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shaman of sound

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Everything posted by shaman of sound

  1. yep... hebrew it is. i can teach you if you like lol
  2. by the way, i read on the facebook that they are currently working on a mix of a new track.
  3. true, not that new, but these tracks are among the latests tracks that we heard from astral. you can also put in this category the remix for push's strange world.
  4. you can say that in some way or another i know avi personally. i just came back from india 2 days ago. i hope i'll have the chance to meet him and gather more info. there is no question that the world deserve to know whats going on, but very little info is coming from astral themselves. most of the things are rummors. as far as i know, astral still have the issue with bne, cause they have the right of the tracks of the original album that was supposed to be released. so now they are working on new music. tracks that you guys probobly know like: "one", "humans will play for robots" and the remix for jean michelle jear (oxygen). what i dont know yet, is if astral are negotiating with a label or will release it under trust in trance. releasing in a labes means that the the album will be released quicker. trust in trance will take longer but i think that with better music. i realy hope to come back with much more info
  5. well ned, this is not exactly true. both avi and lior are belivers in some way or another. the cover of the album "TEN" is one of the symbols of the "Kabalah"- a kind of mystical bible. but i know your opinion about jews very well. keep the dialogue and conversation about the upcoming album and not that one man belife is bullshit. thanks. and by the way, the date 09/09/09 mean nothing in the hebrew calander.
  6. what can i say? after listening to some of the samples i can say that this album is not my cup of tea... nor coffe but hey, that is exactly what i expected this album to be so i am not disapointed at all. the cover is really really cool!!
  7. i bought the album, from big man himself exactly a week ago. sience than its not coming out of my stereo! i like this album very much and i think its the best Israeli release of the few years. I am following Afgins music sience i first heard it back in 2003, and i can truly hear the big improovment of the sound and complexity of the music. Afgin has many other beautiful tracks that were not released in his official album and i thinks its sad. im talking about: Amanita, Light up the darkness, Apollo 11 and manny others. in overall, this is a magnificent album of a magnificent creator But, Afgin plays a very important role in Israeli trance scene nowdays. He also the Man who is responssible for the big wakeup of the goa scene in Israel in the last 2-3 years. suddenly many of the trance pioneers in Israel are starting to play again. Im talking about Shahaf Shvartzman from power source, Guy Zukrel from MFG, Har-ell from California Sandman and others. all of this is beacause of Afgin, who played goa in his parties and than people wanted to hear more from those goa artists and now party orgenazors are bringing them. For that we sould all thank him. Thank you Afgin, on behalf of all the Israeli and worldwide Goa fans
  8. Retrodelic vibes vol.2 Psysex- expressions of rage Asia 2001- Ama zone
  9. 8 days to go! waiting for this album for manny year sience the first time i heard afgins music on 2003
  10. not released yet, but here is my recomendation: Afgin- Astral Expirience. release date is may 15th.
  11. i got the cd 2 weaks ago and ever sience its not coming out of my cd player
  12. here is what i got that day: Israels finest stuff (kasbah records) Diablo- inssuficient memmory (twice!) kailum- confusion not a bad shopping day at all!
  13. first one is very nice. especialy liked the remix for omar faruks track. realy chilling
  14. what i got today: http://www.discogs.com/image/R-355945-1171642199.jpeg http://www.discogs.com/image/R-183487-1106382425.jpg http://www.discogs.com/image/R-94907-1208605942.jpeg http://www.discogs.com/image/R-150-420994-1111097062.jpg
  15. today i went to a 2nd hand store in tel aviv that 3-4 years ago i used to find there some nice trance cds, but ever sience nothing realy special. until today! Saddly, the label BNE is no more, so, apparently most of thier stocks got into that store! this is what i got: jupiter 8000- twisted bliss http://www.discogs.com/Jupiter-8000-Twiste.../release/232830 Humus conspiracy 2 http://www.discogs.com/DJ-Yaniv-Humus-Cons...I/release/50297 Reborn http://www.discogs.com/Various-Reborn/release/102198 And the two gems...! first, Oliver Shanti & friends- Rainbow way, sattva music 1988 And a cd that i looked after for a very long time: Return to the source: Deep trance & ritual beats http://www.discogs.com/Various-Deep-Trance.../release/126581 it has been a successful shoping day!
