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shaman of sound

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Everything posted by shaman of sound

  1. i think that ambient with classical music should be a real blast
  2. the first track realy kicks ass!
  3. No man. but thanks! i forgot to mention that this track was not release in any astral projection album nor SFX maybe in the rare Rainbirds....
  4. dark soho- dark moon in stonehenge Astral projection- Mahadeva
  5. Astral Projection California Sunshine MFG Infected Mushroom Ra Dark Soho
  6. hey Asher! my name is Nadav and i'm from tel aviv israel. i must say that all the releases of your label are very very cool! i, personaly have only israeli pitch process, a great album! good luck with the second dusty nastions!
  7. Eskimo Talamassaca and of course Electric Univers
  8. ok.... bringing this topic up agian, i think its vert important. i asked avi nissim about this and he didnt denied it. thats one good thing. he asked me to get all the information i can about this release and maybe then he will uplaod it to the officail astral projection site. i hope he can give us more information about this.... we will just have to wait an see.
  9. i voted for Israel, my country. i vote for it only beacuse the goa sounds that came from here. after israel comes England! i realy heart warming to see that most of you voted for israel, i thank you in the name of all psytrancers from israel!
  10. bp empire calssical mushroom converting the gathering im the supervisor
  11. why how old are you?
  12. yes, but its full on........ i'll go to the party and i'll promise to tell you how everybody were
  13. next thursday MFG, Astral Projection and Chakra are going to preform in a clum near my house. Must be there~!!!!!!
  14. thanks bro.
  15. i dont know about any over side projects of D5, but i just love Ra's music. amazing goa!
  16. well, thanks alot for the information guy! i know the album to sirius was released in nova tekk records, but i cant find it anywhere! not in psyshop nor any other record shop i'v been in. not even in noa tekk's website. can someone put the picture of the album cover please? or us there a guy who is tired of this album and want to sell it? i have the album on mp3, but all my other cd's are original, so i must have this too! shaman of sound
  17. i happend to hear an amazing group named Ra. i know they released an album called too sirius in 2001. who is\are he\they? where do they come from? did we hear anything new from the seince the album? THANKS s.o.s
  18. Ra- beyond control Astral Projection- people can fly Ra- astral flight astral- kabalah astral- let there be light mfg- dark waters mfg- why
  19. space cat - traceformer.
  20. i have 2 MFG albums. the prophecy and project genesiss. both are amazing! im soory to disapiont you but only Guy Zukrel, passenger, the more active part of the group is releasing an album. the album will be released in the label homega, which is a label that releases almost only full on music. so i saddly i have a strong feeling that this albu, will be pretty much full on..... there were alot of talking about this album in israel in the past 2 years and still, no body heard tracks of the album, they do not preform... no body knows nothing. we will just have to wait and see.
  21. Amazing cd! i got it today! worht every shekel!
  22. i think that a colleberation between juno and simon will be to much special.. but also the best! could it get any better than this?
  23. No man.... sorry
  24. is it true? am i dreaming? i feel like i wonna cry fro m joy!!!
  25. all the track in the classic set of guy sebbag are my rarest trax
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