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  1. haha, man, I could barely find my way out of the venue let alone find where they were selling CDs. I think I asked a mate to go back and get one for me but the door dudes wouldn't let them. Doh! Tomorrow I'll have a copy
  2. far out... went to the CD launch party in melbourne for this last night. holy shit. maybe the CD isn't as great as expected (havent heard it myself) but live, Freq is the fuckin man! I'll be buying this CD on monday morning. unreal
  3. Can I just say, WOAH! Best party EVER.
  4. I have my ticket and I'm pretty sure I have a ride, it's on like donkey kong! whoop whoop! I'm excited!!!
  5. Can someone explain to me why music HAS to be grouped into a specific genere? I really don't get it.
  6. Well if we are talkin PSY then I would have to go with Astral projection - Nilaya. That has been my fav track since i first heard it back in whenever. Anyone with me on that? I really like Electric Universe - Journey in to the subconcious. I always hear these amazing tracks out and wich i knew what they were Some other goodies are: Tool - Stinkfist Smashing Pumpkins - Soma Pendulum - Tarantula Ed Rush and Optical - Bacteria (pendulum remix) nothing beats Nilaya though
  7. Nah, some of my mates are but I can't make it. Going to the Melb Hallucinogen, juno and phil hartnot gigs in early dec tho. ended up costing more than an Earthcore ticket! dang it! have fun
  8. Yeah I would hope so, but hating on an accent? When they hear the accent, does it really SOUND that bad or is it triggering thoughts of above mentioned foreign policy and government? I don't know.
  9. There's a lot of anti-americanism in the world today which is kinda sad. As for samples in songs? Man, I dunno if it matters what accent it's spoken in, it's more the words/message isn't it? I can't say I've ever noticed the accent...
  10. New Zealand: FREq (even tho he made it big in aus, we'll still claim him ) Antix Not really psy but 2 great acts all the same
  11. Woah! Great review mate but gotta set the record straight there. Those boys be Kiwis!
  12. The Full-Om parties rule! There was one last night and the turn out was great. I'm gonna be moving to Melbourne soon, time for a change
  13. My Mum's in her 50s too and a HUGE juno fan! Guardian Angel is her fav. I am so into 10 000 miles right now. I love that track.
  14. The launch party is next sat, the 7th of may here in NZ. I suppose it will be available after that? It's worth the wait.
  15. OK, I may be biased but this album is pretty damn good. I like it more than Lull, personally. Cold Nights - I love that track so much!! Argh!!! So proud of these guys
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