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shaman of sound

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Everything posted by shaman of sound

  1. have to agree here.... but i dont know if you have noticed the future prophecy have released an album called "concept of love" in mid 2004. california sunshine are working seperaitly now... miko has the x-Wave project.... which sucks if you ask me, notice to the fact that he didnt make any track by himself, all his tracks are with other artists... a little bird whisperd to me he dont know to create music.... Har-ell has the Aderenalin Drum project now, and he released an album not long ago Vanity in Kagdilla records.. space cat and Oforia are maistreem now thats true... no news from Edie Mis, Power source.... sandmans cd was rereleased.... MFG and AStral Projection are releasing an album in the near future... but i do miss those old times, though i never been in those times... still i miss it
  2. have anybody here saw juno reactor live? i bet its an amazing expirience...
  3. thats the way i like it big and athmospheric sound.... melodies that can make you cry... thats Astral Projection for me.
  4. hmmmmmmmmm ask him if he got any premission from the artists he is doing remixes to please. thanks
  5. i dont know if to laugh or to cry...
  6. i think trust in trance in the best astral album along with dancing galaxy
  7. and let me just add bom shiva Bom bolanat
  8. iv'e already opend a topic about the upcoming album but this topic will be about the sample
  9. i this will be the style of the new album i'll be very happy Amen
  10. Amen is a great album, and far far away from TEN, chaos is a very nice track, but i cant call it a classic AP track, i dont see any other track that sounds like it (i mean not in amen).
  11. Agree in 100% i think that they had an attampt to re-invest themselves in the album Amen. i think that in the mix was a kind of attampt to summerize what they did so far and that they are up to a new style. Amen is a kind of a unique album. on the one hand its not pure goa trance like trust in trance and dancing galaxy (best astral albums for me) but on the other hand you just cant say its full on. it has the melodies, it has the rythem, but its just not it. TEN was a very big dissapointment for me. i liked only 3 remixes (chaos, visions of nassca,Mahadeva). i thought better artists would do those remixes, but what we got is Israeli full on artists that we all love to hate..... i just dont have a clue how Open Society will be. sience amen astral had alot of time to work on new materials, but then again, what will be thier direction? its aint going to be thier good old style, thats for sure, it could be an Amen style album, or sothing else..... or (please dont make it!!!) full on only time ca tell
  12. yes i thought it would be released earlier, cause i saw andvertisment about a launch party of the album in august in Belgium, so i thought the album would be ready by that time..... But its so typical for astral to talk about a date of the release... and its finnaly released a year after... oh well, we will just have to wait
  13. wrong forum- yes.. i have noticed- the modiators will take care of that.. wrong website- wtf?! have a eautiful day
  14. hi all! at last we have some new about astral projection new album!! its going to be released in early 2006, and its name will be Open Society. there is a short sample of the new track in thier website: www.astral-projectio.com
  15. i like this weirdo sound in the begining of the track... nice kick but i think it should be a liitle bit louder. nice shouting sample. as the track going on i find it kind of repetetive, but still i can see myself dancing to it. a nice one:) keep on working on it
  16. ohhh well.... in 2006 i'll be in the army... no boom for me
  17. the girl is hot music- just not.
  18. anyone heard about a boom festival in portugal this year? i have this crazy idea...
  19. i have now 85 cd's which i collected over the year... recently im more into collection old and rare cd's... and i want to trade also..
  20. Vorlan is realy great! one of my alltimes top 10. also the track thats comes after it is nice... forogt its name though
  21. phonokol sucks they had magnificent releases over the 90's but sience than..... everybody left them... MFG broke up, same story about California Sunshine... Only Astral Projection lest there, But its not the astral we want to hear... phonokol should have put more effort in getting better artists from the TEN remixes. so now they release cd for 16 years old kids like Tetrium by the way, MFG are planing a comeback in the label Hommega
  22. well it can be very interesting ti hear michael jackson new album Behind bars heheheh I cant wait for the new Astral Projection album and of course the new MFG!!
  23. hey man.... Belive me there is no cubase sx tutorial in hebrew.... i've also looked for it for a long time though...
  24. you got the album he? well, it has not reached israel yet... as far as i know at list... so forgive please for beeing exited from samples
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