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Everything posted by Philter

  1. e-motion - electric music (r.p.o. traxx)...2003 pixel and cyclic - nuclear device....200? sonic soul - pornodelica (sonnenvakuum rmx)....2005 meller - mysterien der 8....2004 james monro - battered 2004 in any order....there are more but those where the first 5 that came to mind....all depends on the mood im in..
  2. what i find worse (i dont know if its still like that these days) is those countless news channels...when the narrator stops talking for a second, you suddenly start to hear all the background noise...hums, hisses or sometimes even other people talking....i think someone should explain to them how to use a compressor, or maybe they should do a soundcheck in those long advertising blocks...how annoying..........
  3. good thought, but maybe i should work on my spelling first, or simply stop adding "Es" where they dont belong.. off course it should have been "threshold" instead of "thereshold" ....
  4. thanks for the constructive criticism, ill look into that.....the tracks will be taken off line tomorow, as soon as i can activate my "hand eye coordination" again.......
  5. thereshold is the "sound level" at which the sound processor strats processing ie: when the signal reaches this level the compressor or whatever kiks in... dither is a bit harder to explain: a dither is a bit like a float on the water which moves up and down with the waves. in terms of digital signal processing this meas that the dither smothes out unwanted "squareness" in the signal. so when a sound processor has an internal resolution of 32 bits but the signal only a 16 bit resolution a dither can be used to make up for the quality loss. at this point it is important to remember that 32 bit is NOT double the resolution of 16 bit, double the resolution of 16 bit is 17 bit..
  6. what a simple question.... ....but on a serious note, first you have to decide what an "incredible sound" is, then decide which form of synthesis will get you there....there are so many forms of synthesis and methods of processing these days...so start simple, or maybe even use a preset that sounds similar to what you whant to create, and take it from there....
  7. hi Cybernetika, not my style, "too Heftig" , but i can tell that this track has taken a lot of working hours...smooth and pounding dark psychedelia.
  8. hi Xiphiaz, well let me tell you, for the first time i realy dig what your doing, even though the excerpt was very short, i think you are on your way... the only negative thing i have to say is that the track is slightley over compressed..... lets hear the final version....
  9. try ableton live, it will in most cases sound grainy though.....depending on the tracks....
  10. i dont know of a sample library, but you could try the mda-piano, its not that brilliant but with a bit of tweaking good results can be achieved... the e-pinao by mda is great though imo even absolutely dry... http://www.mda-vst.com/
  11. thanks for the lolipops ... just replyed to your PM..nice one
  12. please move this one to > "Check Out My Tracks"
  13. hi guys, gals and proggy djs, here are two tracks for your listening or dj-ing plesure: 1 philter - titanium white http://www.philter-music.com/philter_-_titanium_white.mp3 this track features a quite tribal/housy rhythm section a fusion of minimal tech-trance and groovy proggy trance...especially good for those sunday afternoon sets... 2 philter - stand up for your self http://www.philter-music.com/philter_-_sta...r_your_self.mp3 this track is pure minimalizem, the type of track required for those saturday moning wake me up and keep me going sets........... please note these tracks will only be up for christmas, after the new year they will be taken off line.....sorry...after all its a present...
  14. well a midi-effect is based on a midi control change in this case pan (midi controller 10), as i said not all virtual intruments respond to control changes. try linking the midi track to another instrument and see if it works for example vb1, ive just tried it and it works, to my amazement it dint work with the a1...funny that.....
  15. are you talking about a plugin, vst automation or a midi control change? im asking this because some virtual instruments dont respond to some control changes. (some to none)
  16. good tip there, , if your using a drum synth like drumatic just turn up the decay to tune your kik......
  17. the most common type of enhancer slightly distorts hi frequency harmonics thus making the signal put through it sound brighter. a bus is a route a signal can take, for example a "channel" can be routed to the "stereo master bus". the auxilary effect send is also a bus to which a "channel" can be routed to. a group channel can also be termed as a bus. mixers are often described as 8bus or 16bus mixers, these mixers can be used with multitrack-(tape)-machines. when in a recording situation the relevant channels on the mixer can be routed to busses wich are then assigned to the different tracks of the multitrack-(tape)-machine. for example channel 1 (guitar) is routed to bus 1 wich is assigned to track 1, channel 2 (bass) is routed to bus 2 wich is routed to track 2. both channels are also routed to the master bus. this enabels you to hear guitar and bass in the mix while being able to record them on separate tracks.
  18. you can also some times achive this effect when time streching, it could also be somesort of fm sound...oh and its also gated 16th...
  19. sounds like something put through a ringmodulator and delay....
  20. they might have a different sampling rate or bit depth, or might be in mono. i dont know the NN19/NN-XT but your best bet would be to convert the samples into 44.1khz / 16 bit / stereo.....
  21. check the "device menu" to see if the reason channel is active (green), if not then activate it. now reason should apear on the sx mixer. (device menu->reason...click to activate)
  22. even though i don`t use rewire, i may have a solution for you. solo the rewire channel and use the "export audio" function ( file->export->audio mixdown ). then reimport as an audio track... hope that helps.
  23. here are some general guidelines when syncing two midi devices: your computer should allways be master and the keyb, drummashine etc. allways slave. some devices prefere mtc others midi clock some need both, experiment. if your device does not loose sync and its just running behind or ahead use the offset to correct the timing. hope that helps.
  24. i like track 3, nice groovy morning sound, lets have the full version!
  25. Great German compilation from famous Waldfrieden Event. Featuring many international artists who build in this compilation very interesting concept at the border of full-on / melodic psy-trance to progressive morning beats. Makes this compilation wide open for all choices and any kind of DJs - don't miss it! Psyshop - Waldfrequenz
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