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Everything posted by Snapinho

  1. Snapinho


    This sums it up, more or less. Also, the fact that they didn't even try to make up any even remotely reasonable explanations for what they were doing (like, how they connect dreams, or how they tap into the unconscious etc. etc.) irritated me. Disappointment indeed. And as Basilisk mentioned: no genuinely original idea at all.
  2. I don't really agree with all the ratings, but maybe that's just me. I liked the movie, but same as Rino, I expected something deeper to develop after the beginning. I suspect this movie will be interesting to watch a second time as well, but the way the plot turned out wasn't completely unexpected to me and was kind of a letdown. Something else that struck me was that the protagonist (DiCaprio) didn't totally engage me. I wasn't feeling all that emphathetic with him... could've been me as well, of course, but I felt like something was lacking.
  3. By the way, this I'm jealous of. Damn. All of those artists... in that era. Makes me drool! But seriously, when it comes to playing LIVE! I have never seen a psytrance artist who is as skilled and engaged and fucking musical to the bone as Eat Static. No song of them (him) played live is ever the same, he's focused and constantly plugging things in and out, twisting knobs, turning levers, heating fluids... whatever. The guy's a maniac. I mean, LIVE! (LIVE!!!) sets without laptops are pretty rare these days anyway...
  4. About all of Eat Static's liveset I saw. @Rino: you were there in London? Nice! I liked Younger Brother's liveset best there, I was completely surprised and didn't know what to expect beforehand.
  5. http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/58297-the-good-stuff-from-2010/page__view__findpost__p__954701
  6. Their first full-length Abduction is most definitely a must-have. Classics as Abduction and Gulf Breeze still give me goosebumps. Implant (their second one) is also excellent, but to be honest, I'm a big fan and would say they haven't put out anything that's bad. Try Science of the Gods for some more broken beat oriented psychedelic techno, Crash and Burn! for even more breaksy weirdness and In the Nude for yet more fun, breaks, jazzy, exotica mixed psychedelic stuff. De-Classified is a return to more oldschool psychedelic techno and Back to Earth is highly varied chillout a la Eat Static. I can recommend them all.
  7. That's one CD I feel really shitty about not buying immediately.
  8. Same here. Plus Movements, which I knew but didn't own.
  9. Pre-ordered too and also ordered Movements since I hadn't done that before.
  10. Actually, he played two brilliant livesets. That was about the fifth time I saw him (also together with Joie) do an upbeat liveset but the first time I saw a downtempo one. Fuck. I get goosebumps talking about it. Fucking brilliant.
  11. Yeah, I know this will be deleted once Mars finds it, but in the mean time: ENJOY THE REIGN OF CTHULHU.
  12. I cannot recommend this album enough. This is the one that has gotten the most playtime in my cd-player so far this year and that really is saying something. Go check this out!!
  13. Nice one, Rotwang.
  14. Oh shit, I'm late already? Damn.
  15. Is there a larger version of the cover available? I can see that there on faces on 'em, but can't see enough to distinguish all of them. Would like to participate in this. By the way, are you releasing this is a digital album only, or will you press physical copies as well?
  16. Some real gems to be found here.
  17. Except for that last one - haven't seen it - I agree completely. Damn Otto, sometimes I don't have to express myself adequately cause you did it for me. Nice. Loved this movie, it might be time for a rewatch. Brilliant stuff.
  18. Hehe, that was my opinion of The Da Vinci Code. Well put.
  19. Sorry guys, I'm with Kiph here. And yeah, they were most definitely all in a purgatory of sorts. Dead.
  20. I agree completely with rino, Dan Brown is an average writer at best, the books he became famous for are nothing special, in my opinion, and have been before by a lot of people. How he suddenly became so popular? I have no idea. It's just a thriller and not a very good one either, I think. I mean, it kept me entertained for the time I was reading it, but that was it. Nothing groundbreaking at all.
  21. Hahahahaha. True. Okay, opinions diverge widely over this matter and that's also a good thing, but I have no clue what the island really was (care the share your opinion?) in the end... I'd be curious to know what you think.
  22. No, not really. It was entertaining while it lasted (and lasted and lasted...) but personally I don't really feel satisfied at all. Sure, everybody now says that the series was about the characters, but come on: a huge part of Lost was about the mystery and the promise that any sense could be made in the end. And in the end, we are none the wiser about almost anything. Even the ending of Twin Peaks or The Sopranos made more sense to me (and I consider both much 'better' (subjective of course) series as well).
  23. ^Hahahaha. Just in case someone hasn't season the finale yet, I'll wrap it in spoilertags.
  24. I really appreciate your reviews; usually the very super descriptive track-by-track ones turn me off - and only make sense to me anyway after I've listened enough to the album myself. Professionally done, thanks dude!
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