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Everything posted by Snapinho

  1. Seriously? I thought it was a really disappointing ending. Really. Disappointing. I'm sorry guys. I'm happy that you dug it, but for me it felt like a cheap cop out. Goddamnit.
  2. Snapinho

    Sci-Fi Movies

    ^I agree. I had never watched it either and did so only a few weeks ago. Wow. Just perfect. The atmosphere... the story... the characters... the plot... absolutely amazing.
  3. Any good? Supergroover wasn't too happy it, if I remember correctly.
  4. Ha. Good old psynews drama.
  5. What? Where did Adrenalin Drum come from?
  6. Hahaha. Yeah, it's meh. You know, Carbon Based Lifeforms, never anything out of the ordinary. Standard psychill.
  7. Just found it in my mailbox this morning when going to work. I'll have to wait at least 10 hours before I can listen to it. And now my hands smell like incense.
  8. How fucking brilliant. Thanks!
  9. What a well written post. I agree with all of it.
  10. Hmmm... vocals? I don't know, that kinda scares me. But being the CBL fanboy that I am, I preordered it anyway!
  11. What had I been listening to again? Oh yeah, Gonjasufi - A Sufi And A Killer is quite the special album. Crookram - Through Windows is free and excellent. Jazzy, Bonobo-ish funky hiphoppy stuff. Recommended as well. Jimi Hendrix' Valley of Neptunes is not at all bad for a new studio-album from an artist who's been dead for 40 years. Some old classics in a new coat (Red House kicks ass!) but some tracks are a bit too 'clean-sounding' for me. Otherwise it's very pleasing to my ears. Last one for today: the first full length album from these dudes from my hometown: Noisia - Split the Atom!. Check it out, very varied and thought through drum 'n' bass influenced stuff. I'm off to buy it straight away.
  12. Your opinion sucks! And yes, since this isn't psytrance at all, it should've gone in the Other Subforum, but who cares? What album were you listening to? I find your review very meaningless when put like this.
  13. Pantha du Prince - Black Noise Bells! Bells everywhere!
  14. I'm guessing it has something to with 'dream' or 'dreamer', but I'm not sure how.
  15. ^ I agree with the above! Also, not mentioned yet are Rephlex Planet Mu (yes, indeed, worth it!) WARP (can't be mentioned enough) Morr Music Sending Orbs Merck Toytronic Ok, fuck most have indeed been mentioned, but I'm just reposting so you know I agree.
  16. Richard Alpert is not the only character with a name similar to a famous person in history... what about John Locke? What about Faraday? And Hume? And Burke? Or maybe I'm thinking too much about this? Wait, there's Rousseau too... All philosophers, except for Faraday, who was a physicist.
  17. Of course it is.
  18. Next (the special effects team was out sick)
  19. I think it's David Weed. According to psydb that's an artist, but I for one have never heard of him. Anything got anything?
  20. No he won't.
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