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Everything posted by Philter

  1. well i had a small crisis when i saw that the forum was down, so i`m glad to see it`s back up and running. i don`t realy post that much, only in the "music making" forum. i only read threads in the "label anouncemet" and "music making" forums so i can`t judge what was going on in the off topic forum. i`m just glad that psynews is back! thanks for the great effort!
  2. just found this amazing revreb on the web. the difference to all others is that it is a natural reverb generated in two old 11 meter water tanks. you can upload a mp3, which is then send through the tanks by 2 speakers (jbl control-one) and recorded by 2 mics (rode nt-5), you then recieve the processed mp3 back. have a listen to the exampels (german=beispiele) link: http://www.tank-fx.de/
  3. exporting the step designers content as a midi file does not seem to work, however the sequenced vst can be exported as an audio track. 1. Drop down menu "File": 2. select "Export": 3. then select "Audio Mixdown".
  4. This section of psynews is NOT dead.
  5. Nice thead ! Here is my contribution: http://www.philter-music.com Stream or download some excerpts from my current liveset. http://www.electronic-kitchen.de/downloads.htm download full lenth tracks (some are older) and mixsets. not all psy/proggy.
  6. thanks a lot! that did the trick!
  7. hi guys, ( cubase sx ) does anyone know how to route a midi controller to an automation parameter? for example controller 74 to control a volume fader in the sx audio mixer, so i can record automation? can anyone help?
  8. if you want to silence your pc cheapo style, and this method is realy effective, just solder a 2 watt 50ohm resistor in series with the +v lead of all of your fans. this will choke the rpms of the fans, thus making them quieter. if you dont know how to do this get a mate who knows some basic electronics to help you. this wont cost you more than € 5.- ( 3 pounds)... however make shure that your pc dose not get to hot!!!!
  9. dont forget the roland jd800, especially good for those seeking the classic goa sound.
  10. apparently there is a software caled "audio cara" which supposedly helps to optimize room acoustic, although its not specifically for studios. http://www.cara.de/ENU/index.html
  11. by using this method you can achive an effect often refered to as "pumping", the kik pulls down the level of the bass when it playes.....
  12. well im quite happy with my old sony md..... most mp3 players are crap at recording...well the ones ive heard anyway... and they only have line in as opposed to my md wich has quite a good mic preamp with phantom power...
  13. there is a midi compressor in cubase, open the track parameter of the desired midi channel and its the 3rd option down (Vel-compress), however i doubt that is what ure after. because it acts as a velocity compressor rather than an audio compressor. so: route the output of the vstis to a group channel. right click on the track field:select group. in the general mixer, you can now route the desired channels to that group channel. add whatever you want as an insert effect....
  14. check out some freeware synths, there have been lots posted here OK...
  15. Hey Mylo, silly question sill answer: if you want to replace a particular audio loop all you have to do is: 1. save and close project and close cubase. 2 move the loop from its original directory to another (so that its hidden) 3. reopen cubase and the project (cubase will say the sample blablabla.wav can not be found) 4. in the field where the name of the name of the sample appears, type the name of the new sample ie "blablabla2.wav" and search in the folder you have placed it in. 5. when cubase finds that sample just click OK. ps. i have tryed this with two loops wich were exactly the same lenth. i dont know if that is important.
  16. Hi rek2, before you start planning your live act, you should consider the following: 1. are you aiming to do your live act on your own or do you have a band? 2. to what degree is your live set going to be live (ie played in real time) the more you actualy play the more people you will need. 3. which part of your setup do you want to take with you? a notebook or endless cases, racks, synths etc.. ok lets be realistic, you simply can not trigger every kik, hat, sample or play every melodie line. so you have to consider what you can actualy do live on stage and what not. if you have a notebook then cosider ableton live. ableton live has 8 stereo tracks, so it might be a good idea to split all your songs up in to 8 tracks this could work as follows: 1 track for bass line and kik, 1 track for pecussion, 2 tracks for melodies, 2 track for effects twirls and such things, 1 track for grouped things (mabe you have a break where you have stuff playing which normaly does not play) 1 track for stuff you trigger every now and then. if you go this way other things to consider are, keep all the compositions in the same key, tempo etc. this way you can combine different songs. ie using the drum from one song and the synths from another. another interesting tool is: Cakewalk - Project 5 V2 check out this demo video:Project 5 demo or this link:www.project5.com
