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Everything posted by Snapinho

  1. Devendra Banhart - Chinese Children
  2. After some googling and discogging, I'm gonna go for Chillage People on Unity Dub's Voyage Into Paradise. Hey, I know it's cheating, but at least I'm honest about it.
  3. Alright. Other people have told us exactly this; why, given what they said were established procedures at the time, Infected Mushroom provided something completely new, which changed the way people in that particular scene saw their style. Since I wasn't listening to trance in 2000, I find it hard to decide whether they were really revolutionary. To me it seems they have their own style, which is very recognizable. I'm not a very big trance-fan, but do find it easy to recognize IM's music when I hear it. Now I don't confuse that with being revolutionary, but I do feel you have given no arguments why you disagree. Give some examples why it's not groundbreaking for you. And you can use all the ad hominems you want, I don't really care, cause your taste in music sucks anyway ( ) . But if you want to have a discussion, you better provide some arguments about the subject we're discussing... let me put it simply: "Why is Infected Mushroom's music not revolutionary?" Should be easy to answer for you, right?
  4. Against better judgment here goes... If you really think that deciding which music is more revolutionary (and that's not even the discussion... the only thing we're talking about is whether Infected Mushroom were revolutionary or not, something I have no opinion on) is like deciding which tower is taller, then please be so kind as to provide us with some standards, so all of us can understand where you're coming from, and decide together with you. Give us that measuring tape, please.
  5. You're doing it again. No arguments whatsoever.
  6. Well, I am telling you the following as someone who is a philosopher, and if you consider yourself a 'logician', then you must see that I am right, but your constant use of logical fallacies does not strengthen your point. Referring to an argumentum ad verecundiam does not prove your point, and makes you look silly for not being able to recognize an (interesting) metaphor for what it is. Your being a mathematician (you are not an architect) does not have anything do with it. The only thing you say is you are more qualified to judge this quote, based on your supposed 'authority'. This is an obvious logical fallacy which I - being a philosopher - can judge way better than anybody out there. Yes, I was being ironic. Throughout this whole discussion, you spend most of your time claiming the people that don't agree with you are unable to understand you, because of your superior insights. For someone that wants to claim there are definite standards we can use to judge whether a certain type of music is revolutionary, you sure seem to feel that you are the only one that recognizes those... I think the whole discussion is interesting on a meta-level. Not just about Infected Mushroom, but how one defines music as revolutionary. I do think that some people would agree on some artists being revolutionary (however, is Elvis really the first one to start rock 'n roll? Don't think so? Was he revolutionary? What does it depend on?) but it seems that opinions about a lot of other artists, albums, styles, influences etc. go both ways. Interesting, don't you think? Maybe it does have something to do with taste?
  7. I just wanted to say: "good post". And good quote too:
  8. Is this still happening? Who's going? I'm still somewhat in doubt...
  9. I tell you, my list wouldn't be far away from that of yours... maybe I'd exchange Murcof, Two Lone Swordsmen and Radioactive Man (whom I don't even know at all) for ... ehmmm ... Secede, Ulrich Schnauss and Telefon Tel Aviv or something. Or wait, maybe ... Brothomstates? Or Electrypnose (yes, Electrypnose)? Or Abfahrt Hinwil? Ok, so I wouldn't know. Fine.
  10. Bob Dylan - Forever Young painfully beautiful... brings tears to my eyes sometimes.
  11. Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues Fucking brilliant shit.
  12. Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother Such a beautiful, epic track.
  13. It just takes such a long time...
  14. Fuck... just ordered Kettel - Myam James part 1 Kettel - Myam James part 2 Yagya - Rigning Legiac - Mings Feaner From Sending Orbs. I really don't have the money at all, but the guys are from my hometown, I really like their music and artwork, and wanted to support them. But fuck! I need more moneys!
  15. Dude. Chill. This. Is. The. Internet. All he's saying that you're sometimes overly enthusiastic and you try to convert people to your personal taste. As if anyone that doesn't agree with your taste is just a poor misguided soul. It's not like that. You like A. Time_Trap likes B. I like C. Rotwang likes Autechre. Very much so. That's ok. It really is. If he thinks it's far better than anything out there, that's ok too. What you do is say things like: "if you like B that much, you haven't listened to A enough." Or: "you're not smart enough to understand A." Or whatever. But please, for shiva's shake, let other people have their tastes and enjoy different music. After all, that's how you learn about new stuff, isn't it?
  16. Xzibit - Yo Dawg (for lack of a better place to put this)
  17. Eskimoopie, that's just a terrible avatar. Screw it if I'm offtopic, I'll post some idm stuff later, but just had to say it. That ginger grin is so off...
  18. David Bowie - Drive-In Saturday Bowie's lyrics don't make a lot of sense to me most of the time, but whatever. This is such a beautiful song (as are the other songs on this album - Aladdin Sane)
  19. I disagree. Of course someone's review is subjective. Music is about taste, foremost, and taste is, yes people, believe it or not, subjective. Yes! Believe though as you might, there's no such thing as an objective review. You can compare an album to their previous efforts, say something about how it evolved, about the quality, about style or genre, or about the sounds they used... but in the end the only thing that really matters is whether you would like it or not. And I find that - if someone's reviews happen to coincide with my own taste more often than not - I am more inclined to take a certain album seriously or not. I mean, I am a whore in the sense that I'll listen to almost anything and am thus little deterred by reviews, but nonetheless... Anyway, I don't think this was meant to be a topic about the value of reviewing, but about psyreviews. I for one am happy he's back. His taste doesn't always agree with mine, and I don't listen to a lot of trance anyway, but it's always an interesting read. If you don't care about it, don't read it. His thoughts on the music industry and promotion are very interesting and he's obviously given it a lot of thought. Don't really see what's wrong with that. I do agree that he could review more interesting albums, and if he does only review the ones he's been given for free, he could consider reviewing albums that get a lot more attention. But where does antic get the idea that he doesn't review certain albums because they're different than he expected? Did you know his expectations? Did you know the reason he didn't review them? Really? I don't know why this post is so long. Damion, keep on writing reviews, as a non-trance-lover I love spending time reading whatever you have to write.
  20. Wonderful track! np: Salmonella Dub - Wytaliba
  21. "Let's all take some Mescaline!"
  22. And I wouldn't even call G Spot idm ... and oh, let's not get into the name of the genre. We all agree it sucks. I'll post a list later...
  23. Where do her hands go? They aint' touchin' nut'n, bro. Ain't doin'shit man.
  24. Exactly! Those terrible, terrible, terrible cheapass midisynthsounds... good idea. And I agree about Richard Cheese. Him and his band are really good musicians, which makes a difference. But yeah, any other great musicians that do cool covers are just as welcome. Actually much more welcome...
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