  16. well, there is no trance dictionary that will define exactly how every style should be sounded. A thing that might sound like classic "goa" might sound to other like so called dark, or full on. its all a matter of definition i guess.
  17. and what about Bell size park? elysium or wombat music?, eddie mis, sandman...?
  18. they do. Trust in trance records. infect, phonokol and BNE were only supposed to be distributers when all the rights remaind at astral label i think. but i dont think that they will mannage to run a label, run families, make music, book shows, produce an album, market the album and distribute it.
  19. probobly...
  20. true. not that i had a chance too see these kind of things myself. but i do know that astral like to drink. alot. i heard manny things like that thier live shows are not realy "live" and even one time that they played "live" with in i pod. saddly, i have to say that i belive that. But, its an outcome of thier situation. i am not trying to justify them by any mean, and those who went to that party should get thier monney back. But it is all an outcome of thier situation back than of not having anyone to take care of thier show buisness like recevation of hotels, flight tickets, quipment for the show etc. it is very hard to take care for all of that by youself when you have 6-7 shows a month around the world. they did not have anyone to take care of that. i offerd Avi any help i can. i belive that when Astral will have a strong label that will take care of them all these problems and mess will be over, once and for all.... i hope
  21. you're wellcome it is all theory though. but it sounds very logical and as you saw, there are manny things to base it on.
  22. well, its not a bad idea, but i think Astral would rather to stay in an Israeli label, or release and publish thier new album in Trust in trance records
  23. Its no secret. i am a very big fan of astral projection. as musicians and as human beeings. i can honestly say that this track (One) is acctually a good surprise. it has much of the astralic touch. especially in the begining of the track. It reminds me alot Ames style, which some tracks in that album i liked alot. i have asked Avi Nissim snd he told me that the next album "open society" is going to be totally in that style. Its no secret. we all like Astrals older music. including myself. who doesnt? mastrpice albums like trust in trance 3, dancing galaxy and another world will allways have a place of honour in the trance hall of fame. i told that issue to avi too. i told him that all over the world (and i was talking about this forum especially) people would like to hear Astral of the 90's style. thier emotional and melodic trance music that pierced the hearts of those who heard it. he told me that: "it is no problem for us to so another 96 style album, but we felt we wanted to move on and creat new kind of new trance with touches of our own style." that was 3 and a half years ago. these 3.5 years were very difficult for astral. just left phonokol, with no label who will take care of thier buisness such as booking shows, marketing, publishing etc. the had to do it all by themself. its very hard to take for all that and still pruduce quality music, and have a personal life. Avi is devorsed +1 and Lior is remarried if im not mistaken and has a baby. Not a picnic or a walk in the park. then astral found BNE and we thought that things are going to be more arranged now, more clear about the future. But unfortunally the bad luck continues. After two years of divers relationship between Astral and BNE the whole thing collapsed. my theory and i am allmost sure that is what happend is: problems with shows booking. how it started? well, if you ask me it goes back to the early phonokol times. Phonokol is not a serius label at all. and i heard manny artists who said that. they dont take a good care of thier artist. Astral who had a contract with phonokol couldnot go out. they saw that phonokol are not taking care of them and booking them for live shows, so Astral started to do that by themselves. that things went on for few years and till Astral had enough. (you can see that in nov 2005 they released the compilation "back to galaxy at com.pact rec. i asked avi if that means that they left phonokol and he told me that it is thier last warning). they started to look for another label. the have found bne in 2006. its a more mature label for sure, but i think astral had bad habbits left from phonokol (booking shows by themselves). so i guess BNE did not liked that story too much and the things bloo out few months ago when BNE decided too sue astral. situation for the moment: Astral are still looking for a labes to released the anticipated album "open society". Astral are still booking shows for themselves. so, to sum it all up, i think what we have here (One) is much more than you can expect of this due nowdays. and as i said in the start: it is no secret. I am a very big fan of astral projection. As musicians, But even more as human beeings
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