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shaman of sound

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Everything posted by shaman of sound

  1. Goa Trance?
  2. ok ok i have found it! the two wort tracks ever in my opinion! alien project- Groovy alien project- i remmeber the firt time. god oh god...
  3. hallucinogen- LSD just kiddin' relax brothers and sisters average track.... thats a hard question... ahmmmm well my choice is: infected mushroom- static dancing. thats the only thing that comes up my mind right now
  4. very interesting prophecy for the future my brother we will have to wait and see.
  5. ahh yes thats kind of what i ment. if you ask me, there is kinda new gener of full on Vocal Geners. you can see almost every average full on artist having a track with vocals in his album. that appears aspecialy in Israeli artists, But luckly not all of them.
  6. Live Act: Astral projection MFG California sunshine BLT & Danny Makov Juno Reactor Hallucinogen Zodiac Youth Shakta X-Dream Infected Mushroom Electric Univers DJ Sets: Avi Nissim (Astral projection) Yuli Fershtat (BLT) Guy Sebbag (former astral projection)- i have been in one of his sets... best party of my life! Simon Possford (com'on!) Passenger (former half of MFG)
  7. mmm i saw this question in a forum in israel.... it could be: Astrix and Delirious- Tel- Aviv
  8. as you have probobly seen, evry 5-6 years there is another gener added to psytrance. for example, the full on gener started too appear in 98-99, and its one of the major geners of trance today. another example is the DarkPsytrance Genere. i think its the newest genere. only 3-4 years old as far as i know. so my question to you is what will be the new psytrance genere? when will it appear? BooM
  9. wellcome to the forum! and my best track for today is: Astral Projection- Dancing Dalaxy also the best album
  10. these tracks are good, but they are all old. i heard a new track from him called morning pray- you should listen to this
  11. Please do so. it will not harm you
  12. nice idea.. but i dont think its legal...
  13. well, Passenger is going to release an album in HoMmega records soon. the problem is that there are talking about this album for over 3 years! 3 years the album appears on the "coming soon" section in HoMmega records website.... i heard that the party in Belgium was great, and i also have some pics and a video of the show. i heard a new passenger track latley, called "Morning Pray". I find it nice, old melodies with nowdays sounds, very interesting! i'll try to find some more information about upcoming releases
  14. i think combustion is a great album! best dark album for sure!
  15. the album is ok... but not even close to the old electric univers releases
  16. psyside- pandoras box
  17. manny poeple see the other side as the real jem of converting vegetarians
  18. ahhhh yeah most of the people here chose 97 as the best year, including me! i think 1997 was a turning point in trance, became more proffesional it sure gone one level up in that year.
  19. 1996-1997
  20. Helioum......
  21. old school? definitly! but the sound is very pure. i sould mention again that this track is not released in any of astral projection nor sfx albums.
  22. a very nostalgic one.... its erez's eizen from infected mushroom old project with jork kassler from shiva space technology.
  23. Astral Projection
  24. alot of these tracks names have a meaning in hebrew. for example: qlipoth- shels Tzelmavet- shadow of death Gehinom- Hell Shaari Abadon- gates of doom
  25. no man, not mahadeva...
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