good, compleatly forgot about that....only have a crapy creative sound card on the notebook, thats a much better idea... havent used v 5x in ages...hope he reads it
  6. ok: in your start menu in the cubase folder, there should be a small app called "asio directx setup". in this app you can set the buffer size for both the input and the output of your sound card. obviously you have to choose the asio driver in cubase for low latency. stay away from the "asio multimedia" driver...its crap.
  7. bear with me ill just boot my notebook (i have cubase v 5 on that)...tell you how to do it in a few minutes...
  8. lower the buffer size of your sound card... which software are you using?
  9. nice harmonium solo.........really nice.....
  10. moni, i dont think were on a level here:).. i wasnt questioning the content of "artist news and label anouncements" the question was: so seeing that you agree with me that "artist news and label anouncements" is a type of promotion, why have 2 areas...you could simply move the "artist news and label anouncements" within the promotional area.....
  11. from what yamaha says, it sounds great but i couldnt find any reviews on it....looks great too, multi band compressor with presets created by professional mastering engineers.... why dont you download a trial version at the yamyha site?
  12. well i personaly think that the division into 2 promotional areas will result in a lot of double postings... correct me if im wrong: imo for most artists for whom this board is relevant, a release is a promotional tool to get the "gigs". and as we all know a gig pays (in most cases) more than a release on a compi.... so while the music making (and check out my tracks) section is more about artists and technology freaks to exchange their ideas, a promotional platform could server the purpose of advertising, like the "artist news and label anouncements". so why have 2 sections. so as you see moni im not confused. ..ive spend alot of time and money on promoting my act in the past. thats why this part of the forum is of special interest to me and im sure others using this board as well. haha... i dont find the reviews confusing, but 5 years down the line, this forum will be really full, thats all i meant. soooooooo... i think you guys have some internal discussions ahead of you.....
  13. thats why i havent (yet) replied to any of his topics........and im great at stating the obvious..... .......
  14. but i want one too ...and the promotional skill thing was irony
  15. see your pollishing up your promotional skills well one thing i did notice is that at 2:08 the whole thing gets a bit muddy...when the melodies come in the drums and bass get pushed into the background....this stops at about 2:34.....maybe a tad over compressed....
  16. will the "artist news and lable anouncemets" section also be moved to the promotional area? or will that stay seperate, i mean that is promotion too, isnt it.... and while i am not a signerd artist, but certainly playing live, would i also post in this section to promote myself, like i saw a post by analog pussys booking agency for example...or even the booking community your part of? if every year has its own promotional area will we all need a 126 inch monitor to read psynews? just a thought...it might all get a bit confusing...
  17. generally a good idea, the only problem with option 2 may bee that if you dont fit into the specified BOX then youve won nothing..
  18. how did it all start? as a small kid i used to build drummkits out of pots, pans and whatever made noise when you bang it.. so when i was about 9 or so my whole family chipt together to buy me a small drummkit...dont get me wrong i never reached pro level because i soon had to stop playing when my family moved from northen germany to london, as you can imagine playing drums in a flat gets your neighbours to freak.. havig also always had a passion for electronics and while my peers were fascinated by flashin lights, i build oscilators, generators, woblers etc... my first encounter with computers and music was on the 48k spectrum. a friend of mine had an extention board which could be used as a sampler...i instantly got hooked... later i bought an atari 512, there was also an extention board which could be used as a sampler, and the first sequencing software called pro 24 by steinberg. not really having much cash, i started buying cheap equipment, mostly crapy yamaha products...at one point i had an akai s700 (which i still have today), yamahy tx81z, roland tr 505, and a couple of other yamaha modules too crappy to mention. i also started to build my own effects processors (out of books) such as phasers, bucket brige delays etc... after finishing school i started as a tape-op, then became an engineer and worked as such for a while....when the last studio i worked for closed down in 98 and not finding another one that would employ me, i decided to move back to germany in 99.... back in germany i went back to school, then university to study popular music (left after 4 semesters) bookings are coming in but its all so slow, could do with some more this year!! still wating for the breakthrough:) well im working on it.. so those were the beginnings....but the story goes on.....
  19. the design looks "oscar-"ish....
  20. sounds really promising for those early morning outdoor sessions.... lets have more
  21. yeah vocoders are great on drums, here is a little excerpt of a track i did with a bass player and flute player a couple of yers ago......the vocoder is most present on the snare but its also on the kik, just very low in the mix.... its not psy trance however, but you get the idea..-... http://www.philter-music.com/Rauschphilter...n_(excerpt).mp3
  22. well im crap at reviews, but ill give it a go since you requested it. for a start i think you have way to many ideas in the track, some of them seem to be there just to fill the spaces. it somehow sounds like you pasted at least 2 tracks together. for instance at 4:21 when the track changes to a 3/4 timesignature and at 8:15 when the blues guitar loop comes in. however between 4:21 and 8:15 i realy liked it. maybe you should turn just this part into a track. dont take this the wrong way, there are lots of good ideas in the track, but i think you should concentrate on the essence... so.....that was my "pesonal" oppinion.... keep it up
  23. V/A Wonderland - mixed by Beauty and the Beat. Waldfrieden Events - Wonderland (2CD) The Festival Compilation mixed by Beauty and the Beat. Waldfrieden resident DJ team Beauty and the Beat, better known individually as Sally Doolally (UK) and Goetzlich (Germany), take you on a journey through the smoother side of Goa with their hypnotic fusion of trance. Their unique charisma has brought them to play for Earthcore, Exodus, Namaska and Rainbow Serpent Festival in Australia, Club 66 (Bali) and at parties and clubs all over Europe including trance festivals Dance-A-Delic (Belgium), Antaris-Project (Germany) and naturally at home in the magical woods of Wonderland. Psyshop: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/waf/waf2cd002.html Waldfrieden: http://www.wald-frieden.de/
  24. do you mean that in the parabolic or the botanical sence?
  25. i dont know the virus, but try this: if you are using midi clock to sync then change to mtc or vice verser, if that does not work use both mtc and midi clock. maybe that will work... always make sure that the pc is master and the midi device slave....
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