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Everything posted by vnvmod

  1. Etnica - Alien Protein Pleiadians - IFO Astral Projection - Another World
  2. tracks by Decoded Feedback: Breathe, Phoenix, Evolution, Bio-Vital (Funker Vogt Remix), Reflect in Silence
  3. most familiar with geir jensen's biosphere so i picked that. perhaps to be considered less ambient i like the Microgravity album quite a bit. intertwined with memories.
  4. cinos asked me to post his farewell letter somewhere on psynews so i choose to post it in both of these currently active threads regarding him and his ban. Regarding Cinos Ban. (General) Cinos (Off Topic)
  5. yes, but even the elderly can learn! come on in, charlie!
  6. can't say i'm displeased with the result... nice job.
  7. i think i saw it stated that the votes of those who did not vote a full top-five were ignored. is this correct, or did i misunderstand?
  8. vnvmod

    Khetzal - Corolle

    4.6/5 = very good (plus a couple inches more towards the divine) one of the best albums i've ever heard. feeds me with a current of unspeakable joy each time. on the late i've also listened to filteria's sky input album and and it's pretty much as good too. they aren't very much alike, but the essential divine passion that they both awaken in me is the same, i suppose, and that's all that counts.
  9. 1. Khetzal - Corolle btw tatsu, why didn't you just edit that previous post...?
  10. in 2012 i'll have it. but that may not be the only thing...
  11. tell me when it's out in the torrents.
  12. ah, metal. of course.
  13. pm and you can d/l it from me. btw that Chi-A.D. album is named "Virtual Spirit". a great one too.
  14. haven't heard others than Alien Protein, which is... well, suffice it to say the most spiritual album i've ever heard, an efficient tool to a blissful trance state...to begin with.. Pleiadians - IFO comes kind of close, but in a different way. i didn't vote. i'm still n00b.
  15. i'm going but not taking a camera along.
  16. and now there's even this: talk.google.com
  17. your accent was cute. actually i was expecting a less prominent one so it was funny to hear it... tolis had a strong accent and insejn spoke funny swedish as they do out there...
  18. i know, i know... there are so many things to do!
  19. haha! once i get this computer back (going to return it for repair) i might install skype again... it should run better on this one.
  20. yes, looks very nice. the new name has a slight apocalyptic feeling to it..
  21. i've had it playing a few times today and i'm not sure if it's super good but still good indeed! thanks for the recommendation! 4.0 out of 5 so far, which is a good score.
  22. the coitus track was a bit disturbing. they could've used better and/or subtler female samples there.
  23. here's some decent ear-plug-phones (or in-ear-monitors (IEM)).
  24. i have a 366MHz IBM ThinkPad 600E with 288MB and it's almost good enough! for movies and playing music and surfing. although i don't make music with it. is several GHz's really what's required in order to make music with decent programs these days...? if you don't have the GHz's then is the only other option a tracker...? hmm... just curious since you never know...i might get interested in making some tracks myself too in the future...
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