  17. What are u trying to sample? ultrasonic bat noises?
  18. http://www.earlevel.com/Digital%20Audio/Aliasing.html
  19. Try "Moun Tau" its freeware: Moun Tau
  20. A "Tracker" is a type of sequencer, dating back to the days of atari and amiga, the programmig used is similar to that used by drum mashines... hope that helps...
  21. hi qa2pir, first of all sorry for my spelling, im no sure if its "shelf" or "shelve"..... as you can see in the graphic below the shelf-eq is the type commonly used in bog standard tone controlls in hi-fi systems. it is the default eq in cubase for bass and treble the mids are bell type eqs. "shelf" just describes the shape of the curve, in practice this means that the centre frequency is boostded or cut less or more than the frequency extending the center frequency. to make the whole shelving thing clear: say your holding a 30cm ruler in your hands, in the left hand your holding the end saying 0 cm. in your right hand your holding it at 5 cm. if you now lift your right hand a few centimeters up the end saying 30 cm is obviously much higher than at 5 cm. analouge to that is a high shelf while boosting, lower frequencies are boosted less than the higher ones. a low pass filter will idealy (in theory) cut everything above its center fequency, in practice this is seldom the case. ie a first order lp filter will cut 6db per octave, a second order lp filter will cut 12 db per octave, a third order lp filter will cut 18 db per octave...etc... well the reason i wouldnt use a lp filter is that the steeper the cut off curve is, the less harmonics you will have. then you might as well use a clean sine wave. but if you use a first order lp you will proberbly get similar results.
  22. didnt any of you guys own a hardware sampler in the past? some one must have had the same problem as me?
  23. hi qa2pir, if you have halion then sample a real bass preferbly one with a low b string (5 string bass), or get one from a sampling cd. real basses have a nice harmonic content. then cut some of the top end (use a shelve eq not a lp filter), compress it with a multiband compressor set to suppress the top end and to lift the bottom end (bell-type eq) (not too much !! distotion !!). set the bell-eq in the range where you are playing so that all notes even the higher ones are audiable or to your likeing. make sure however that you cut everything below say 15hz, these subsonics will only steal headroom. traditionaly reggae sound engineers recorded the bass through an amp placing the mic at the back of the amp to get that soft muffled bottom end sound.
  24. well im by no means the dogs bollox when it comes to recording techniques, i have had experience with the neuman u87, in vocal work (sung and spoken), over head (drums) and recording accoustic guitar (all studio situations). ive also had some experience with the rode nt1 also vocal work, and accoustic guitar. however i do not own any of these....sob... there was a link to the neumann sound engineer contest i wanted to post for you, but sadly it no longer exists. however still check their web page you might find it usefull, they also have a forum with experienced audio engineers. Link:neumann.com there is also a great litle pdf book by M-Audio called "Record Now - Choosing and Using Microphones" which you might find usefull. Link: M-Audio Microphone Guide if you do decide to buy a "clone", read some reviews, there are budget condenser mics that can be very satisfactory even around €100.-. obviously when compared to mics in the top leaque, they will have floors, but nothing you couldnt live with.
  25. ok, so neuman and rode are out of the question in that price range. there are quite a few (some cheap) condenser mics that have been flooding the market in the last couple of years. however i honestley do not have experience with these "clones". for instance makes like: t-bone, samson, beyerdynamic and others are worth checking out...... read some of these articles:Sound On Sound some condenser mics cost as litle as €50.-....... as to your quesion wether the interface will suport dynamic and condenser mics: yes, just turn of the phantom power to use dynymic mics.
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