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shaman of sound

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Everything posted by shaman of sound

  1. well, the set was in Zamir club in tel aviv in the 25th of march 2004, and it was also played by avi nissim at the ten years party of the label usta. i'll try the space cat track, i know it is a very very difficuly one, but i know there are experts around here!
  2. ok... this is a realy difficult one. i dont know if its realy an astral track, but it was played in avi nissims dj set and in a Guy Sebbag dj set. i'll try my best to describe it... well, there is a great melodoy that repeat itself over and over again and i t seem to rise and rise and get louder and than goin down and so on... please if you know this one, i'll be very very gratefull.
  3. wow the albu was released somthinglike a year ago... a very nice album, especially track no.1
  4. dark soho- dark moon in stonehenge
  5. two cd's: astral projection- in the mix and the second cd: classic trax- a mix by dj guy sebbag. both are just amazing!
  6. i heard this is pure goa trance, is that true?
  7. my rarest cd is: classic trax- a mix by dj guy sebbag. a realy rare one
  8. Electric univeres- cosmic expirience Jono Reactor- labirynth Analog pussy- trance n' roll thats all at the moment!
  9. no no thats ok my man! share all the information you have about the album, please.
  10. i didnt know about this too! i was so surprised that i could not sleep at night!! this maybe the lost album of astral that became a myth. there is a very little hope to find this one in regular shops, must search realy realy good.
  11. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa are you sure that this is astral's sfx??? where it eas released? what year? from where do you have it??? talk to you on icq fast!!! if its true, i must get it today!
  12. i hate most of alien project and raja ram stuf
  13. the name of the bizzare contact album is Plastic Fantastic. very nice one!
  14. we want sample! we want sample!
  15. Me too!! what about these guys from norway???
  16. when will it get to israel???
  17. i buy most of my cd's from "Krembo Records" in shenkin st. number 18 in tel aviv israel. they got eerything there! new & old.
  18. i voted for Astral Projection, But i think all these artistd have amazing music. espescially: MFG california sunshine, dimetion5, Etnica, pleiadians, and of course Youth. allmost forgon the amazing simon possford!
  19. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last one??? why why why???
  20. i know the album will reprinted soon
  21. Does anybody know what is going on with simon? i heard hr has a project with Eat Statick... anybody know?
  22. astral projection- dancing galaxy best selling of all times! astral projection- tit vol.3 amazing! no words to describe! prana- geomantic so cool! Ra- to sirius best goa came out outside of israel in the past 3 years juno reactor- bible of dreams had to push it in somewhere
  23. as its sais inside: memories from the past- insperation for the future
  24. WOW!!!!!!! A new Juno Reactor album!!!! a must have!!!
  25. An mazing CD!!!! i have it ofcourse!!! But it hink the first Retro cd is better!
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