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shaman of sound

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Everything posted by shaman of sound

  1. you probobly bought it from krembo records right? the saler thier told me that his friend went to the usa and got 5 copies of the album, and brought it to him, and that they are the only shop which sold this cd in israel
  2. hey pavel nice collection. i see you have juno reactor- labrynth. just know that fact that you are among oinly 5 ppl in israel who have this cd? i have it too luckily
  3. i guess that astral projections music is not goa according to your opinion.... try to ignore the album TEN....
  4. i think that our winner is Yahel- Aroud the world
  5. i think that the dj with the most techniques is Avi Nissim from astral projection.... its very interesting seeing him preforming
  6. Mine can go from very calm to psychedelic, even dark psychedelic... i have a problem that somtimes my pulse can reach real high numbers...
  7. i'm 17/5 years old, and i own 80 records. i started o collect seriously 2 years ago.
  8. no man, you are not the only one who has this feeling...
  9. the only music by ofer i like is pigs in space
  10. yessss i forgot about it...
  11. same goes here!
  12. Jerusalem???? i never heard about an astral track called jerusalem.... where have you heard it?
  13. YOU dont have any records? yeah right...
  14. try this: sub6- indian jackpot
  15. vibe tribe melodic= full on melodic
  16. well as far as i heard, dont except an album like Dancing Galaxy or any other of those astral classics... somthing more sounds like AMEN, with all the good and the bad things in it.
  17. if you are talking about the album TEN i totaly agree with you. except 2-3 track this album is a discrace! i heard some new tracks, some are good some are not. we will just havr to wait for the album and check it out.
  18. am i the only one who is waiting to the new astral projection album??
  19. im also willing to trade. contact my icq number:213669371 or e-mail: oabraham@walla.co.il
  20. progressive all the way! very interesting album indeed
  21. you must say evey astral projection album excep TEN. Ten is not goa trance unfortunaly... as for hallucinogen, every release is just gold!
  22. cosmic accesstion is nice, but not Borises best work
  23. Izik levi is pretty young.. he is only 25 years old. he was in witchcraft when he was only 16
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