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Everything posted by mars

  1. Well, that's why I gave a link to the other topic. It's not formal but you get the idea. And if you're a regular member you know what these guys are up to. I don't want this process to be too bureaucratic.
  2. This is the poll to know who will be the next admin of Psynews, The ful story is there. We have 4 applicants: - Insejn (Swedish member from the first hour) - Sunstation (Russian member, and multiple label owner) - RTP (Austrian, long time member of the community) - eiko/bwhale (Canadian, long time troll) For obvious reasons, you'll only be enabled to vote for the first 3 ones. The new admin shall take care of the community, the board, the development of the platform. This is extremely important so every vote counts. The vote closes on december 18th 00:00. mars.
  3. OK right, I think we've let enough time. Let's recall all proposals: Admin: Insejn sunstation (the russian label owner) RTP eiko/bwhale (come on...) Mods: elizabeths @reyu ziptnf Goa-Head Drosophila (not much time) anoebis (music sections) ouroboros technossomy Help: Ormion (non technical) Imba (non technical) Go-Goa Trancer (non technical) rotwang (money) Senobyte (1-2h/day) Technical: BlackStarrFinale (infrastructure) sunstation (the russian label owner) Let's proceed with a vote now: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/60327-vote-for-the-next-psynews-admin/ And continue discussing on that other topic. I'll merge them in the end.
  4. You need people present daily and untouchable to enforce rules. I mean, you'd need people 24-7 dedicated to the OT. That was not what we did, as our moderators were Psy lovers, not really board-havoc-lovers.
  5. To blame for a lot of drama, fights and eventually the presence of lame people exploiting weaknesses of the board to bring it down out of childish frustration.
  6. Judging by the incredible nuùber of orders we got from the reissue of his album, you're not alone to think that. And personally I couldn't agree more Matthieu, je sais que tu nous lis, c'est vrai.
  7. - approve new accounts or not (everyday a few minutes) - update the board with patches when needed (once every 2/3 months, 15 minutes) - clean up the mess and fights (depends on weeks, between no time and shitloads of time) - answer to all sorts of requests (change email/nickname, complaints, publich interviews, merging conversations, members, 0-2 hours/week) - keeping bwhale from coming back (perpetual attention) As you see this is quite automatic. I believe what's most needed here is some willpower to start over a new leaf and make the site live, grow. OK now this thread has been going on for 2 weeks, I think we should organize a vote or something.
  8. This is REALLY an excellent compilation. Killer music, no need to review, just listen to it. It's fresh-goatrance-from-inspired-producers, it rocks! Great artwork too, reminds me of the Psycehelic Goa Core ones. I wish there was a better mastering, that's all. It sounds "heavy" in my soundsystem here. You know this one would easily deserve to be pressed on cd? That's fearsome to say but that's true: we have a professional release for fee here!!! Cheers to Neogoa.tk
  9. I still have the old pages and the content. But you don't wanna reuse them. You wanna build something new that looks like it. That was oldschool html... Well, http://community.invisionpower.com/
  10. Once in a while I try to remotivate him, but I don't know anymore which words to use. He has a mountain of talent. For your information he's involved in another group of music with French people, that's vocal music but it's actually very good. Maybe this takes also alot of time he no longer uses to produce psytrance.
  11. Well, that was actually the point for a long time. The real story is, there was noone anymore to update the "real" site with all the dedicated pages after Children's departure. So my only choice back in 2003 was to let the forum become the frontpage, try to let the site live on its own, the time for me to develop a new site that would be less a hassle to maintain. I never found enough time for it, I regret it. In the meantime, the forum evolved, was upgraded, and became what it is now. Not much choice sometimes with software you depend on. So this board could deserve a new skin, already, to make it "oldschool" in a cool manner. And then about the OffTopic, I disapprove of it, because I do remember what it was like when on the other side of the mirror, but if you guys decide to reopen it once I'm gone, then I won't say anything, and you'll just have to deal with the consequences. And last but not least, there could/should be indeed a new frontpage, provided we have enough motivated developers working on it. And that would be just great.
  12. There is a misundertsanding. I wanna retire from Psynews to focus on other things. I don't want Psynews to freeze, neither die. On the contrary: Psynews needs new ideas, new dedication and time, I don't have them now. So new people are likely to give Psynews a new youth !! And I won't have a word to say about it.
  13. Why are you still there? Nevermind.
  14. OK Taking note of Insejn and Ormion's shy proposals. Someone else made a proposal to be moderator. That's building up.
  15. mars


    Which track ? Any from the Odball EP ?
  16. Currently not much. Validationg new accounts daily, upgrading the board whever a new version arrives (~every 3 months), and fixing a few discrepancies here and there with some account (password forgotten, merging accounts, etc). That's for the forums. But it could be good to have some people launching initiatives too with a real frontpage, as it used to be. But that's about building a team of motivated people.
  17. Cambridge Azur 540A amplifier (excellent, 300€) + Jamo loudspeakers (300€ too). I've had them for 9 years. A friend of mine has the same aplifier and Triangle louspeakers, and they're better, but mine are already very good. AKG K240 MKII headphones, just perfect (150€). Philips SHE 9700 earplugs, really good (50€?).
  18. We're not talking about stopping it. Not insanely technical. There's a few procedures to upgrade this and that but if the site emains on the same server then the database and softwares will be handled with Suntrip's and only the board code itself needs to be maintained/upgraded. Else, most of the work is about making the site live (ideas, articles, polls, communication, finding reviewers, etc)
  19. Approx 1 GB MySql. I still need the server for Suntrip, so if the forums stays on it, there's nothing to change. If the site had to move of course that would need some work. Naaah all it takes is a lot of love for the movement and a lot of motivation. Maybe not everyone has these, but surely more than one person. Maybe pass the word around? Even on other forums and communities?
  20. Right but Psynews is hopefully not going to die with me going away. My point is really to hand it over. We do need someone! Only one proposal so far from...bwhale/eiko Please guys, so? There's hundreds of you coming daily, so who's the man? Or shiuld we pass an announce on Isratrance of something????
  21. This thread will decide of the future of Psynews It's been almost 11 years Psynews exist. And for almost 11 years I've been part of it. I'm 33, during one third of my life I've been dealing with it with more or less attention. A lot of other people have been working on psynews too, countless hours. For reviews, on the website, on the moderation, the contests, bestof, etc. I would like to thank them all. However, everytime there's a difficult situation with some member, everytime the server crashes, everytime all mods got demotivated, someone has to be there to deal with the situation. Since Children left us in 2003, I was compelled to BE THERE, daily, for any situation, I was supposed to be available, would it be for 30 seconds or 3 hours. And did that with faith, then less faith, then on autopilot. I saw it with great sadness. I had great plans for Psynews, but one can't move mountains alone. Well, time passed. I'm no longer aware of every release, every party, every gossip. I have a wife, lots of (real) work, plus Suntrip, and priorites are changing. What happens when one makes plans for the future and there's no room for Psynews anymore? So I'm looking forward to letting Psynews go. There are countless ways of doing that: - shutting it down - letting it open in read only - resell the domain name and board license and turn a blind eye to it - hand it over to another team on this same server - hand the whole data over to another team - etc... I hope you'll agree with me that Psynews is a great place to find infos on Psytrance in general, and its archive is very valuable. So I'd prefer handing handing it over. But Psynews is mostly about the past now. In order to have a future, Psynews needs a new impulse, some fresh blood. Having that in mind, my decison became obvious. But now I need a bunch of white knights. Well, over the years I've seen many people interested in participating to one aspect or another, dozens of moderators, with the greatest intentions, and each of them got bored. After one day or five years they eventually abandoned. No blame with that, dealing with a known website, not that big however, neither very active, is a daily and demanding thing. And everyone has his studies, jobs, affairs, right? And anyway it's much more fun to use a site than managing it and being taken for a punching ball. At the light of this experience, if I want to hand Psynews over, how can I find a team motivated enough? How can I believe that motivation will last enough? How can I guarantee my "white knights" will not let the site to die after a while? I can't. And yet I have to find someone; the site cannot die like that, can it ? Maybe you're reading this and are thinking you're the man/woman for the job. Fine, but let me warn you once again. It's a joy, and also a burden. And don't think you'll manage alone, you'll need a team. In my opinion, to handle Psynews in the long run you must be: - 100000% in love wth Psytrance - Have a lot of time, like 1-2 hours/day if you want to make it live seriously - Pretend to be extremely wise, impartial, open, communicative - Be ready to work with other people - And yet be a leader, democracy doesn't work well on the internet - Have some tehnical background - Be ready to spend some money with it (domain name, server) - Never-never-never give up as Churchill said - But be ready to hand over the site yourself when life catches you in turn. I don't have all of these qualities myself, for instance I never was a team player, but we used to work like a charm Children and I. Having some hindsight and finding the complimentary person is sometimes sufficient. So who wants to take Psynews over ? mars.
  22. At first I thought there would be nothing above Artha this year, then came Crossing Mind...and I'm a fan of Etnica-esque music If we stick to albums, my choice goes to Crossing Mind and Artha close after.
  23. I cheked and thought and I REALLY don't understand how it works. Almost looks random.
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